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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight7.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid44.6 BTS


Asset Balance
a8a453c0 sent 6.65 BTS to
6babe3bc sent 14,052 BRIDGE.ULG to
9d64170f sent 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC to
812eadb2 cancel order
ea1243d5 cancel order
ce7cd125 cancel order
ed8ec593 cancel order
b9248f1e cancel order
3e94cfd4 cancel order
21838cf8 cancel order
44f8c037 wants 0.001578 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,922 BRIDGE.ULG
73d36024 wants 6,268,663 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0345 BRIDGE.BTC
d4b9d794 cancel order
65679502 wants 0.00194 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,131 BRIDGE.ULG
fdef757c wants 0.0012 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG
19b978da wants 0.0008 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG
ec689bb9 wants 0.00042 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG
14581668 wants 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG
7a7c5778 wants 11,153 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00156 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00156 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,153 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 11,153 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00156 BRIDGE.BTC
9e19e024 wants 0.00156 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,153 BRIDGE.ULG
90b3526d wants 0.00445 BRIDGE.BTC for 49,430 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 2,778 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 46,652 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0042 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
af1bbc0e cancel order
b7f1179b cancel order
6169b295 cancel order
b71cdffa wants 0.000538 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.ULG
225e5ab1 cancel order
9b94da51 wants 0.000425 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,235 BRIDGE.ULG
a1eef1f9 cancel order
17228a8a wants 5,461,991 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.03004 BRIDGE.BTC
e720783e sent 0.002143 BRIDGE.BTC to
ff86ab8a cancel order
e2329f13 wants 0.00152 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,235 BRIDGE.ULG
0bb2414d wants 0.0016 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.ULG
b9580118 wants 0.0009 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.ULG
7ac0d3cb wants 5,851,657 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0322 BRIDGE.BTC
33d2dc8a cancel order
fff3313f wants 1,121 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0002354 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002354 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,121 BRIDGE.ULG
69044876 wants 2,541 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000534 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000534 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,541 BRIDGE.ULG
da8f3048 wants 865 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0001817 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001817 BRIDGE.BTC for 865 BRIDGE.ULG
8e1b6d2d wants 1,425 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000299 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000299 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,425 BRIDGE.ULG
6e371ca8 paid 13,212 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.002775 BRIDGE.BTC
260eda42 wants 0.002775 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,212 BRIDGE.ULG
0eae38e5 cancel order
ebc8b05a cancel order
d4baf9ac cancel order
2f7f37c4 cancel order
ada99098 cancel order
b304a414 cancel order
8ac8e4c6 wants 5,575,462 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.03067 BRIDGE.BTC
2227fa31 wants 0.00297 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,001 BRIDGE.ULG
d3b322c3 wants 0.00211 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,100 BRIDGE.ULG
5f6c8bc2 wants 0.001984 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,100 BRIDGE.ULG
c41b8cdd wants 0.001347 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,541 BRIDGE.ULG
b13a7696 wants 0.000732 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,524 BRIDGE.ULG
1a938656 wants 0.000534 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,241 BRIDGE.ULG
82d77db9 wants 14,536 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00305 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00167 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,949 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 7,949 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00167 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001383 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,587 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 6,587 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.001383 BRIDGE.BTC
4f563abf wants 0.00167 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,949 BRIDGE.ULG
0498e5fe wants 0.001383 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,587 BRIDGE.ULG
3c49b317 wants 14,565 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00306 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00306 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,565 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 14,565 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00306 BRIDGE.BTC
9ce26368 wants 0.00306 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,565 BRIDGE.ULG
35018784 cancel order
ecaf19e7 cancel order
70d66601 cancel order
dca1929c cancel order
31f067fd cancel order
ffa3d137 wants 0.00039 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.ULG
c68d2dcc wants 0.00027 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.ULG
805d8b3e wants 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,598 BRIDGE.ULG
5c66307a wants 0.00145 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,816 BRIDGE.ULG
73ecf08f wants 5,577,680 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0307 BRIDGE.BTC
784fa6fc cancel order
1a606b8e wants 0.000237 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,975 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 1,975 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000237 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
fca59b1b cancel order
ce06807d wants 0.000782 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,975 BRIDGE.ULG
ff83c48f wants 0.354 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.354 BRIDGE.ULG
f20c447c wants 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.167 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 1.167 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00000014 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ed715588 cancel order
80b42900 wants 5,534,668 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.03044 BRIDGE.BTC
544b0318 cancel order
550b1bf0 wants 0.000783 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,976 BRIDGE.ULG
b596513b cancel order
a68e4d8f cancel order
60b7848a cancel order
fcf9db58 cancel order
c52ebb64 cancel order
6840d3f8 cancel order
08383498 cancel order
9424052f cancel order
b6f9eb7f cancel order
2037cac2 cancel order
a0f02f2d cancel order
21c744a6 paid 0.000416 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,980 BRIDGE.ULG
5ea04dd0 wants 2,608 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000548 BRIDGE.BTC
f0b7ef35 wants 1,574 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000315 BRIDGE.BTC
7fafc490 wants 1,254 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0002383 BRIDGE.BTC
73a4ee43 wants 3,524 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000634 BRIDGE.BTC
e7e654e0 wants 4,572 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000777 BRIDGE.BTC
b84b4570 wants 3,254 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000521 BRIDGE.BTC
fc171c8f wants 5,241 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000786 BRIDGE.BTC
8bce0936 wants 8,541 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.001196 BRIDGE.BTC
37e80e66 wants 12,145 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00158 BRIDGE.BTC
d227b464 wants 14,257 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00171 BRIDGE.BTC
c4951d39 wants 15,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00165 BRIDGE.BTC
c0718d02 wants 0.001543 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,289 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 10,289 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.001543 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
8fdced5f cancel order
6ee843b6 cancel order
0fcde613 cancel order
5416b5cd cancel order
402a03e7 cancel order
2f5b2c40 cancel order
1cc0eaaa wants 0.000701 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,506 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 3,506 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000701 BRIDGE.BTC
82920bb3 wants 0.001607 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,654 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 2,254 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000473 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 5,401 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.001134 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b48538c8 cancel order
ffcd0623 cancel order
d4c9fe93 wants 0.0071 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,000 BRIDGE.ULG
1dbf0035 wants 0.00565 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,845 BRIDGE.ULG
d2be7715 paid 0.000492 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,970 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 0.000366 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,524 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 0.00081 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,524 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 0.000531 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,415 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,448 BRIDGE.ULG
ba971138 wants 0.002667 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,604 BRIDGE.ULG
7511e5c9 wants 1,970 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000492 BRIDGE.BTC
8300e6e5 wants 1,524 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000366 BRIDGE.BTC
5c9de5eb wants 3,524 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00081 BRIDGE.BTC
09646886 wants 2,415 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000531 BRIDGE.BTC
f1593c3c cancel order
4a50a174 wants 10,476 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0022 BRIDGE.BTC
2281be19 wants 8,448 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00169 BRIDGE.BTC
2bddad02 wants 7,523 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00143 BRIDGE.BTC
8ccde936 wants 9,163 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00165 BRIDGE.BTC
daeb400b wants 5,673 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000964 BRIDGE.BTC
36b2df10 wants 3,545 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000567 BRIDGE.BTC
b81e97ba wants 10,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
dc775980 wants 3,800,345 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0209 BRIDGE.BTC
e144114e cancel order
cf4839e3 wants 5,618,528 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0309 BRIDGE.BTC
2b1ca998 cancel order
b6a880d3 cancel order
c09aa532 wants 2,240,585 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.01232 BRIDGE.BTC
2e3ba600 paid 12,331 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00444 BRIDGE.BTC
9879c7c3 paid 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00076 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00147 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00088 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00161 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,468 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.000529 BRIDGE.BTC
59fd7020 wants 0.00497 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,800 BRIDGE.ULG
18227761 wants 0.00088 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.ULG
d41cb995 wants 0.00076 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.ULG
32b5760d wants 0.00147 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG
8a9eeb26 wants 0.00161 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG
c4f8e9f2 wants 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG
867da414 wants 0.00126 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,000 BRIDGE.ULG
c8098f30 wants 3,096,447 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.01858 BRIDGE.BTC
aa0a432c sent 0.0663 BRIDGE.BTC to
7db57454 cancel order
9c5cef87 wants 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.ULG
virtual paid 25,000 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
8c3fb09d cancel order
a9545710 cancel order
eff77ad6 cancel order
3a449b9b cancel order
841da673 cancel order
7ecc256b wants 8,288,269 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.0829 BRIDGE.BTC
9335bc11 cancel order
bc67d2fe wants 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ULG
fe373aa6 wants 0.00105 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ULG
57e1d4ae wants 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ULG
688bc67e wants 0.0009 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ULG
a146a420 wants 0.00065 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ULG
37f2c96e cancel order
ea2a7097 wants 0.00325 BRIDGE.BTC for 25,000 BRIDGE.ULG