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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01942 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.854 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.01942 0
CNY 3.146 0
IOU.CNY 0.808 0.0001
XBTSX.STH 0.0358 0
virtual cancel order
02bffa73 sent 0.0358 XBTSX.STH to
35c7551c cancel order
361b5012 wants 1,657 CNY for 433 ZENGOLD
a444ad59 cancel order
23251ebc wants 1,255 CNY for 433 ZENGOLD
3b218508 cancel order
469d32f3 wants 1,427 CNY for 433 ZENGOLD
a054f8f6 paid 0.0011 CNY for 0.0003014 ZENGOLD
eb99d40f paid 7.91 CNY for 2.167 ZENGOLD
97221b2b wants 214 ZENGOLD for 781 CNY
6387952c paid 685 CNY for 187.8 ZENGOLD
95dc44ec paid 44 CNY for 12.05 ZENGOLD
d3eae3c4 paid 43.7 CNY for 11.97 ZENGOLD
d40ca2e7 cancel order
daeebc95 paid 42.8 CNY for 12.03 ZENGOLD
220ecb7d paid 28.14 CNY for 7.9 ZENGOLD
31e16bea wants 440 ZENGOLD for 1,567 CNY
virtual paid 712 CNY for 200 ZENGOLD
6eb3eefa cancel order
8b525e0c wants 585 ZENGOLD for 1,567 CNY
f344ded8 wants 1,567 CNY for 712 BTS
virtual paid 712 BTS for 1,567 CNY
8a70e07c wants 317 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 317 BTS
305e4491 wants 395 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 395 BTS
9289de6c sent 1,696 CNY to
39a1d681 wants 1,696 CNY for 3,527 BTS
virtual paid 877 BTS for 422 CNY
virtual paid 2,650 BTS for 1,274 CNY
a2600b65 cancel order
c9266c2e wants 1,728 CNY for 3,527 BTS
virtual paid 0.0002 BTS for 0.0001 CNY
cf6fb443 wants 9.7 BTS for 4.52 CNY
virtual paid 4.52 CNY for 9.7 BTS
02a3d831 wants 3,477 BTS for 1,079 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 0.001103 ZENGOLD for 0.00364 BTS
virtual paid 3.016 ZENGOLD for 9.95 BTS
virtual paid 3.03 ZENGOLD for 10 BTS
virtual paid 1,073 ZENGOLD for 3,457 BTS
4f938516 cancel order
469eb612 wants 1,823 CNY for 1,079 ZENGOLD
19723424 wants 4.52 CNY for 3.016 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 3.016 ZENGOLD for 4.52 CNY
da4903ae wants 40 BTS for 12.12 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 12.12 ZENGOLD for 40 BTS
c2a57091 cancel order
cd919fd3 wants 20,666 IOU.CNY for 1,095 ZENGOLD
1e08cd32 cancel order
267037b7 wants 1,970 BTS for 1,095 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 0.00000555 ZENGOLD for 0.00001 BTS
9289fd13 paid 4.86 IOU.CNY for 8.84 ZENGOLD
virtual paid 0.0001 IOU.CNY for 0.000342 ZENGOLD
c091e290 wants 913 ZENGOLD for 502 IOU.CNY
f87870c2 paid 258.7 IOU.CNY for 470 ZENGOLD
d08e3e06 paid 64.7 IOU.CNY for 117.7 ZENGOLD
18ca315f paid 32.4 IOU.CNY for 58.8 ZENGOLD
63646644 paid 101.4 IOU.CNY for 184.3 ZENGOLD
5c5d1efb paid 7.61 IOU.CNY for 13.83 ZENGOLD
5113baad paid 16.18 IOU.CNY for 29.4 ZENGOLD
16264044 paid 16.18 IOU.CNY for 29.4 ZENGOLD
726fd315 wants 182 ZENGOLD for 100 IOU.CNY
82803c98 paid 67.2 IOU.CNY for 122.2 ZENGOLD
2ac5361c paid 31.5 IOU.CNY for 57.3 ZENGOLD
09bdbc2b paid 1.393 IOU.CNY for 2.53 ZENGOLD