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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0453 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.1 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0453
6993c9dd sent 119.8 BTS to
2761e94b sent 0.036 BRIDGE.BTC to
10c971ba sent 59.4 BRIDGE.RVIEW to
1f5723b6 sent 142.5 BTS to
3d3309e1 sent 142.5 BTS to
d0dab1fe sent 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC to
1ce7c209 sent 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC to
93525dfc sent 69.3 BRIDGE.RVIEW to
d436faef sent 69.3 BRIDGE.RVIEW to
2a0b0d97 sent 51.9 BTS to
4de95e78 sent 0.0432 BRIDGE.BTC to
3fcd4369 cancel order
a28f7e1f cancel order
08b7d3c9 cancel order
fb2769c4 cancel order
a5ccef7e cancel order
1f3862bd cancel orders (2)
3d73a821 cancel order
9f2855d4 paid 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.6 BRIDGE.AGOR
80b63bf7 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000278 BRIDGE.AGOR
d73b446a paid 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.07 BRIDGE.AGOR
4cad5b90 paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0000282 BRIDGE.AGOR
5c2c1761 wants 14.07 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
80b86014 wants 15.35 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00509 BRIDGE.BTC
f43f0866 wants 14.98 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
222ddc8d wants 15.62 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
ea17d934 wants 16.87 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC
008cb308 wants 16.96 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
8674b597 wants 13.86 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC
d6500016 wants 15.66 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC
9ae3d20c wants 13.6 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC
0558beb6 wants 14.84 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC
22ed816f cancel orders (6)
1f4ff721 cancel order
eb949da7 cancel orders (2)
4beabd4a cancel order
55cc5092 wants 63.2 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00488 BRIDGE.BTC
ff504fa5 wants 53.3 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC
9175f8d8 wants 66.9 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
9bb5716f wants 63.7 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
0ee089bf wants 61.8 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
4c3a80a1 wants 62.1 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
d568ac37 wants 54.1 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00504 BRIDGE.BTC
d311e875 wants 69.1 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00493 BRIDGE.BTC
1addeb72 wants 51.3 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
ab3e77b7 wants 65.4 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.00499 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
bfda7427 wants 29.7 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01574 BRIDGE.BTC
ad43cc1b wants 26.7 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01415 BRIDGE.BTC
20a95bf6 wants 32.9 BRIDGE.AGOR for 0.01733 BRIDGE.BTC