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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid2.88 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
979b9908 sent 12,233 CNY to
f1696660 paid 25,237 PENHH for 6,892 CNY
virtual cancel order
5c79a8f7 wants 12,245 CNY for 44,838 PENHH
virtual paid 18,949 PENHH for 5,175 CNY
virtual paid 652 PENHH for 178 CNY
76d84555 paid 11,632 CNY for 44,843 PENHH
5a2f4c59 wants 44,843 PENHH for 11,632 CNY
636d95fd sent 90 CNY to
fe15cbeb wants 11,734 CNY for 45,375 PENHH
virtual paid 45,375 PENHH for 11,734 CNY
virtual cancel order
fc0a9216 paid 11,177 CNY for 45,379 PENHH
da53f180 wants 45,379 PENHH for 11,177 CNY
1bfc5dc8 sent 80 CNY to
33808293 paid 45,657 PENHH for 11,268 CNY
fa84bdf9 wants 11,268 CNY for 45,657 PENHH
dd5dd3fd paid 10,730 CNY for 45,662 PENHH
7851fea9 wants 45,662 PENHH for 10,730 CNY
b9160d1e sent 75 CNY to
c2d7e5cf wants 10,816 CNY for 46,086 PENHH
virtual paid 46,086 PENHH for 10,816 CNY
virtual cancel order
a50c1362 paid 10,315 CNY for 46,090 PENHH
5b51075b wants 46,090 PENHH for 10,315 CNY
fd4ee5c9 wants 47.9 BTS for 10 CNY
virtual paid 10 CNY for 47.9 BTS