立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight2.894 BTS
Lifetime fees paid7.77 BTS
Whitelisting accounts


Asset Balance
BTS 2.894
EPESO 1.208
DEEX 0.1
EBAYCOM 0.00001
APPLECOM 0.00001
BPSCX 201.5
cc224317 sent 0.599 BPSCX to
4809b44d sent 199.7 BPSCX to
bbf72d7c sent 13 BTS to
da743cb3 wants 1 COMPUMATRIX for 87 BTS
virtual paid 87 BTS for 1 COMPUMATRIX
4006ee1c sent 100 BTS to
2f015d38 sent 36,589 BTCCORE to
99ace1a9 sent 370 CRYPTOCEEDS to
f2b3a8f6 sent 1,860,000 EPESO to
50bd6441 sent 250,000 ECASH to
567275e6 sent 44,999,500 COMPUCEEDS to
39231442 sent 55 BTS to
a848f6f6 sent 1 VERVE to
afe91ddb sent 200 BPSCX to
901aac92 sent 10,000 BTCCORE to
4c112f8b sent 850 BPSCX to
f6eeb527 sent 3 VERVE to
df760470 sent 88 BTS to
4f724dd8 wants 1 COMPUMATRIX for 87 BTS
virtual paid 87 BTS for 1 COMPUMATRIX
0b29407d sent 5 BTS to
607f001b sent 5 BTS to
bac47af2 sent 5 BTS to
cd932eee sent 5 BTS to
0d88079b sent 5 BTS to
50824ae2 sent 10 BTS to
c33d648e sent 10 BTS to
a5399a24 sent 5 BTS to
21d080c4 sent 5 BTS to
035f8f14 sent 100 BTS to
adaabf77 sent 30 BTCCORE to
620d20d1 sent 1 BTS to
631c2673 sent 50 BTCCORE to
0bf52a89 sent 1 BTS to
ea0b58e3 sent 50 BTCCORE to
0d216fb1 sent 100 BTCCORE to
7a047505 sent 1.5 BTS to
7dfc2185 sent 7 VERVE to
253cd5f5 sent 10,000 BTCCORE to
c024c349 sent 2 BTS to
c6738a37 sent 36 BTCPLUS to
89c4da77 wants 251.3 BPSCX for 490 BTS
virtual paid 490 BTS for 251.3 BPSCX
eb1b3184 wants 2.05 BPSCX for 4 BTS
virtual paid 4 BTS for 2.05 BPSCX
9921b01c wants 364 BPSCX for 710 BTS
virtual paid 710 BTS for 364 BPSCX
807770e1 paid 0.0817 BTS for 0.0419 BPSCX
c9e7ad6d paid 0.00014 BTS for 0.00007 BPSCX
b8cc1b8b wants 195 BPSCX for 380 BTS
c071dd55 paid 122 BTS for 62.6 BPSCX
e7501644 paid 165 BTS for 84.6 BPSCX
aabab3b4 paid 32.1 BTS for 16.48 BPSCX
05560598 paid 50.7 BTS for 26 BPSCX
4d7f755b paid 0.695 BTS for 0.356 BPSCX
43a9f6cd paid 0.694 BTS for 0.356 BPSCX
e6fe0893 paid 8.03 BTS for 4.12 BPSCX
0ee430ba paid 0.695 BTS for 0.356 BPSCX
a2485b51 sent 200 BTCCORE to
b31e4ec8 sent 200 BTCCORE to
5460de19 sent 10 BPSCX to
c23d482b sent 95 BTS to
2d08743f wants 250 BPSCX for 485 BTS
virtual paid 485 BTS for 250 BPSCX
a194e668 wants 23,300 BTCCORE for 909 BTS
virtual paid 15.68 BTS for 413 BTCCORE
virtual paid 893 BTS for 22,898 BTCCORE
22da17bc update account/votes
2b1b8544 cancel order
19b54b6f cancel orders (8)
58799e0b wants 12,873 BTCCORE for 660 BTS
virtual paid 3.3 BTS for 83 BTCCORE
virtual paid 657 BTS for 12,809 BTCCORE
be3e0856 wants 3,540 BTCCORE for 322 BTS
virtual paid 30.77 BTS for 342 BTCCORE
virtual paid 291.4 BTS for 3,237 BTCCORE
aa31bf35 wants 279,000 USD for 45 BTCCORE
cbe9bbab wants 58.8 OPEN.BTC for 60 BTCCORE
bd7dfeba wants 237 BTCCORE for 45 BTS
virtual paid 0.528 BTS for 2.78 BTCCORE
virtual paid 44.5 BTS for 234 BTCCORE
1b24ee7a cancel order
60e942d0 wants 248.6 BTCCORE for 45 BTS
b883b791 cancel order
7405c9d4 wants 238 BTCCORE for 45 BTS
6dd5a3d5 paid 204 BTS for 1,569 BTCCORE
8e9dd177 wants 1,569 BTCCORE for 204 BTS
4992b329 wants 4.75 BTCCX for 5 BTCCORE
96db08be sent 300 BTCCORE to
882b153f paid 4.72 BTCCORE for 1,487,735 EPESO
9a7f3a79 paid 0.01844 BTCCORE for 5,810 EPESO
cbf4c109 paid 0.0657 BTCCORE for 20,703 EPESO
6a96c58b paid 0.0184 BTCCORE for 5,798 EPESO
8ca39dbd paid 0.01006 BTCCORE for 3,169 EPESO
3e363ef3 paid 0.01878 BTCCORE for 5,915 EPESO
77c3686a paid 0.01874 BTCCORE for 5,904 EPESO
411211ee paid 0.01727 BTCCORE for 5,439 EPESO
0bb49dd8 paid 0.1096 BTCCORE for 34,527 EPESO
e891e892 cancel order
607a7f85 wants 5 BTCCORE for 275,000 EPESO
d4f8e1fe wants 1,575,000 EPESO for 5 BTCCORE
a153bf99 paid 0.416 BTCCORE for 45,802 EPESO
92c98df6 paid 0.0836 BTCCORE for 9,198 EPESO
bc0ebce1 wants 55,000 EPESO for 0.5 BTCCORE
42ecde93 cancel order
84626a2f wants 132,000 EPESO for 1 BTCCORE
virtual paid 0.000003 BTCCORE for 0.44 EPESO
c3b7af34 paid 2 BTCCORE for 230,000 EPESO
af853ae9 wants 230,000 EPESO for 2 BTCCORE
d0a994d4 wants 23,980 USD for 4 BTCCORE
e3c4c127 wants 160,000 BTS for 4 BTCCORE
98008344 wants 4.25 OPEN.BTC for 5 BTCCORE
f0793ada wants 3.33 OPEN.BTC for 3.5 BTCCORE
baf7ba7b cancel order
43e72951 cancel order
cc4d2dbc wants 100 OPEN.BTC for 100 BTCCORE
7a78939b wants 115,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
6f6a8bfe wants 92,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
d84e907c wants 40,000 BTS for 0.5 BTCCORE
f51ce73d wants 40.7 BTCPLUS for 3 BTS
virtual paid 3 BTS for 40.7 BTCPLUS
8ebc8a54 cancel orders (3)
45f39afe sent 40 BTS to
8ba8985e sent 2 BTS to
bb6bf559 sent 200 BTCCORE to
36dbcecb sent 500 COMPUCEEDS to
bb3c95b4 wants 1,347 BTCCORE for 198 BTS
virtual paid 198 BTS for 1,347 BTCCORE
f8891e0d wants 35 BTCCORE for 13.8 BTS
virtual paid 13.8 BTS for 35 BTCCORE
15c670e6 paid 300 BTS for 3,000 BTCCORE
63d02970 wants 3,000 BTCCORE for 300 BTS
bbf232f9 wants 20 BTCCORE for 7.9 BTS
virtual paid 7.9 BTS for 20 BTCCORE
a9ad3c6a wants 787 BTCCORE for 510 BTS
virtual paid 510 BTS for 787 BTCCORE
bf68ff82 wants 5.07 BTCCORE for 30 BTS
virtual paid 30 BTS for 5.07 BTCCORE
bdf8d52d wants 15.8 BTCCORE for 200 BTS
virtual paid 200 BTS for 15.8 BTCCORE
cb286fb6 wants 1 BTCCORE for 57 BTS
virtual paid 8.74 BTS for 0.1567 BTCCORE
virtual paid 48.3 BTS for 0.865 BTCCORE
c9ccaf3c sent 0.15 BTCCORE to
173b190d wants 100,000,000 BTS for 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
8f9b063c sent 10 BTS to
a4c04610 wants 4.79 BTS for 9,398,940 COMPUCEEDS
virtual paid 9,398,940 COMPUCEEDS for 4.79 BTS
9ae4175a wants 110,000,000 BTS for 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
5d7afc1d sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
212c4dba sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
892faa96 wants 10,000,000,000 BTS for 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS
9da8459b sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
16e4f035 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
96551c84 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
a4a34e23 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
1eb2a28f sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
803696c4 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
16ce97d9 sent 2,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
f440d51d sent 1.5 BTS to