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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00162 BTS
Lifetime fees paid4.32 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00162
CNY 47.2
BADCOIN 10,010
WWW.ETH 0.000066
WWW.EOS 0.00007
XBTSX.STH 0.0682
ce85ac4a sent 0.0682 XBTSX.STH to
bd59152e sent 16,958 BTS to
27c7c20d sent 200 BTS to
2115ee7f sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
03056d70 wants 4,150 BTS for 10,935 CNY
virtual paid 4,609 CNY for 1,756 BTS
virtual paid 746 CNY for 284 BTS
virtual paid 5,580 CNY for 2,126 BTS
d21c3d90 cancel order
9e903728 cancel order
677af1bf wants 4,200 BTS for 10,962 CNY
f81d4899 wants 10,980 CNY for 3,000 BTS
virtual paid 3,000 BTS for 10,983 CNY
523f9777 sent 6,510 CNY to
61a2598c cancel order
54a79f14 wants 0.87 WWW.ETH for 6,482 CNY
dfd0e2c5 cancel order
daf0bcc3 wants 0.89 WWW.ETH for 6,469 CNY
3d4330da wants 2,276 CNY for 34.4 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 34.4 WWW.EOS for 2,276 CNY
ab1a852f cancel order
c14c9305 wants 3,726 CNY for 54.4 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 20 WWW.EOS for 1,370 CNY
830896c2 cancel order
37c6a556 wants 3,753 CNY for 54.4 WWW.EOS
9d78e530 cancel order
61fdb13d wants 6,671 CNY for 95.3 WWW.EOS
virtual paid 40.9 WWW.EOS for 2,864 CNY
c5ee63dc sent 12,560 CNY to
c74a2b9f wants 6,800 CNY for 1,000 BTS
319e45b2 wants 6,250 CNY for 1,000 BTS
virtual paid 16 BTS for 100 CNY
virtual paid 984 BTS for 6,151 CNY
2e54b1f3 paid 1,000 BTS for 6,250 CNY
167c1d0e wants 6,250 CNY for 1,000 BTS
5f0b3c26 cancel order
27315142 wants 11,090 CNY for 1.733 WWW.ETH
dc9d8dbb cancel order
8e003ef9 wants 4,727 CNY for 0.733 WWW.ETH
311e447d cancel order
5657058e wants 4,760 CNY for 0.733 WWW.ETH
4c24b6ff cancel order
0fed3b5e wants 4,764 CNY for 0.733 WWW.ETH
51f1c474 cancel order
e7f29c1b wants 11,783 CNY for 1.733 WWW.ETH
01ae60fe wants 95 WWW.EOS for 6,080 CNY
virtual paid 6,080 CNY for 95.3 WWW.EOS
90e89adf wants 6,110 CNY for 1 WWW.ETH
virtual paid 0.728 WWW.ETH for 4,477 CNY
virtual paid 0.272 WWW.ETH for 1,662 CNY
cd0094af sent 7,900 CNY to
8362d0d4 paid 2,000 BTS for 7,900 CNY
f80ce1dc wants 7,900 CNY for 2,000 BTS
e035a301 sent 12,800 CNY to
c128084b paid 4,000 BTS for 12,800 CNY
0dfb15e2 sent 9,000 CNY to
67f0438b paid 3,000 BTS for 9,000 CNY
85c667dc wants 12,800 CNY for 4,000 BTS
7da5013f sent 6,401 CNY to
bf60dd89 sent 2,000 CNY to
cf57bce6 wants 9,000 CNY for 3,000 BTS
212dfa2c paid 3,000 BTS for 8,400 CNY
658a8c4d wants 8,400 CNY for 3,000 BTS
9e8052c8 sent 3,732 CNY to
d209fb59 wants 3,718 CNY for 7,588 BTS
virtual paid 130.6 BTS for 64.4 CNY
virtual paid 7,457 BTS for 3,669 CNY
68c61360 cancel order
704aa661 wants 3,756 CNY for 7,588 BTS
2dd9238e cancel order
16b2a183 wants 3,870 CNY for 7,588 BTS
128ba848 create proposal