立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.778 BTS
Lifetime fees paid17,669 BTS
Cashback/vesting41.1 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.92 0
QBITS 259 0
QORA 2 0
virtual cancel order
0ba1bab0 sent 90 BTCPLUS to
db6b8c7b cancel order
3f6bdf81 sent 600 BTCPLUS to
7c0e7697 cancel order
ec4a70bf sent 9 BTS to
4da3bb52 wants 404,910 USD for 90 BTCPLUS
818428cd wants 600 BTC for 600 BTCPLUS
66e96f15 paid 230 BTS for 767 BTCPLUS
428f90de wants 767 BTCPLUS for 230 BTS
8211194a cancel order
58bbe9da wants 785 BTCPLUS for 230 BTS
e2b6639c cancel order
c3c24911 wants 2,353 BTCPLUS for 200 BTS
122db668 sent 0.0301 BTCPLUS to
53fb3d8d cancel order
07adf02a sent 32 BTCPLUS to
d0b9d069 cancel order
9b01a784 sent 32 BTCPLUS to
57eae464 cancel order
b2719ad2 sent 40 BTCPLUS to
64eb654f cancel order
8e4cb440 sent 40 BTCPLUS to
dea64904 cancel order
786d6f79 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
09e3f15b cancel order
47ca7030 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
1e8869a0 cancel order
03877523 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
172087d8 cancel order
4103fe26 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
57d46c0f cancel order
7e329227 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
cae39c60 cancel order
1a6e9ce4 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
c98e2905 cancel order
65a7d109 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
8cb842e2 cancel order
c1c11ae1 sent 30 BTCPLUS to
1fae2998 cancel order
969553ae sent 100 BTCPLUS to
b04ad0fc cancel order
2e053420 wants 2,075 BTS for 0.0301 BTCPLUS
e33d0a9b wants 2,527,616 BTS for 32 BTCPLUS
7db729c2 wants 2,527,648 BTS for 32 BTCPLUS
79ce158a wants 3,159,680 BTS for 40 BTCPLUS
63a9cdd6 wants 3,159,720 BTS for 40 BTCPLUS
48a78094 wants 2,399,790 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
bca9056b wants 2,399,820 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
06a57f3a wants 2,399,850 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
be8017a1 wants 2,399,880 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
0f6131cc wants 2,399,910 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
8895532b wants 2,399,940 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
ca078f4f wants 2,399,970 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
8f4d7dd2 wants 2,400,030 BTS for 30 BTCPLUS
6f31852c cancel order
3f2bc9d1 wants 960,000 BTS for 10 BTCPLUS
0f3ea1c5 wants 100 OPEN.BTC for 100 BTCPLUS
13984a40 cancel order
d6598e1d update account/votes
80ece3ad sent 15,855 BTCPLUS to
696e175a sent 11,990,445 COMPUCEEDS to
ebe78183 sent 25 CRYPTOCEEDS to
0a223489 wants 18,750 BTS for 25 CRYPTOCEEDS
8ca66f55 paid 2,240 BTS for 15,887 BTCPLUS
0c6ba191 wants 15,887 BTCPLUS for 2,240 BTS
121c35cc sent 500,000 COMPUCEEDS to
9efb88c0 sent 4,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
df5e99fb paid 4,550 BTS for 50 CRYPTOCEEDS
73590be3 wants 50 CRYPTOCEEDS for 4,550 BTS
6974277c sent 43,000 COMPUCEEDS to
e5c5bb4b wants 0.0427 BTS for 0.00898 PEERPLAYS
virtual paid 0.00898 PEERPLAYS for 39.5 BTS
7b834c87 wants 4,356 BTS for 484 BTCPLUS
d12edbec paid 0.0387 BTS for 0.0001 CRYPTOCEEDS
11dcafcb paid 3,412 BTS for 8.83 CRYPTOCEEDS
bd21e070 paid 12.3 BTS for 0.0318 CRYPTOCEEDS
d7c32ad6 paid 6,237 BTS for 16.14 CRYPTOCEEDS
412e1b6f wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 9,662 BTS
f89bc0d2 paid 55.8 BTS for 279 BTCPLUS
f50b5c8d paid 8.07 BTS for 40.4 BTCPLUS
62ff6331 paid 8.07 BTS for 40.4 BTCPLUS
6930c018 paid 25.07 BTS for 125.3 BTCPLUS
6729de88 paid 490 BTS for 1,225,000 COMPUCEEDS
5dc2bac1 wants 1,225,000 COMPUCEEDS for 490 BTS
6c2560fe wants 485 BTCPLUS for 97 BTS
650e60b8 paid 30.7 BTS for 0.009 PEERPLAYS
c8b1f85c paid 8,400 BTS for 6,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
1c6b749d wants 6,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 8,400 BTS
9fabe46f cancel order
b2f66d2c wants 0.009 PEERPLAYS for 30.7 BTS
50b4458e cancel order
52de4149 wants 65 PEERPLAYS for 221.7 BTS
8953735e cancel order
b5d0f576 wants 8,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 8,800 BTS
0342238a cancel order
3f310ed3 wants 2.796 PEERPLAYS for 10 BTS
8a47edbc wants 10,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 6,900 BTS
8da3602e paid 7,330 BTS for 4,442,424 COMPUCEEDS
510055f5 wants 4,442,424 COMPUCEEDS for 7,330 BTS
43b65aea paid 17 BTS for 10,000 COMPUCEEDS
3dc1774e sent 4,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
74229a6b wants 10,000 COMPUCEEDS for 17 BTS
fc6e66b5 cancel order
afaabed4 sent 1 COMPUCEEDS to
de56469d wants 15,179 COMPUCEEDS for 17 BTS
f128e62e paid 10,000 BTS for 5,464,481 COMPUCEEDS
61a82321 wants 5,464,481 COMPUCEEDS for 10,000 BTS
270bfa9c cancel order
9f3e6f50 wants 5,500,000 COMPUCEEDS for 10,010 BTS
931e9dfa paid 739 BTS for 164,224 COMPUCEEDS
b645c7e6 paid 178 BTS for 39,554 COMPUCEEDS
40f126a5 paid 900 BTS for 200,000 COMPUCEEDS
3203a6e3 paid 900 BTS for 200,000 COMPUCEEDS
c5e63513 paid 900 BTS for 200,000 COMPUCEEDS
7014c9bb paid 900 BTS for 200,000 COMPUCEEDS
866e838c wants 1,003,778 COMPUCEEDS for 4,517 BTS
0bb9ab53 cancel order
eb2b5b33 paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
bc2c7b19 paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
feb15eaf paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
08296d58 paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
ac613570 paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
72a6c419 paid 904 BTS for 200,444 COMPUCEEDS
4aa89205 wants 2,200,000 COMPUCEEDS for 9,922 BTS
e4614b38 cancel order
156e65b3 wants 1.25 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
a7f9e627 cancel order
0eb6b6cd wants 1.6 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
ffdad007 cancel order
3e8218ac wants 1.62 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
176da8e9 cancel order
4253c2a0 wants 1.68 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
9898e6fa cancel order
5fc3df9c wants 1.703 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
7586df84 paid 4.32 BTS for 850 COMPUCEEDS
16072328 wants 850 COMPUCEEDS for 4.32 BTS
f50019c3 wants 124,800 COMPUCEEDS for 9,996 BTS
virtual paid 4,426 BTS for 489,426 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 5,570 BTS for 615,375 COMPUCEEDS
e2d5c547 cancel order
e9948eaf wants 45.6 COMPUCEEDS for 0.325 BTS
de6a34d8 cancel order
c72d95a4 wants 1,700,000 COMPUCEEDS for 9,962 BTS
b945f578 paid 80 BTS for 7,921 COMPUCEEDS
7260e3ff wants 7,921 COMPUCEEDS for 80 BTS
0540def7 paid 728 BTS for 70,000 COMPUCEEDS
716726cd wants 70,000 COMPUCEEDS for 728 BTS
d44d1b16 paid 0.624 BTS for 60 COMPUCEEDS
655ba4c0 wants 60 COMPUCEEDS for 0.624 BTS
12727327 upgrade account
53dabddc cancel order
18beaf28 wants 1,200 COMPUCEEDS for 10.8 BTS
ceccc1a2 paid 0.0015 BTS for 0.1246 COMPUCEEDS
9ee9fa47 paid 7.46 BTS for 620 COMPUCEEDS
adb2696b paid 7.46 BTS for 620 COMPUCEEDS
e8cf4776 wants 1,240 COMPUCEEDS for 14.92 BTS
fb460ce6 paid 1.217 BTS for 100 COMPUCEEDS
49dfb7af wants 100 COMPUCEEDS for 1.217 BTS
2f544445 wants 65 COMPUCEEDS for 0.799 BTS
virtual paid 0.799 BTS for 65.2 COMPUCEEDS
a750ef94 sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
808e7347 sent 500 BTS to
f01fc3cb update account/votes