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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight5.99 BTS
Lifetime fees paid8.78 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 5.99
BRIDGE.PIVX 0.0001094
BRIDGE.XLR 0.000209
5cb33762 paid 0.000162 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,888 BRIDGE.XAP
e0ed19ea wants 0.000988 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.5 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 39.5 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000988 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
21d2a872 wants 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.7 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 30.7 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC
6c675018 wants 0.00593 BRIDGE.BTC for 197.5 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 106.6 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0032 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 90.9 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00273 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
23443ac8 wants 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC for 315 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 315 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00946 BRIDGE.BTC
68b18ea8 wants 0.003006 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 100 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.003006 BRIDGE.BTC
a82ad5d0 paid 0.0000849 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,414 BRIDGE.XAP
1a621486 sent 0.1273 BRIDGE.BTC to
7b83ff22 wants 0.0002673 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.9 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 8.9 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0002673 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4ad497fc wants 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.5 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 26.5 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC
067ff14b wants 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.43 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 23.43 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000874 BRIDGE.BTC
380064ff wants 0.0108 BRIDGE.BTC for 270 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 270 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0108 BRIDGE.BTC
ed7b4a6b wants 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
c88267e6 wants 0.000707 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.64 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 17.64 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000707 BRIDGE.BTC
5767b731 wants 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC for 7.9 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 7.9 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000333 BRIDGE.BTC
b5014efc wants 0.000844 BRIDGE.BTC for 20 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 20 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000844 BRIDGE.BTC
1c938f76 wants 0.0973 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,283 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 2,283 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0973 BRIDGE.BTC
0ac76bf6 wants 0.01355 BRIDGE.BTC for 318 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 318 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.01355 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
65fc01a4 paid 0.0000153 BRIDGE.BTC for 255 BRIDGE.XAP
7017b22d paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1667 BRIDGE.XAP
93617990 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1667 BRIDGE.XAP
c8f79e92 paid 0.00000195 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.5 BRIDGE.XAP
0141a752 wants 1,702 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001021 BRIDGE.BTC
8a8d09ad wants 0.0001023 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 2.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0001023 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
94237f9b paid 0.0001277 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,824 BRIDGE.XAP
f7ec2486 wants 1,824 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001277 BRIDGE.BTC
e75a921d wants 0.000128 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 3 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000128 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1fc622da paid 0.00012 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,716 BRIDGE.XAP
78c7fa39 paid 0.0001271 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,589 BRIDGE.XAP
b8513045 wants 1,589 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001271 BRIDGE.BTC
a2b60c2d cancel order
df0c8117 wants 0.0000602 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0000602 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1cbba726 wants 838 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0000671 BRIDGE.BTC
98ed9994 wants 0.0000672 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0000672 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e98d9953 sent 106,633 BRIDGE.XAP to
c219d5ad cancel order
4c352370 wants 222 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00002444 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00002444 BRIDGE.BTC for 222 BRIDGE.XAP
5392cea7 cancel order
a3a2ace2 wants 83,448 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00002073 BRIDGE.BTC for 259 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.000016 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.000016 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.000008 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.002245 BRIDGE.BTC for 24,950 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.00043 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,774 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.0000433 BRIDGE.BTC for 481 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.00229 BRIDGE.BTC for 22,911 BRIDGE.XAP
51406554 cancel order
3a0b4d3f wants 195.7 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
46cea8c4 cancel order
ddce2499 wants 0.001654 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,724 BRIDGE.XAP
0c93a6d5 cancel order
d63d5638 wants 2,033 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001422 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00001398 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.00000819 BRIDGE.BTC for 117 BRIDGE.XAP
8b473e0c wants 0.0001435 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.99 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 0.461 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0000221 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2.53 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0001214 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
10cb3037 wants 176.3 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
c23be90c cancel order
13bc8238 wants 176.3 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
e0bb03a6 cancel order
02d3c048 wants 0.001612 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,402 BRIDGE.XAP
e31bc3b2 cancel order
21d2ddb9 paid 0.0001176 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,680 BRIDGE.XAP
18442c59 wants 1,680 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001176 BRIDGE.BTC
726e41ce wants 0.0001178 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 2 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0000982 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00001963 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
10880f37 wants 176.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
348448da cancel order
4cbcb530 wants 176.5 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
29fd2412 cancel order
12e22328 cancel order
3383b5e7 wants 0.001394 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,725 BRIDGE.XAP
fc4f7759 cancel order
3c7ea741 paid 0.0001002 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,431 BRIDGE.XAP
dedc91cd paid 0.00000123 BRIDGE.BTC for 17.57 BRIDGE.XAP
be9c2848 paid 0.00001493 BRIDGE.BTC for 213.3 BRIDGE.XAP
2c11e586 wants 1,662 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.0001163 BRIDGE.BTC
5ebbb15e wants 0.0001176 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 2.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0001176 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
dc70fad6 wants 77 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
737fa006 cancel order
b6ada65b wants 110.5 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00471 BRIDGE.BTC
cbd7a081 cancel order
4a766b42 wants 75.7 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
52b829a2 cancel order
024b6a86 wants 0.00118 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,072 BRIDGE.XAP
2ed63ac8 cancel order
822fc432 paid 0.000189 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,699 BRIDGE.XAP
66d2e8fa wants 77 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00363 BRIDGE.BTC
aa534f7c wants 100 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00471 BRIDGE.BTC
8c21a7ac cancel order
64999605 wants 177 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
889afd1c cancel order
fdd5512a wants 173.8 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
6b5dd53a cancel order
ca0940c5 wants 2,699 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.000189 BRIDGE.BTC
2d35a921 wants 0.0001893 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.94 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 3.94 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0001893 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
614cf50a cancel order
c7ea1e58 wants 177 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
6a577ac9 cancel order
73576c77 wants 177.2 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00834 BRIDGE.BTC
9afb644d wants 0.0002276 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.94 BRIDGE.XLR
8c7c3ed5 wants 254.5 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC for 254.5 BRIDGE.XLR
3d83ce4f cancel order
68d9f23a wants 254.6 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.01198 BRIDGE.BTC
07d84ebb cancel order
3bb9d182 cancel order
0177e72a wants 52.3 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00246 BRIDGE.BTC
bd6f534c cancel order
4fc96a68 cancel order
0cb98ada wants 20 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00099 BRIDGE.BTC
48fbe6fa wants 20 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.000981 BRIDGE.BTC
ff570fa3 cancel order
c15bf50f wants 202.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00952 BRIDGE.BTC
7635a84f cancel order
97631d06 wants 50 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00246 BRIDGE.BTC
27b5a39d cancel order
6ac56cbf wants 152.6 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00718 BRIDGE.BTC
7db33379 cancel order
8997f767 cancel order
4eaaa87f wants 97.8 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
57280593 cancel order
10f0b99b wants 62 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.002916 BRIDGE.BTC
de29b6c8 cancel order
c1199c49 wants 86.9 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC
16806ee1 cancel order
c39b9d5d wants 102.1 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC
2aed1e60 wants 100 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00426 BRIDGE.BTC
cb6cea39 cancel order
67a7ccfa wants 3,888 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.000162 BRIDGE.BTC
c4f5fd49 cancel order
f687e302 wants 68.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.002916 BRIDGE.BTC
de59977e cancel order
121bc43d paid 0.00314 BRIDGE.BTC for 73.6 BRIDGE.XLR
68b78480 paid 0.00482 BRIDGE.BTC for 96 BRIDGE.XLR
68fb6087 wants 96 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00482 BRIDGE.BTC
0998a790 cancel order
4746062e wants 0.000829 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,378 BRIDGE.XAP
11b80f71 cancel order
d3368e99 wants 875 BRIDGE.XAP for 0.00007 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000004 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.509 BRIDGE.XAP
virtual paid 0.00007 BRIDGE.BTC for 875 BRIDGE.XAP
ebf15e35 wants 0.0000701 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR
virtual paid 1.4 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.0000701 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e7746953 wants 212.7 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00907 BRIDGE.BTC
d66df5fb wants 100 BRIDGE.XLR for 0.00482 BRIDGE.BTC
d49a0276 cancel order
09c044f7 cancel order
19a05448 cancel order
c6521491 wants 0.000716 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,505 BRIDGE.XAP