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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight8.28 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.52 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.0669 0
BTCPLUS 0.0001394 380
OCEANIA 0.0008 0
BADCOIN 10,000 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BTCCORE 0.00407 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00001 0
FREECOIN 10,000 0
7cc0e802 sent 6.5 BTS to
ad086bc1 sent 380 BTCPLUS to
9aed154a cancel order
acab686b wants 7,978,100 USD for 380 BTCPLUS
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
35c79685 update account/votes
a78c3e15 sent 0.1 DEEX to
06f9ce2b sent 20 BTS to
c7aeb32a sent 131 CRYPTOCEEDS to
07b92b0d sent 34,610,684 COMPUCEEDS to
6684e642 sent 2,218 OCEANIA to
e3e45d3e sent 407 BTCCORE to
a9136b76 wants 2,218 OCEANIA for 33.5 BTS
virtual paid 33.5 BTS for 2,218 OCEANIA
f3190df4 wants 3,779,820 USD for 180 BTCPLUS
424452a9 wants 200 BTCPLUS for 13 BTS
virtual paid 13 BTS for 200 BTCPLUS
f9790aff wants 4,199,800 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
a2c97bdc cancel order
9712ddd4 paid 50 BTS for 407 BTCCORE
952a6bd8 wants 407 BTCCORE for 50 BTS
a7fbf842 sent 1,552 BTCPLUS to
38928b3b cancel order
7162d39a cancel order
23c0e6d5 wants 16,288,240 USD for 1,552 BTCPLUS
3640d587 sent 17,850 BTCPLUS to
496f457a cancel order
7a030bf8 wants 516,200 USD for 116 BTCPLUS
85906012 wants 199,800 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
6b02574c wants 350 BTCPLUS for 100.3 BTS
virtual paid 100.3 BTS for 350 BTCPLUS
6a7bb39d cancel order
bdfb836f wants 1,000 BTCPLUS for 80 BTS
bb33be7c wants 50,872,500 USD for 17,850 BTCPLUS
bfd482c9 cancel order
b732aee8 wants 51,765,000 USD for 17,850 BTCPLUS
1f5d2092 cancel order
6e29d6bc wants 53,550,000 USD for 17,850 BTCPLUS
32185595 cancel order
2ec7ddb9 cancel order
46b28bd9 cancel order
086f8ff1 cancel order
bee3937b sent 350,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
2f1688b3 sent 100,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
d19e139b wants 19,357,250 USD for 7,039 BTCPLUS
d108f1b8 wants 957,000 USD for 348 BTCPLUS
2769eff2 wants 15,026,000 USD for 5,464 BTCPLUS
2fdc4ce0 wants 13,750,000 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
8f5363ab cancel order
dc64db13 cancel order
b4fa1fab cancel order
5fcdc4f2 wants 1,389,680 USD for 464 BTCPLUS
7c750193 wants 14,975,000 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
d92644db wants 14,975,000 USD for 5,000 BTCPLUS
bc81b428 cancel order
c97c5d38 cancel order
90cd1e2a cancel order
63439a61 cancel order
716af3f5 cancel order
c5bb45dd cancel order
e957eb2f cancel order
b957c980 cancel order
b4a0d815 cancel order
cf5c8042 cancel order
5f38d23c cancel order
0be2b04d cancel order
0c595087 cancel order
425fc285 cancel order
3c56af0c cancel order
d5c34995 wants 3,835,000 OPEN.USD for 1,300 BTCPLUS
3a8c106c wants 5,700,000 OPEN.USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
4e35e43e wants 5,500,000 OPEN.USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
8a4cc767 wants 3,000,000 OPEN.USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
cdd5f136 wants 2,950,000 OPEN.USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
0e27ee4b wants 2,900,000 OPEN.USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
1bdc83da wants 2,850,000 OPEN.USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
327e496c wants 280,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
e34cd72c wants 278,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
a63816cf wants 275,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
a3d96170 wants 270,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
912d0c22 wants 265,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
121b8f9a wants 260,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
844d328e wants 250,000 OPEN.USD for 100 BTCPLUS
a9e4f3bb sent 10,049 BTCPLUS to
6191dc67 cancel order
3e383b52 sent 3,097 BTCPLUS to
4b034420 cancel order
a26f885c wants 1,388,496 OPEN.USD for 464 BTCPLUS
75bbefc3 wants 516 BTCPLUS for 400 BTS
virtual paid 400 BTS for 516 BTCPLUS
1fcd5dda wants 854,142,900 BTS for 10,049 BTCPLUS
d2f9aa65 wants 247,762,560 BTS for 3,097 BTCPLUS
e2d9223e cancel order
28725338 wants 278,730,000 BTS for 3,097 BTCPLUS
d540231a cancel order
dfd92456 wants 4,620,724 BTS for 3,097 BTCPLUS