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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid15.28 BTS


Asset Balance
efb187c5 sent 0.000493 OPEN.BTC to
619ce422 wants 0.000541 OPEN.BTC for 104.6 BTS
virtual paid 104.6 BTS for 0.000541 OPEN.BTC
dd05a11e sent 104.7 BTS to
3dd491a5 wants 1.564 PEERPLAYS for 4,693 BTS
virtual paid 4,693 BTS for 1.877 PEERPLAYS
6546b3ae cancel order
d8957232 wants 90.5 PEERPLAYS for 362,073 BTS
virtual paid 87,475 BTS for 25 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 36,000 BTS for 10 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 225,000 BTS for 60 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 4,000 BTS for 1 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 4,000 BTS for 1 PEERPLAYS
1c8964a1 paid 905 BTS for 0.2263 PEERPLAYS
c140f358 cancel order
dc812419 wants 154 PEERPLAYS for 362,073 BTS
e0122d97 cancel order
3f6eecff paid 341 BTS for 0.1217 PEERPLAYS
b60f375a paid 1,218 BTS for 0.435 PEERPLAYS
37ce54f7 paid 6,433 BTS for 2.298 PEERPLAYS
36c9b39d paid 6,605 BTS for 2.36 PEERPLAYS
b3bcdc54 paid 6,749 BTS for 2.41 PEERPLAYS
6a4d6221 paid 4,921 BTS for 1.757 PEERPLAYS
a6f814e5 paid 1,094 BTS for 0.391 PEERPLAYS
dac1c94e paid 5,329 BTS for 1.903 PEERPLAYS
0d5d5ead paid 5,494 BTS for 1.962 PEERPLAYS
882717f4 paid 5,640 BTS for 2.014 PEERPLAYS
87d3ac7d paid 5,791 BTS for 2.07 PEERPLAYS
018690d9 paid 5,945 BTS for 2.123 PEERPLAYS
03653a97 paid 6,103 BTS for 2.18 PEERPLAYS
f3671889 paid 6,266 BTS for 2.24 PEERPLAYS
c8ea03da paid 208.7 BTS for 0.0745 PEERPLAYS
a61a003f paid 4,373 BTS for 1.562 PEERPLAYS
95675267 paid 4,155 BTS for 1.484 PEERPLAYS
44986384 paid 259.6 BTS for 0.0927 PEERPLAYS
3b518230 paid 4,796 BTS for 1.713 PEERPLAYS
716e6bb3 paid 4,967 BTS for 1.774 PEERPLAYS
55ed572f paid 5,145 BTS for 1.837 PEERPLAYS
8c7f3fce paid 3,399 BTS for 1.214 PEERPLAYS
92e44a89 paid 3,642 BTS for 1.3 PEERPLAYS
74bb8af6 paid 3,902 BTS for 1.394 PEERPLAYS
d3b16436 paid 3,991 BTS for 1.426 PEERPLAYS
85352b6c paid 60.9 BTS for 0.02175 PEERPLAYS
80527798 paid 194 BTS for 0.0692 PEERPLAYS
22e94409 paid 194 BTS for 0.0692 PEERPLAYS
5b197568 paid 194 BTS for 0.0692 PEERPLAYS
bac902b3 paid 2,095 BTS for 0.748 PEERPLAYS
86795d27 paid 2,245 BTS for 0.802 PEERPLAYS
32bf5bda paid 2,406 BTS for 0.86 PEERPLAYS
0a67ad53 paid 2,578 BTS for 0.92 PEERPLAYS
349a7acb paid 2,762 BTS for 0.987 PEERPLAYS
88b316a0 paid 2,960 BTS for 1.057 PEERPLAYS
b2de4f74 paid 3,172 BTS for 1.133 PEERPLAYS
8d8f52c7 paid 1,290 BTS for 0.461 PEERPLAYS
14ef32a9 paid 1,383 BTS for 0.494 PEERPLAYS
5a78d71e paid 1,483 BTS for 0.53 PEERPLAYS
e7aae79b paid 1,589 BTS for 0.568 PEERPLAYS
100208f2 paid 1,703 BTS for 0.608 PEERPLAYS
dc4e8329 paid 1,825 BTS for 0.652 PEERPLAYS
da21b1f9 paid 1,955 BTS for 0.698 PEERPLAYS
ead2bd2d paid 5,972 BTS for 2.133 PEERPLAYS
27588855 paid 728 BTS for 0.26 PEERPLAYS
8209554c paid 13.64 BTS for 0.00487 PEERPLAYS
2147102e paid 792 BTS for 0.283 PEERPLAYS
1972d194 paid 174.2 BTS for 0.0622 PEERPLAYS
cde17eaf paid 651 BTS for 0.2327 PEERPLAYS
2149cff1 paid 42 BTS for 0.015 PEERPLAYS
d211fe60 paid 15,289 BTS for 5.46 PEERPLAYS
3bdfafce paid 237.4 BTS for 0.0848 PEERPLAYS
e66a657c paid 1,065 BTS for 0.38 PEERPLAYS
c85097aa paid 1,037 BTS for 0.37 PEERPLAYS
02c3ce96 paid 6,107 BTS for 2.18 PEERPLAYS
99b55934 paid 6,166 BTS for 2.202 PEERPLAYS
6efc13e0 paid 6,227 BTS for 2.224 PEERPLAYS
62b0afde paid 605 BTS for 0.2162 PEERPLAYS
4e292dbd paid 19,245 BTS for 6.87 PEERPLAYS
443192f2 paid 21,568 BTS for 7.7 PEERPLAYS
07a3fec4 paid 6,984 BTS for 2.494 PEERPLAYS
3eedba8d paid 685 BTS for 0.2446 PEERPLAYS
ac80e863 paid 746 BTS for 0.2663 PEERPLAYS
6d494da3 paid 23,675 BTS for 8.46 PEERPLAYS
a5952ed5 paid 25,575 BTS for 9.13 PEERPLAYS
03958af9 paid 812 BTS for 0.29 PEERPLAYS
12ae77e5 paid 7,451 BTS for 2.66 PEERPLAYS
7e8eacf8 paid 7,947 BTS for 2.84 PEERPLAYS
463f2c71 paid 19,488 BTS for 6.96 PEERPLAYS
db2a0633 paid 8,142 BTS for 2.91 PEERPLAYS
52716a68 paid 28,324 BTS for 10.12 PEERPLAYS
14b399d6 paid 29,022 BTS for 10.36 PEERPLAYS
f4ddb988 paid 8,340 BTS for 2.98 PEERPLAYS
4e959d31 paid 29,737 BTS for 10.62 PEERPLAYS
27dccf43 paid 8,544 BTS for 3.05 PEERPLAYS
afa92ce2 paid 30,469 BTS for 10.88 PEERPLAYS
8e8c9d10 paid 350 BTS for 0.1251 PEERPLAYS
53423f1f paid 8,045 BTS for 2.873 PEERPLAYS
d4bc97a7 paid 392 BTS for 0.14 PEERPLAYS
365aa9a3 paid 970 BTS for 0.346 PEERPLAYS
94615d6d paid 1,921 BTS for 0.686 PEERPLAYS
cb4f9718 paid 1,947 BTS for 0.695 PEERPLAYS
3cfa8be3 paid 1,973 BTS for 0.705 PEERPLAYS
789a087e paid 1,049 BTS for 0.375 PEERPLAYS
1008d845 paid 796 BTS for 0.284 PEERPLAYS
f6210e58 wants 300 PEERPLAYS for 840,000 BTS
36599ca9 paid 0.0446 BTS for 0.00001 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 16,991 BTS for 6.07 PEERPLAYS
2aa312ae cancel order
974497ad wants 519 PEERPLAYS for 1,453,200 BTS
virtual paid 2,668 BTS for 1.06 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 5,904 BTS for 2.34 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 8,138 BTS for 3.13 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 3,232 BTS for 1.197 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 63,940 BTS for 23 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 69,499 BTS for 25 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 1,250,936 BTS for 448 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 35,878 BTS for 12.82 PEERPLAYS
964c927d paid 13,005 BTS for 4.64 PEERPLAYS
28519a41 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 452,000 BTS
278a3cef cancel order
6fd8510e wants 1,021 PEERPLAYS for 2,450,261 BTS
virtual paid 21,839 BTS for 9.1 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 120,000 BTS for 50 PEERPLAYS
3231cc95 cancel order
a7fbef45 wants 26,619,714 BTS for 7,313 PEERPLAYS
6e6af0b5 sent 3,471,686 BTS to
fe81f6b2 sent 30 BTS to
df68bd54 cancel order
fd90f885 cancel order
82a18643 cancel order
ed491c6a cancel order
e4839186 wants 13,727,192 BTS for 3,813 PEERPLAYS
4d167d68 wants 4,800,000 BTS for 1,500 PEERPLAYS
d90b92fb cancel order
69e80488 cancel order
b5ff109e wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 975,000 BTS
12141e81 wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 975,000 BTS
581005b2 wants 19,658,502 BTS for 5,313 PEERPLAYS
e6ec24fb wants 7,000,000 BTS for 2,000 PEERPLAYS
fb3bf156 cancel order
fd5c2a71 cancel order
37053481 wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 925,000 BTS
5a149c5d wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 925,000 BTS
a95e2abc paid 476,534 BTS for 243 PEERPLAYS
46bab87a cancel order
ba1651a5 cancel order
7e267275 paid 45,080 BTS for 23 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 111,466 BTS for 56.9 PEERPLAYS
db02f16d wants 19,767,299 BTS for 5,491 PEERPLAYS
91bfc36f cancel order
ca965669 wants 20,316,390 BTS for 5,491 PEERPLAYS
16f2611a cancel order
99f5786b wants 20,590,936 BTS for 5,491 PEERPLAYS
9af9a5dc cancel order
1c7ea4eb wants 300 PEERPLAYS for 588,000 BTS
0d97ec8a paid 346,920 BTS for 177 PEERPLAYS
e2a5b7f9 wants 200 PEERPLAYS for 392,000 BTS
e498c34a paid 2.107 BTS for 0.00098 PEERPLAYS
b9cbd839 paid 214,998 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
d4ac1e3a wants 100 PEERPLAYS for 215,000 BTS
e27d01b7 cancel order
25e0ba2c wants 5,250,000 BTS for 1,500 PEERPLAYS
185b7e5e wants 20,000,000 BTS for 5,000 PEERPLAYS
c3991aec wants 1,094 PEERPLAYS for 2,407,873 BTS
753f481b cancel order
286526c4 wants 20,143,826 BTS for 6,715 PEERPLAYS
3e61faf4 cancel order
a8df509b wants 21,486,748 BTS for 6,715 PEERPLAYS
ffe3ca49 wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 336,000 BTS
virtual paid 336,000 BTS for 150 PEERPLAYS
c27ec99f cancel order
0ef894fa wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 880,000 BTS
virtual paid 141,675 BTS for 64.4 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 660,000 BTS for 300 PEERPLAYS
430e9238 wants 235.6 PEERPLAYS for 518,245 BTS
virtual paid 518,245 BTS for 235.6 PEERPLAYS
232db832 cancel order
5c0eb4fa wants 247 PEERPLAYS for 518,245 BTS
936def9c cancel order
397ac261 wants 300 PEERPLAYS for 675,000 BTS
virtual paid 39.7 BTS for 0.01804 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 330,750 BTS for 147 PEERPLAYS
4cbc02ec wants 100 PEERPLAYS for 220,000 BTS
virtual paid 220,000 BTS for 100 PEERPLAYS
bdeb6af5 cancel order
30c716bd wants 400 PEERPLAYS for 880,000 BTS
d8b2c544 cancel order
ca221fe7 wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 1,050,000 BTS
dd7eeeee cancel order
ee75bd79 wants 520 PEERPLAYS for 1,040,000 BTS
5de6c519 cancel order
7919f11d wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 950,000 BTS
22b05464 cancel order
33cd166c wants 500 PEERPLAYS for 1,000,000 BTS
aad099e8 cancel order
dd3f111c wants 17,160,000 BTS for 5,720 PEERPLAYS
917ca1b3 cancel order
f66e484a wants 16,016,000 BTS for 5,720 PEERPLAYS
43ac47ff paid 262,500 BTS for 150 PEERPLAYS
22eed75d wants 150 PEERPLAYS for 262,500 BTS
6d9025f3 cancel order
6e94e764 paid 1,988,994 BTS for 1,020 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 590,077 BTS for 295 PEERPLAYS