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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight24.2 BTS
Lifetime fees paid32 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 24.2
BADCOIN 10,000
5d971030 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
e2084c75 sent 26.7 CRYPTOCEEDS to
69131aee sent 877,928,267 COMPUCEEDS to
ae7b54a1 update account/votes
e4611711 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.1567 COMPUCEEDS
1dfd04f0 paid 10,000 BTS for 156,760,273 COMPUCEEDS
243d86d1 paid 54.4 BTS for 852,149 COMPUCEEDS
d41f282e paid 54.8 BTS for 859,615 COMPUCEEDS
6acf1a7e paid 54.8 BTS for 859,615 COMPUCEEDS
adf03b89 paid 54.4 BTS for 852,268 COMPUCEEDS
b1e32e42 paid 46.4 BTS for 726,715 COMPUCEEDS
759fc7df wants 168,932,308 COMPUCEEDS for 10,776 BTS
virtual paid 457 BTS for 7,169,524 COMPUCEEDS
a0dc8beb paid 54.4 BTS for 852,149 COMPUCEEDS
13531bbc paid 11,385 BTS for 429,807,841 COMPUCEEDS
6b2832d7 paid 265 BTS for 9,999,870 COMPUCEEDS
481fa055 paid 9.8 BTS for 369,630 COMPUCEEDS
e1d9ee42 wants 471,148,321 COMPUCEEDS for 12,481 BTS
virtual paid 627 BTS for 23,681,817 COMPUCEEDS
378a980a paid 57.3 BTS for 2,163,059 COMPUCEEDS
cd0c9cad paid 28.9 BTS for 1,091,825 COMPUCEEDS
27709a9f paid 28.9 BTS for 1,091,825 COMPUCEEDS
6ef44afb paid 5.39 BTS for 203,625 COMPUCEEDS
a1a11ec9 paid 21.2 BTS for 800,997 COMPUCEEDS
a5b0f43c paid 32.6 BTS for 1,232,243 COMPUCEEDS
3f49101c paid 18.7 BTS for 705,590 COMPUCEEDS
73d17a9e wants 172,823,261 COMPUCEEDS for 7,051 BTS
virtual paid 7,051 BTS for 172,823,261 COMPUCEEDS
100bcd2d wants 60,845,727 COMPUCEEDS for 12,778 BTS
virtual paid 12,778 BTS for 60,845,727 COMPUCEEDS
4c2b574a paid 4,247 BTS for 3,266,815 COMPUCEEDS
4ff0fbc0 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0076 COMPUCEEDS
bcd85c4f wants 4,136,970 COMPUCEEDS for 5,378 BTS
virtual paid 1,131 BTS for 911,632 COMPUCEEDS
16d5c8f0 cancel order
a2110b70 cancel order
7c58d1d0 wants 11 CRYPTOCEEDS for 3,497 BTS
2b882756 paid 3,497 BTS for 11 CRYPTOCEEDS
086faab5 cancel order
cf80a9e8 wants 7 CRYPTOCEEDS for 2,225 BTS
virtual paid 2,225 BTS for 7 CRYPTOCEEDS
d5bb1874 wants 8.72 CRYPTOCEEDS for 2,772 BTS
virtual paid 2,772 BTS for 8.72 CRYPTOCEEDS
cbb1ef35 cancel order
42692dba wants 15.72 CRYPTOCEEDS for 4,842 BTS
84251836 wants 8.72 CRYPTOCEEDS for 2,685 BTS
4b767256 cancel order
90f1a3a1 wants 19 CRYPTOCEEDS for 5,795 BTS
8a63cd04 wants 26 CRYPTOCEEDS for 7,826 BTS
75efc622 sent 11,200 COMPUCEEDS to
57e155b0 sent 2,240 BTS to
490b01b7 sent 2,500 COMPUCEEDS to
d009c3cb sent 95 BTS to
31c7672f sent 410 COMPUCEEDS to
66966082 sent 400 COMPUCEEDS to
b26fe2e6 sent 80 BTS to
0dc7762f sent 400 COMPUCEEDS to
1f4ad6ea sent 80 BTS to
042d2ea0 update account/votes