立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid79.3 BTS
Registrar-50% -
Referrer130% -


Asset Balance
BTS 19.08
DEEX 0.0044
NOBLE 0.0001
CVN 0.0025
eaf3484f sent 2 BTS to
daf1c4c0 sent 131,454 CVN to
3cbbb031 sent 101,000 CVN to
ee907a87 sent 1,442 CVN to
368075a5 sent 1 CVN to
b01a703d sent 7.2 CVN to
7e0528fa sent 2,430 CVN to
ce16a2a1 sent 286 CVN to
7627a154 sent 1,025 CVN to
cff6eeff sent 2,505 CVN to
9e93cf3c sent 3,114 CVN to
9c72b4e8 sent 1,652 CVN to
6508d360 sent 14,954 CVN to
a3fd4e84 sent 3,000 CVN to
d8e4da00 sent 2,508 CVN to
d66de23f sent 1,880 CVN to
915c7467 sent 1,326 CVN to
382c19ed sent 17,401 CVN to
6da9a9ad sent 10,581 CVN to
aedf3288 sent 4,170 CVN to
8a7b8894 sent 2 BTS to
3969282a sent 20,642 CVN to
066c177e sent 6 BTS to
09cab8fa wants 43.2 BTS for 40 CVN
virtual paid 40 CVN for 43.2 BTS
1b79e627 sent 6,640 CVN to
550f355b sent 9,135 CVN to
e988a359 wants 1.944 BTS for 917 DEEX
virtual paid 917 DEEX for 1.944 BTS
virtual cancel order
04825cfc cancel order
5bebe38e wants 8.96 BTS for 917 DEEX
242945e0 sent 22,542 CVN to
2e2c7286 sent 9,697 CVN to
1fae6aa1 sent 16,144 CVN to
7f5cb135 cancel order
22433c54 wants 14.4 BTS for 8 CVN
virtual paid 1.39 CVN for 2.5 BTS
b232a35b wants 1,019 DEEX for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 1,019 DEEX
2a2e98b6 sent 5 BTS to
780f0bec sent 6,512 CVN to
6a7aa1d2 sent 8,019 CVN to
a09a5b98 sent 26,974 CVN to
77f33dba sent 18,588 CVN to
ed465963 paid 0.0001 CVN for 0.0002 BTS
e5c30da7 sent 13,466 CVN to
38405790 sent 20 BTS to
9acdf7c1 wants 24.1 BTS for 12.05 CVN
virtual paid 2.505 CVN for 6.01 BTS
virtual paid 4.55 CVN for 10 BTS
virtual paid 5 CVN for 10 BTS
dbe59a13 sent 6,595 CVN to
534552b8 sent 21,700 CVN to
18376d77 sent 5,315 CVN to
b2f8a924 sent 2,550 CVN to
e3622956 sent 8,175 CVN to
9fc9b72a sent 7,974 CVN to
0f64f1c0 sent 3,000 CVN to
4ccb50e5 sent 1 BTS to
2c6cbe61 sent 9.17 CVN to
92c14644 sent 12,315 CVN to
7aa77ea2 sent 1.1 BTS to
ef846d89 sent 7,982 CVN to
a835bdac sent 10,200 CVN to
5242bc6e sent 11,340 CVN to
ac4eb605 sent 93,636 CVN to
c7682fd7 sent 15,510 CVN to
15d2a425 sent 4,373 CVN to
c30ce2f9 sent 7,000 CVN to
9aaad49c sent 11,000 CVN to
8131a803 sent 892 CVN to
11b98653 sent 3 CVN to
49568062 sent 13 BTS to
d885f5f6 wants 10 BTS for 49.8 CVN
virtual paid 49.8 CVN for 10 BTS
49cd8428 wants 10 BTS for 25 CVN
virtual paid 25 CVN for 10 BTS
48dd4cf3 wants 9.4 BTS for 15.67 CVN
virtual paid 15.67 CVN for 9.4 BTS
54e8db0b sent 9,000 CVN to
873b1c36 sent 30,095 CVN to
7de56c2f sent 25,000 CVN to
e5527436 sent 10 BTS to
4cfc546c wants 20 BTS for 111 CVN
virtual paid 111 CVN for 20 BTS
3742f6b9 sent 10,000 CVN to
da6e63e8 sent 2 BTS to
73abd2ec sent 24,400 CVN to
82ff1699 sent 60,100 CVN to
9a5e1d80 sent 100 CVN to
43ed30d1 cancel order
2249527b wants 9.81 BTS for 10 CVN
efb3d747 sent 42,000 CVN to
0b9086bd sent 71 CVN to
0a95ae94 sent 9 BTS to
e6a95958 sent 119,836 CVN to
a3dacca9 sent 700 CVN to
6c508ec2 sent 3 BTS to
0d88ec31 wants 22.5 BTS for 50 CVN
virtual paid 50 CVN for 22.5 BTS
eb1d26b2 sent 3 BTS to
2ca3bd61 sent 2 BTS to
952508fa wants 9 BTS for 20 CVN
virtual paid 20 CVN for 9 BTS
f3907269 cancel order
6c344d19 wants 12.98 BTS for 10 CVN
35c91c74 sent 1 BTS to
c950003b sent 3 BTS to
8f675c27 sent 4 BTS to
d96d1998 wants 9 BTS for 20 CVN
virtual paid 20 CVN for 9 BTS
703281bc sent 14 CVN to
205ef4bc sent 3 CVN to
660096d7 sent 24,998 CVN to
c1c6aae4 sent 5 CVN to
6461cec5 sent 5 CVN to
5b8b4dd0 sent 4 CVN to
2b82b0b6 sent 1 CVN to
6d920e1e sent 2 CVN to
0fa20810 sent 50 CVN to
9821fc97 sent 3 CVN to
f3049ed5 sent 125 CVN to
9e99ae20 sent 0.1945 CVN to
503d94c4 sent 25,000 CVN to
7ad8cc1f sent 100 CVN to
b4ab6115 sent 612 CVN to
86deb2d1 sent 0.5 CVN to
c3973fb0 sent 249 CVN to
3b6a97f9 sent 324 CVN to
a253fcb5 sent 229 CVN to
4f2f964a sent 1 CVN to
30661b42 sent 657 CVN to
2cbdaaed sent 948 CVN to
35bef6a8 sent 621 CVN to
416b1361 sent 6.89 CVN to
80892d0d sent 4.79 CVN to
a86aa817 sent 2 CVN to
ac1bb111 sent 285 CVN to
652082d4 sent 37 CVN to
9c3c419a sent 962 CVN to
2f5b296c sent 41 CVN to
7b822a7b sent 1 CVN to
a870b178 sent 5,774 CVN to
ec7c95d5 sent 12,888 CVN to
d2bfd887 sent 451 CVN to
aaa9c97f sent 1,968 CVN to
a6b8efab sent 2,694 CVN to
5f885d21 sent 245 CVN to