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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00029 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.0447 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00029
DEEX 0.1
CEMENT 0.004
c8c5b340 sent 0.1 DEEX to
5a0df926 issue 100 BRIDGE.TOA to
2f724090 issue 695 BRIDGE.TOA to
47337f99 issue 695 BRIDGE.TOA to
c44a6c6a issue 100 BRIDGE.TOA to
db738285 issue 100 BRIDGE.TOA to
cd01b608 issue 695 BRIDGE.TOA to
56a58125 issue 138 BRIDGE.TOA to
c80f59d0 sent 109.8 BRIDGE.LOL to
d63675f5 paid 0.00036 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.8 BRIDGE.LOL
1c1c123b wants 41.3 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.000394 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000241 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.527 BRIDGE.LOL
virtual paid 0.00000965 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.011 BRIDGE.LOL
e9e03668 wants 0.000395 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.2 BRIDGE.SEND
virtual paid 28.2 BRIDGE.SEND for 0.000395 BRIDGE.BTC
dffe68af paid 0.00044 BRIDGE.BTC for 58.5 BRIDGE.LOL
87529bed wants 58.5 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00044 BRIDGE.BTC
405af6a5 cancel order
a8e124c4 wants 58.6 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00044 BRIDGE.BTC
40bd6f4b cancel order
55de4dbd wants 55.6 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.000496 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000564 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.32 BRIDGE.LOL
b047afd7 cancel order
6b6f0294 paid 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.LOL
1370ffc8 wants 78.4 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00051 BRIDGE.BTC
809ff508 cancel order
8c9e7c1d wants 92.6 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00051 BRIDGE.BTC
8ba2225c cancel order
a38dfd53 paid 0.00001042 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.LOL
0915a5c6 wants 99.8 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00052 BRIDGE.BTC
0f945980 cancel order
f322aa43 wants 130 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.00052 BRIDGE.BTC
975aed3c wants 0.000521 BRIDGE.BTC for 695 BRIDGE.TOA
virtual paid 695 BRIDGE.TOA for 0.000521 BRIDGE.BTC
dce9c988 sent 18.5 BRIDGE.LOL to
9840935f paid 0.0000756 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.9 BRIDGE.LOL
6eb84efa wants 18.9 BRIDGE.LOL for 0.0000756 BRIDGE.BTC
48a008cb wants 0.0000759 BRIDGE.BTC for 99.8 BRIDGE.TOA
virtual paid 99.8 BRIDGE.TOA for 0.0000759 BRIDGE.BTC
b0541334 cancel order
c4e40d58 wants 0.0000889 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.TOA