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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00109 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.68 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00109
DEEX 0.0748
BRIDGE.AERM 0.000001
8b06ab56 sent 1,490 BRIDGE.ALQO to
c33ec8bf cancel order
d377af25 sent 4,990 BRIDGE.ALQO to
47cbf411 sent 4,219 BRIDGE.ALQO to
44abed03 sent 51.4 BRIDGE.ALQO to
a9607ad1 cancel order
2b1b91e5 wants 0.1944 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,000 BRIDGE.ALQO
9e10f9e4 wants 8,737 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.1058 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00247 BRIDGE.BTC for 224.5 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00161 BRIDGE.BTC for 146.3 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00806 BRIDGE.BTC for 732 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00611 BRIDGE.BTC for 554 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00362 BRIDGE.BTC for 328 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00618 BRIDGE.BTC for 560 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.02074 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,881 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.001555 BRIDGE.BTC for 138.6 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00211 BRIDGE.BTC for 188 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0145 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,290 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.000516 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.8 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.01145 BRIDGE.BTC for 994 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0036 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.01342 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,111 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.00985 BRIDGE.BTC for 815 BRIDGE.ALQO
51bbc863 cancel order
41391ba9 wants 9,888 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.1058 BRIDGE.BTC
a8d7e423 sent 0.0619 BRIDGE.BTC to
87277889 cancel order
0b5a3c27 wants 9,986 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0619 BRIDGE.BTC
dfeb9be2 cancel order
2e20e629 wants 10,018 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0619 BRIDGE.BTC
9510d237 sent 2,451 BRIDGE.ALQO to
6a5d92b1 paid 0.01937 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,453 BRIDGE.ALQO
47a938e4 wants 0.0988 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.ALQO
0f1df757 cancel order
66f8bf4b wants 1,838 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0245 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00514 BRIDGE.BTC for 386 BRIDGE.ALQO
e9bb7650 cancel order
5f3b437b paid 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC for 292 BRIDGE.ALQO
b0f5716a paid 0.0023 BRIDGE.BTC for 172.7 BRIDGE.ALQO
1428611c wants 2,459 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0328 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002055 BRIDGE.BTC for 154.3 BRIDGE.ALQO
53904a1c wants 0.1043 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,500 BRIDGE.ALQO
85564f8a sent 3,469 BRIDGE.ALQO to
7ded1ccd sent 3,466 BRIDGE.ALQO to
35e355d8 cancel order
00f4dfa7 wants 0.556 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,000 BRIDGE.ALQO
70b247ce cancel order
82997fd0 sent 3,999 BRIDGE.ALQO to
cdcc412f wants 0.59 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,436 BRIDGE.ALQO
26c45078 paid 0.1587 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,535 BRIDGE.ALQO
c17d464c wants 5,716 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0413 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,181 BRIDGE.ALQO
f52e6e3b wants 6,727 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.2354 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00349 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0525 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,505 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC for 36 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0334 BRIDGE.BTC for 956 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.000382 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.95 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0635 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,818 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.0349 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.01745 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.ALQO
virtual paid 0.02865 BRIDGE.BTC for 819 BRIDGE.ALQO
1c2c4539 sent 986 BRIDGE.ALQO to
4817d509 sent 987 BRIDGE.ALQO to
aecfef62 cancel order
ca3e5eb3 wants 0.0375 BRIDGE.BTC for 988 BRIDGE.ALQO
2110e5d7 paid 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC for 990 BRIDGE.ALQO
12e9dee4 wants 990 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC
e49be6ca cancel order
007df4b4 wants 1,031 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.0263 BRIDGE.BTC
5e139272 sent 976 BRIDGE.AERM to
6635b0e0 wants 1,006 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.000741 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000741 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,006 BRIDGE.AERM
eb5173b3 cancel order
ffd4bd90 wants 1,483 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.000741 BRIDGE.BTC
56c5ecf1 cancel order
59207c98 sent 3,243 BRIDGE.AERM to
401611e1 wants 4,405 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.0029 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.002157 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,278 BRIDGE.AERM
8fd3fab9 cancel order
54641f0d wants 5,370 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.0029 BRIDGE.BTC
bda5fb46 cancel order
9f328667 wants 5,471 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.0029 BRIDGE.BTC
f69fd2c8 sent 65,818 BRIDGE.AERM to
30f9af7a paid 0.02627 BRIDGE.BTC for 29,673 BRIDGE.AERM
013fa354 paid 0.00302 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,413 BRIDGE.AERM
ea5d5767 paid 0.00884 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,980 BRIDGE.AERM
f85852bb wants 49,151 BRIDGE.AERM for 0.0435 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00539 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,085 BRIDGE.AERM
098e3f45 sent 393 BRIDGE.ALQO to
46418656 paid 0.017 BRIDGE.BTC for 394 BRIDGE.ALQO
02267c67 wants 394 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.017 BRIDGE.BTC
bb83fd1e sent 350 BRIDGE.ALQO to
3d2fb47f paid 0.02053 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.2 BRIDGE.ALQO
4c2ef2a4 wants 109.2 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.02053 BRIDGE.BTC
c41ff856 cancel order
9b33f08d wants 109.2 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.02053 BRIDGE.BTC