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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight61,636 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1,020 BTS
Cashback/vesting184 BTS
246.3 CNY


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 6,629 0
OPEN.DOGE 69.5 0
YOYOW 4,702 0
OPEN.EOS 294 0
DEEX 0.1 0
SEER 0.00234 0
NEXTCOIN 0.0001 0
GDEX.BKBT 3,996 0
QUBIT 0.0004 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00002 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00001 0
CNC 5 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
STELLER 0.007 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
CISCOCOM 0.00001 0
INDEXDJI 0.00000001 0
INDEXSPX 0.00000002 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
GDEX.FGC 0.00148 0
ALIBABACOM 0.00001 0
FORDCOM 0.00001 0
CUBED.CNY 0.000483 0
DONGFENG 0.003 0
TWITTERCOM 0.00001 0
GDP 0.000556 0
XBTSX.STH 0.0713 0
GOOGL 0.00001 0
GDEX.MTS 8,630 0
BRENT 0.0002 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.00422 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
CNY 0 3,000
c3b14b70 sent 90 CNC to
e00e75e2 paid 217 CNY for 730 BTS
0348a70b paid 594 CNY for 2,000 BTS
166947a7 wants 4,731 BTS for 1,405 CNY
virtual paid 594 CNY for 2,000 BTS
43f0e8ba cancel order
b962fb32 wants 4,784 BTS for 1,405 CNY
c0be5e6a cancel order
2bc6ec43 wants 4,784 BTS for 1,405 CNY
da325fb2 cancel order
4bb35f34 wants 6,728 BTS for 1,998 CNY
virtual paid 594 CNY for 2,000 BTS
d254b881 sent 745 CNC to
63410e39 sent 44,620 CNC to
ad2540d7 sent 50 CNC to
e095a4f9 sent 50 CNC to
0610e5d2 sent 50 CNC to
5f2551b5 sent 20 CNC to
13aca678 cancel order
0e7e4c5f sent 53,520 BTS to
e9fe0eaa paid 8,046 CNY for 53,516 BTS
40c5d8ae wants 53,516 BTS for 8,046 CNY
86677aa8 cancel order
0b9121c6 wants 64,462 BTS for 8,046 CNY
82d315a2 wants 624,824 GDEX.BKBT for 2,000 CNY
20524d4d cancel order
643cff51 wants 84,410 BTS for 10,046 CNY
65cf19a0 sent 79,330 BTS to
0506db31 paid 728 CNY for 5,593 BTS
ec752342 paid 221 CNY for 1,700 BTS
a052712a paid 260 CNY for 2,000 BTS
da8c72f2 wants 9,293 BTS for 1,209 CNY
e2e87b7c cancel order
3c9709a7 paid 714 BTS for 95.6 CNY
a2744de8 wants 9,467 CNY for 70,759 BTS
7cd0eb0c paid 450 CNY for 3,406 BTS
e794de4a cancel order
aaea92f0 paid 2,988 BTS for 400 CNY
a29f22cf paid 4,216 BTS for 564 CNY
5eb4e254 wants 9,982 CNY for 74,557 BTS
5a6ebb23 cancel order
50b23c93 wants 9,999 CNY for 74,557 BTS
142b5175 wants 3,406 BTS for 450 CNY
618e8e90 wants 600 CNY for 4,498 BTS
virtual paid 4,498 BTS for 600 CNY
virtual cancel order
4df979d9 cancel order
c17c534a wants 600 CNY for 4,498 BTS
32535bb6 sent 19,470 CNY to
97bdbd58 cancel order
463dc198 wants 154,253 BTS for 19,472 CNY
19c8fa62 cancel order
dece2fae wants 154,685 BTS for 19,472 CNY
edd80f89 cancel order
5a89373d sent 29,920 BTS to
3190fabd wants 153,318 BTS for 19,472 CNY
decf5f9f cancel order
a8cf030c paid 2,434 CNY for 19,998 BTS
a2e81488 wants 179,993 BTS for 21,905 CNY
b8ac9022 cancel order
e4af86bb wants 90,057 BTS for 10,953 CNY
eb2e9934 cancel order
8d23d263 wants 182,544 BTS for 21,905 CNY
d244632e cancel order
060382a7 wants 98,537 BTS for 11,235 CNY
2468c8ac cancel order
fbacc0fe wants 1,371 CNY for 9,930 BTS
c21d9a4f cancel order
9a718407 wants 1,339 CNY for 9,930 BTS
69e4e765 cancel order
fba7a0c1 wants 1,374 CNY for 9,930 BTS
5e2dfeb3 cancel order
faee22a4 wants 1,374 CNY for 9,930 BTS
cc9b7500 cancel order
0224e8e5 wants 75,879 BTS for 11,235 CNY
193f322a sent 8,500 BTS to
8f4c0850 sent 6,600 BTS to
d77ac59a sent 2,400 BTS to
a1b27bf7 sent 64,915 BTS to
5e922dd5 paid 10,094 CNY for 64,914 BTS
49f33c38 wants 64,914 BTS for 10,094 CNY
a045240f cancel order
249faf27 wants 64,916 BTS for 10,094 CNY
e231941b sent 66,200 BTS to
f9e52c41 paid 10,171 CNY for 65,416 BTS
719f1c50 wants 65,416 BTS for 10,171 CNY
4e5fa225 cancel order
2f387b29 paid 120.4 CNY for 775 BTS
a25fec3e wants 66,235 BTS for 10,292 CNY
0a60b988 cancel order
261d200e wants 66,369 BTS for 10,292 CNY
15ee21f8 cancel order
84a21b24 wants 66,576 BTS for 10,292 CNY
2280515c cancel order
bacba642 wants 66,610 BTS for 10,292 CNY
70712ae3 cancel order
957ee705 wants 66,800 BTS for 10,292 CNY
4b11b614 cancel order
e48f2489 wants 67,046 BTS for 10,292 CNY
9adf5eb5 cancel order
c6b48aca wants 67,259 BTS for 10,292 CNY
85ed4053 cancel order
b7e7c781 wants 67,407 BTS for 10,292 CNY
ae5aee89 cancel order
5674aaee wants 67,546 BTS for 10,292 CNY
90f56a72 cancel order
1fa10443 wants 67,580 BTS for 10,292 CNY
8fb3ec43 cancel order
5dfddb56 wants 67,590 BTS for 10,292 CNY
760ad306 sent 6,600 BTS to
22c11811 cancel order
735649f8 wants 1,093 CNY for 6,630 BTS
cc7f3265 paid 1,067 CNY for 6,626 BTS
7dbf76a8 wants 6,626 BTS for 1,067 CNY
7931686d sent 55,800 BTS to
297c246b wants 28,091 BTS for 10,674 CNY
virtual paid 3,335 CNY for 8,822 BTS
virtual paid 756 CNY for 2,000 BTS
virtual paid 969 CNY for 2,556 BTS
virtual paid 853 CNY for 2,246 BTS
virtual paid 4,762 CNY for 12,530 BTS
e12227d5 cancel order
766602a9 wants 28,848 BTS for 10,674 CNY
70632a28 paid 4,900 CNY for 13,549 BTS
2906818c paid 5,100 CNY for 14,100 BTS
053324d0 wants 27,650 BTS for 10,000 CNY
b5ee340a sent 106,570 BTS to
ffe89ba0 wants 28,280 BTS for 10,348 CNY
virtual paid 10,348 CNY for 28,280 BTS
1ababae2 paid 5,995 CNY for 17,115 BTS
e6a2dfca wants 17,115 BTS for 5,995 CNY
2745d28b cancel order
916090cf wants 16,932 BTS for 5,995 CNY
d3e83b2e cancel order
2ab2e707 wants 16,935 BTS for 5,995 CNY
c27fe34a cancel order
ccaeb399 wants 17,080 BTS for 5,995 CNY
151b5137 paid 6,234 CNY for 16,818 BTS
e7a75ecc wants 16,821 BTS for 6,235 CNY
5730b8a7 paid 1.236 CNY for 3.34 BTS
bcd9ac82 cancel order
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9d97e1cb wants 11,087 BTS for 3,881 CNY
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12d16944 wants 11,176 BTS for 3,881 CNY
13c799c2 cancel order
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1acb246f cancel order
a2bb588d wants 8,923 BTS for 3,000 CNY
75dda816 cancel order
ed359466 cancel order
c32f536f paid 16.74 CNY for 3,999 GDEX.BKBT
b1893672 sent 1,000 BTS to
7f468046 sent 14,496 CNC to
3f9640a5 paid 580 GDEX.SEER for 0.696 CNY
b0210400 paid 1.083 GDEX.SEER for 0.0013 CNY
5297f20a paid 0.555 GDEX.SEER for 0.0003 CNY
f4f6f086 sent 492,000 GDEX.SEER to
e9e06228 wants 0.314 CNY for 581 GDEX.SEER
d2283f37 paid 43.7 GDEX.SEER for 0.021 CNY
virtual paid 581 GDEX.SEER for 0.314 CNY
6b87cd1e wants 0.698 CNY for 581 GDEX.SEER
adc05911 wants 0.279 CNY for 581 GDEX.SEER
1e516de6 paid 247.5 GDEX.SEER for 0.1188 CNY
176fdb14 paid 290 GDEX.SEER for 0.1393 CNY
44fa626a wants 0.25 CNY for 581 GDEX.SEER
9ed93309 paid 581 GDEX.SEER for 0.25 CNY
57bed44f wants 2,380,952 GDEX.SEER for 1,000 CNY
323bf144 wants 477,961 GDEX.BKBT for 2,000 CNY
76be5c2f sent 120,810 GDEX.BKBT to
b059a81e paid 500 CNY for 120,932 GDEX.BKBT
383d5428 cancel order
468c40f8 sent 2,130 BTS to
8e5b29fa sent 2,500 BTS to
3cd5605a sent 2,300 BTS to
7df61655 sent 2,000 BTS to
fe8df43c sent 2,100 BTS to
bf78f0d6 sent 2,500 BTS to
fb1036d2 sent 2,000 BTS to
c674cec1 sent 2,200 BTS to
8bafdea7 sent 2,365 BTS to
7acbc0e8 sent 2,356 BTS to
e4a4d5d0 sent 2,200 BTS to
6d81db35 sent 2,201 BTS to
5107ff2e sent 2,500 BTS to
409d5208 sent 2,000 BTS to
793294b0 cancel order
6a0c8c7c paid 640 GDEX.MTS for 0.257 CNY
virtual paid 562 GDEX.MTS for 0.2563 CNY
virtual paid 562 GDEX.MTS for 0.318 CNY
virtual paid 562 GDEX.MTS for 0.368 CNY
virtual paid 562 GDEX.MTS for 0.45 CNY
00985c4a wants 465,089 GDEX.SEER for 800 CNY
8dc1fb85 cancel order
d2a93de8 sent 150 BTS to
34cced09 paid 620 CNY for 2,760 BTS
d1fe99cb paid 0.237 CNY for 1.055 BTS