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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight192.5 BTS
Lifetime fees paid160 BTS
Cashback/vesting38.9 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 7.36 0
BTC 0.00000001 0
OPEN.LTC 0.00000052 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0000755 0
BRIDGE.BCH 0.00000021 0
DEEX 0.1 0
OPEN.SKY 11.2 0
BRIDGE.ZNY 0.00081 0
BRIDGE.XP 0.0525 9,448,895
BRIDGE.XSH 0.000001 0
BRIDGE.BLOCK 0.00000243 0
BRIDGE.TUN 0.1228 0
TIREX 0.15 0
NEXTCOIN 0.0001 0
BRIDGE.CREA 0.000777 0
ROYAL 0.097 0
BRIDGE.LPA 0.364 0
BRIDGE.BITG 0.0000064 7.98
BRIDGE.OPC 0.0794 0
MACHAIN 0.014 0
RIPLE 0.12 0
TURION 0.1 0
CEMENT 0.011 0
BRIDGE.SPD 0.000578 0
BRIDGE.END 0.0588 0
BRIDGE.GOA 0.00644 0
BRIDGE.XMCC 0.0000001 0
BRIDGE.EXUS 0.0395 2,457
QUBIT 0.001 0
BRIDGE.NORT 0.000845 0
UTOKEN 0.3 0
NICKEL 0.00004 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00002 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00002 0
EBAYCOM 0.00002 0
TRONTRX 0.06 0
BRIDGE.GNR 0.519 599
LIQPAY 0.019 0
ESCODEX.BTC 0.001864 0
APPLECOM 0.00003 0
BRIDGE.VEGI 0.0000001 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
CISCOCOM 0.00002 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.MTI 0.02967 0
BRIDGE.RCO 0.383 34,504
ALIBABACOM 0.00001 0
FORDCOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.TCN 33.5 33.5
BRIDGE.ALMEX 0.0357 33,364
DONGFENG 0.001 0
BRIDGE.LPC 0.0001484 0
TWITTERCOM 0.00001 0
NOBLE 0.0002 0
ESCODEX.COTN 2,556 2,556
GOOGL 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.1X2 0.0000577 0
BRIDGE.EBCR 15.64 15.64
BRIDGE.P2P 34.6 34.6
XBTSX.XBB 0.000025 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
e3bc35d7 cancel order
c0bfe418 wants 5.92 BTS for 31,143 BRIDGE.ALMEX
virtual paid 31,143 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 5.92 BTS
virtual cancel order
c66b718d cancel order
c5564dee wants 16.58 BTS for 33,152 BRIDGE.ALMEX
virtual paid 2,000 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 1 BTS
653694aa paid 8.9 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.00445 BTS
87dbd303 cancel order
1229d029 paid 572 BRIDGE.LUNEX for 0.00001 BTS
76ff293a wants 0.00001 BTS for 363 BRIDGE.NERO
67d3b52a wants 0.00001 BTS for 572 BRIDGE.LUNEX
a836674f wants 0.00004 BTS for 4,132 BRIDGE.ROE
virtual paid 4,000 BRIDGE.ROE for 0.00004 BTS
virtual cancel order
b66c914b sent 3,602 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
8fbbb749 wants 0.349 BTS for 16,633 BRIDGE.MTI
virtual paid 9,152 BRIDGE.MTI for 0.192 BTS
a1ac6d56 paid 7,481 BRIDGE.MTI for 0.157 BTS
virtual cancel order
5f2036ae wants 0.00021 BTS for 21,363 BRIDGE.NERO
virtual paid 21,000 BRIDGE.NERO for 0.00021 BTS
virtual cancel order
c6523755 wants 0.00023 BTS for 23,572 BRIDGE.LUNEX
virtual paid 23,000 BRIDGE.LUNEX for 0.00023 BTS
virtual cancel order
b989bc34 wants 0.1035 BTS for 34,504 BRIDGE.RCO
virtual paid 34,503 BRIDGE.RCO for 0.1035 BTS
virtual cancel order
432034b4 paid 19.53 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.01953 BTS
d8156585 paid 19.53 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.01953 BTS
f9f7fd2d paid 19.53 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.01953 BTS
e75af100 wants 33.4 BTS for 33,364 BRIDGE.ALMEX
virtual paid 121 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.121 BTS
a907d43c paid 33.1 BRIDGE.ALMEX for 0.0331 BTS
fd85fc49 cancel orders (5)
virtual cancel order
a3d39be3 paid 3.95 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.0017 BTS
6c082376 cancel order
eb60ac6e wants 0.002937 BTC for 3.23 BRIDGE.MONA
virtual paid 0.00001 BRIDGE.MONA for 0.00000001 BTC
343ba72f wants 0.0000756 BRIDGE.BTC for 27 BTS
virtual paid 27 BTS for 0.0000756 BRIDGE.BTC
6a3caa94 wants 0.01765 BTS for 0.01975 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 0.01974 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.01765 BTS
virtual cancel order
b3a67fb7 cancel order
c0e5dbdb wants 9.98 BTS for 7.98 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 0.838 BRIDGE.BITG for 1.047 BTS
8c3a0dee paid 0.715 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.893 BTS
ea0c44d3 paid 1.787 BRIDGE.BITG for 2.233 BTS
71264866 paid 0.143 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.1786 BTS
1a4321db paid 0.143 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.1786 BTS
5b7bfa61 paid 1.43 BRIDGE.BITG for 1.786 BTS
0bfe3942 paid 0.893 BRIDGE.BITG for 1.116 BTS
c02a5df4 paid 0.143 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.1786 BTS
7b379e12 paid 0.447 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.558 BTS
1e9825e4 paid 1.428 BRIDGE.BITG for 1.784 BTS
0855f990 wants 2.35 BTS for 235 BRIDGE.NORT
virtual paid 235 BRIDGE.NORT for 2.35 BTS
virtual cancel order
584961a2 wants 0.00598 BTS for 599 BRIDGE.GNR
virtual paid 598 BRIDGE.GNR for 0.00598 BTS
virtual cancel order
3c4e5c6d wants 6.77 BTS for 621 BRIDGE.ZNY
virtual paid 621 BRIDGE.ZNY for 6.77 BTS
virtual cancel order
805b9b85 paid 9.49 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.00408 BTS
77552776 wants 0.384 BTS for 894 BRIDGE.TUN
virtual paid 329 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.1414 BTS
798a69b3 paid 112.8 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.0485 BTS
47950908 paid 282 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.1213 BTS
83ed2929 paid 21.74 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.00935 BTS
73b4be3b paid 112.8 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.0485 BTS
6e03f06f paid 21.74 BRIDGE.TUN for 0.00935 BTS
46aa3986 wants 0.0369 BTS for 2,457 BRIDGE.EXUS
virtual paid 2,457 BRIDGE.EXUS for 0.0369 BTS
virtual cancel order
b7f561ab wants 0.00984 BTS for 4,690 BRIDGE.PBS
virtual paid 4,686 BRIDGE.PBS for 0.00984 BTS
virtual cancel order
c9e9fc85 wants 0.588 BTS for 5,871 BRIDGE.END
virtual paid 5,871 BRIDGE.END for 0.588 BTS
virtual cancel order
a4b2ed55 wants 7.76 BTS for 22,745 BRIDGE.ROE
virtual paid 18,613 BRIDGE.ROE for 6.35 BTS
045e4c5f wants 1.183 BTS for 44,354 BRIDGE.LPA
virtual paid 44,353 BRIDGE.LPA for 1.183 BTS
virtual cancel order
8a775c63 wants 0.02243 BTS for 172,566 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 172,538 BRIDGE.SHND for 0.02243 BTS
virtual cancel order
1c70605e wants 0.194 BTS for 2,772 BRIDGE.OPC
virtual paid 2,772 BRIDGE.OPC for 0.194 BTS
virtual cancel order
5d72ff97 sent 0.001508 BRIDGE.BTC to
a24405be wants 0.0001092 BRIDGE.BTC for 39 BTS
virtual paid 39 BTS for 0.0001092 BRIDGE.BTC
1bc94b95 wants 0.0014 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BTS
virtual paid 78.6 BTS for 0.00022 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 357 BTS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 64.6 BTS for 0.000181 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
99cff2c2 sent 35.5 BRIDGE.MONK to
5fbd9139 sent 130 BRIDGE.RVN to
164ee3e9 sent 0.0258 BRIDGE.BTC to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
ca4639b1 wants 48.9 BTS for 941,232 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 941,232 BRIDGE.XP for 48.9 BTS
virtual cancel order
5cbf6fac wants 302.5 BTS for 5,500,000 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 5,500,000 BRIDGE.XP for 302.5 BTS
84fe9fa3 cancel order
1d724516 wants 6,441 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 6,441,232 BRIDGE.XP
b1aec4aa cancel order
71e11410 wants 7,085 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 6,441,232 BRIDGE.XP
ff79cb8c cancel order
950c542c paid 3,007,663 BRIDGE.XP for 3,609 BRIDGE.XDOGE
a3fe09cb wants 11,339 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 9,448,895 BRIDGE.XP
afb41e17 cancel order
3eeb873c cancel order
virtual cancel order
5f779e08 wants 434,584,250 BRIDGE.SHND for 8,691,685 BRIDGE.XP
f0271bfa cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
54271443 paid 1,103 BRIDGE.XP for 68,912 BRIDGE.SHND
07c9828c paid 832 BRIDGE.XP for 51,996 BRIDGE.SHND
dfcabe74 paid 832 BRIDGE.XP for 51,996 BRIDGE.SHND
efd4fab1 wants 47,498,506 BRIDGE.SHND for 759,976 BRIDGE.XP
03398358 sent 30,961,171 BRIDGE.SHND to
674ef65c cancel order
e7643383 paid 263,512 BRIDGE.XP for 15,500,703 BRIDGE.SHND
f8f239c5 paid 263,512 BRIDGE.XP for 15,500,703 BRIDGE.SHND
a6855a1f wants 75,705,882 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,287,000 BRIDGE.XP
29b71781 cancel order
f6e77ce1 wants 71,500,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,287,000 BRIDGE.XP
9b853d72 cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
6459ce9b wants 579,445,667 BRIDGE.SHND for 8,691,685 BRIDGE.XP
virtual cancel order
833a1a34 cancel order
0b75cc02 cancel order
36ff3981 cancel order
99d18f00 wants 99,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,435,500 BRIDGE.XP
dd66ed90 wants 99,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,287,000 BRIDGE.XP
8ccb18ff wants 99,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,336,500 BRIDGE.XP
2e760691 wants 99,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,386,000 BRIDGE.XP
virtual cancel order
4e9c4b7b sent 6,504,769 BRIDGE.XP to
c05f2f7b cancel order
b0cdc1f7 wants 99,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,366,200 BRIDGE.XP
90026598 cancel order
5007bc6c paid 1.726 BRIDGE.XP for 107.9 BRIDGE.SHND
de1025b8 cancel order
4b54a277 wants 99,900,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,798,200 BRIDGE.XP
61fb129d paid 340 BRIDGE.XP for 21,220 BRIDGE.SHND
839a88ad wants 99,900,000 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,598,400 BRIDGE.XP
d973dd2d cancel order
3ea7f7f2 cancel order
912bb6ad wants 161,632,122 BRIDGE.SHND for 3,232,642 BRIDGE.XP
238b39dd cancel order
virtual cancel order
9db76ee1 sent 40,547,001 BRIDGE.SHND to
658b7a1b wants 184,117,706 BRIDGE.SHND for 4,142,648 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 78.5 BRIDGE.XP for 3,522 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 460,188 BRIDGE.XP for 20,636,211 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 449,740 BRIDGE.XP for 19,988,440 BRIDGE.SHND
ef64038c cancel order
virtual cancel order
6d6608c8 sent 28,273,001 BRIDGE.SHND to
1c881d13 wants 191,695,445 BRIDGE.SHND for 3,833,909 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 561,241 BRIDGE.XP for 28,063,457 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 200 BRIDGE.XP for 10,000 BRIDGE.SHND
ef602157 cancel order
2401d016 paid 4,077 BRIDGE.XP for 254,821 BRIDGE.SHND
ba54d45e wants 259,170,345 BRIDGE.SHND for 4,146,726 BRIDGE.XP
c3219079 sent 71,720,001 BRIDGE.SHND to
c7f12e29 wants 71,641,070 BRIDGE.SHND for 1,208,656 BRIDGE.XP
virtual paid 107.3 BRIDGE.XP for 6,435 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 16,642 BRIDGE.XP for 998,537 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 330 BRIDGE.XP for 19,650 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 584,221 BRIDGE.XP for 34,801,787 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual paid 607,356 BRIDGE.XP for 36,000,000 BRIDGE.SHND
virtual cancel order
0c29a37c cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
0c930848 wants 294,916,070 BRIDGE.SHND for 3,833,909 BRIDGE.XP
3f5654e6 cancel order
d4302105 sent 86,000,001 BRIDGE.SHND to
de714fc6 wants 169,108,779 BRIDGE.SHND for 2,367,523 BRIDGE.XP