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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight2.127 BTS
Lifetime fees paid68.5 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 1.258
DEEX 0.1
TESLACOM 0.00001
d6035af7 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
virtual cancel order
62e0a806 paid 3 BTS for 100 BTCCORE
2e51af70 wants 100 BTCCORE for 3 BTS
a958ffbf paid 30 BTS for 857 BTCCORE
b98b6706 wants 3.85 BTS for 1,073,794 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,073,791 COMPUCEEDS for 3.85 BTS
virtual cancel order
575f8489 wants 857 BTCCORE for 30 BTS
94e2cdda wants 7 BTS for 1,949,861 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,949,861 COMPUCEEDS for 7 BTS
138d0b02 wants 23.73 BTS for 6,592,411 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 6,592,411 COMPUCEEDS for 23.73 BTS
virtual cancel order
88830d99 paid 35 BTS for 350 BTCCORE
7628f4ad wants 350 BTCCORE for 35 BTS
a4a61ac8 wants 3 BTS for 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
dba1e5cd wants 7 BTS for 1,949,861 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,949,861 COMPUCEEDS for 7 BTS
8becf609 wants 25.2 BTS for 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 7,000,000 COMPUCEEDS for 25.2 BTS
f83b3939 paid 4 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
d4753b4d wants 40 BTCCORE for 4 BTS
02dc95f4 wants 4 BTS for 1,333,333 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 1,333,333 COMPUCEEDS for 4 BTS
4ec95445 paid 3.69 BTS for 18.45 BTCCORE
84a8ede8 paid 15.3 BTS for 76.5 BTCCORE
616a00df wants 95 BTCCORE for 19 BTS
abc779b6 cancel order
c7ca489a wants 76.9 BTCCORE for 19 BTS
6a680289 wants 17.85 BTS for 3,246,223 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 3,246,223 COMPUCEEDS for 17.85 BTS
virtual cancel order
044a3b87 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
71825100 wants 20,999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
86dd88f0 cancel order
ae120a4e cancel order
4c983310 cancel order
e672f4f7 cancel order
893402f6 wants 106.7 BTCCORE for 1.6 BTS
6211e274 wants 1.61 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 1.61 BTS
ac36893f cancel order
0efbf98e paid 0.6 BTS for 40 BTCCORE
5e7cdbe8 wants 40 BTCCORE for 0.6 BTS
d1342fc4 wants 3 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
f28b13a1 paid 2.7 BTS for 1.8 BTCCORE
eb0ad4a7 paid 0.2073 BTS for 0.1382 BTCCORE
virtual paid 12.3 BTS for 8.2 BTCCORE
98944a7b wants 10 BTCCORE for 15 BTS
1fe73c03 cancel order
12f838bb paid 14.8 BTS for 9.86 BTCCORE
4f2d99e9 wants 10 BTCCORE for 15 BTS
d23deee1 wants 15 BTCCORE for 15 BTS
a5aef5f6 sent 100 BTS to
73b5ccd3 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
52cf46d4 cancel order
20b2aaa6 sent 1,060 BTCPLUS to
7a0dffbe cancel order
3413584c sent 3,000 BTCPLUS to
dd2c73f4 cancel order
2cf61593 sent 10 BTS to
001885df sent 2,997 BTCPLUS to
80f7f866 cancel order
1ad85f0a sent 1 BTS to
feddf8b1 sent 10 BTS to
fbe14594 sent 11 BTS to
098e5e0b sent 11 BTS to
d20c93e1 sent 2,000 BTCPLUS to
dc9ba2a1 cancel order
32190c62 sent 1,112 BTCPLUS to
5519fd57 cancel order
530f6455 sent 22 BTS to
531a6cfc paid 48.6 BTCPLUS for 3.4 BTS
a5973200 paid 2,025 BTCPLUS for 141.8 BTS
0a058c6d paid 429 BTCPLUS for 30 BTS
5f60759f paid 271.4 BTCPLUS for 19 BTS
765d1f03 sent 11 BTS to
2d92f458 sent 11 BTS to
c03d04ab wants 194 BTS for 2,774 BTCPLUS
15a954b8 cancel order
e2910608 paid 136.4 BTCPLUS for 15 BTS
d7f177e6 paid 91 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
8045bd30 wants 330 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
cbf257b4 cancel order
6d9c7ee4 wants 450 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
63432f2a cancel order
c5b28914 wants 330 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
b58ebbde cancel order
06c2c70e wants 510 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
c771c96a cancel order
d8bd351d wants 540 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
ccf76c94 cancel order
1a3d158f wants 54,016 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
8bb807d3 cancel order
5d4be1ef wants 390 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
2cb6f276 cancel order
dc9a7751 wants 420 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
556d5cb9 cancel order
df04e606 wants 450 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
9857ad98 cancel order
3d32b5ab wants 480 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
aad7730b cancel order
c426186a wants 510 BTS for 3,001 BTCPLUS
eb332fc6 wants 10,499,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
4b5c42fb wants 9,538,940 USD for 1,060 BTCPLUS
695de471 wants 22,497,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
5763ecfd wants 17,997,000 USD for 3,000 BTCPLUS
9ba0cc89 sent 4,508 BTCPLUS to
6043c560 cancel order
f92fea8f wants 999,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
4b133c4e wants 8,998,000 USD for 2,000 BTCPLUS
014b5230 wants 299,700 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
40760a4f wants 5,002,888 USD for 1,112 BTCPLUS
7e79b249 wants 199,800 USD for 200 BTCPLUS
b377ceb1 paid 1,645 BTS for 14,955 BTCPLUS
94117e7e wants 14,955 BTCPLUS for 1,645 BTS
543f1197 paid 100 BTS for 909 BTCPLUS
1bec9452 wants 909 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
27e3d4b9 wants 13,501,460 USD for 4,508 BTCPLUS
553958af cancel order
ee519b5d wants 11,720,800 USD for 4,508 BTCPLUS
7de426d2 cancel order
2de53710 cancel order
67b13e1c wants 6,322,400 USD for 2,258 BTCPLUS
e3431f47 wants 5,850,000 USD for 2,250 BTCPLUS
246d3ad5 cancel order
34e0417e cancel order
dc4fda27 cancel order
1c16e778 cancel order
c18aac4e cancel order
04410e6f sent 1,000,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
3cb906a7 wants 1,492,500 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
05ed07cf wants 2,800,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
d90ba909 wants 2,700,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
dc926df5 wants 2,600,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
e31757d3 cancel order
0bb8701b cancel order
f7cc3850 wants 2,900,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
3761b19f wants 27,000,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
b9a9feb4 wants 26,000,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
c6c23410 wants 1,752 BTCPLUS for 300 BTS
virtual paid 300 BTS for 1,752 BTCPLUS
c516592d cancel order
eb281533 wants 4,661 BTCPLUS for 800 BTS
virtual paid 507 BTS for 2,956 BTCPLUS
79b42447 sent 1 BTS to
4a5edcce sent 1 BTS to
56b9ca43 sent 1 BTS to
28819069 sent 1 BTS to
73154d68 update account/votes
500c9111 paid 618 BTS for 23,993,557 COMPUCEEDS
0cc9809c wants 23,993,557 COMPUCEEDS for 618 BTS
88e0490b wants 25,950,660 COMPUCEEDS for 669 BTS
virtual paid 669 BTS for 25,950,660 COMPUCEEDS
780072e9 paid 0.00005 BTS for 2.273 COMPUCEEDS
fc0f44f3 wants 2.273 COMPUCEEDS for 0.00005 BTS
3d097ab0 wants 21,250 COMPUCEEDS for 0.51 BTS
virtual paid 0.51 BTS for 21,250 COMPUCEEDS
81596ada wants 119,895,833 COMPUCEEDS for 2,878 BTS
virtual paid 2,878 BTS for 119,895,833 COMPUCEEDS
4d1cac42 wants 200,076,782 COMPUCEEDS for 4,402 BTS
virtual paid 4,402 BTS for 200,076,782 COMPUCEEDS
50ec24d3 wants 25,555,807 COMPUCEEDS for 624 BTS
virtual paid 624 BTS for 25,555,807 COMPUCEEDS
2a6b1890 wants 24,861,401 COMPUCEEDS for 607 BTS
virtual paid 607 BTS for 24,861,401 COMPUCEEDS
e0f2239d wants 22,628,478 COMPUCEEDS for 515 BTS
virtual paid 515 BTS for 22,628,478 COMPUCEEDS
a4e8bd74 cancel order
772791af wants 21,603,376 COMPUCEEDS for 493 BTS
virtual paid 493 BTS for 21,603,376 COMPUCEEDS
7ea24e6f paid 0.194 BTS for 8,506 COMPUCEEDS
c69295a7 wants 26,349,087 COMPUCEEDS for 602 BTS
virtual paid 601 BTS for 26,349,087 COMPUCEEDS
03dc5bff cancel order
cd5538c5 paid 41.3 BTS for 1,808,237 COMPUCEEDS
1e62ae49 wants 26,349,087 COMPUCEEDS for 601 BTS
8f487871 wants 0.5 BTS for 16,898 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 16,898 COMPUCEEDS for 0.5 BTS
f43546dd cancel order
09a0b5d4 wants 0.5 BTS for 16,880 COMPUCEEDS
acd77a15 wants 101,283 COMPUCEEDS for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 101,283 COMPUCEEDS
a7c54b21 wants 120,864,281 COMPUCEEDS for 3,580 BTS
virtual paid 3,580 BTS for 120,864,281 COMPUCEEDS
b50b3bfa paid 2,801 BTS for 38,760,748 COMPUCEEDS
80223438 paid 550 BTS for 7,608,025 COMPUCEEDS
f326c63b wants 81,040,120 COMPUCEEDS for 5,856 BTS
virtual paid 2,505 BTS for 34,671,347 COMPUCEEDS
d4728b20 wants 622,800 COMPUCEEDS for 45 BTS
virtual paid 45 BTS for 622,800 COMPUCEEDS
94890e05 sent 150 COMPUCEEDS to
3ce060e2 sent 150 COMPUCEEDS to
870e360d sent 300 COMPUCEEDS to
568b2dc7 sent 10 BTS to
fb042b98 sent 10 BTS to