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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.519 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.3 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 2.44
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
SEER 10,801
SHUMAN 71,379,879
GDEX.EOS 0.000002
DDN 50
FUCKCOIN 122,112
IDIOT 1,166,666
GDEX.BKBT 0.00062
SEED 416
GDEX.IQ 25.7
a127d67a sent 329 BTS to
595b2b6d sent 10 BTS to
1b850d45 wants 335 BTS for 257 CNY
virtual paid 0.1672 CNY for 0.219 BTS
baf86283 paid 257 CNY for 334 BTS
45a717da wants 38.2 CNY for 4,155 GDEX.BKBT
virtual paid 4,155 GDEX.BKBT for 38.2 CNY
virtual cancel order
07f7dc19 wants 207 CNY for 5.04 GDEX.EOS
virtual paid 2 GDEX.EOS for 83 CNY
virtual paid 2 GDEX.EOS for 82 CNY
5b5d24a2 paid 1.044 GDEX.EOS for 42.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
f4de1c3b wants 11.1 CNY for 10 GDEX.BTM
virtual paid 10 GDEX.BTM for 11.1 CNY
0e568e55 sent 14,160 BTS to
a308520c cancel order
a6968ac8 wants 236 CNY for 5,280 OPEN.DOGE
fa68ab0d sent 3,000 FUCKCOIN to
82a4732f paid 77 CNY for 21 BTS
f334d382 wants 21 BTS for 77 CNY
b261868e cancel order
a1be6a14 wants 19.74 BTS for 77 CNY
a2e7fecd sent 2,000 FUCKCOIN to
77617979 sent 2,000 FUCKCOIN to
03dcd6c9 sent 4,588 FUCKCOIN to
a1c4a4b3 sent 5,000 FUCKCOIN to
7fa1c7ec sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
e529ba3a sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
063b25bf sent 10,000 FUCKCOIN to
8cbba587 sent 6,000 FUCKCOIN to
2f17b008 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
56f8b18e sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
f24c1370 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
9732d14d sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
4398ad65 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
e820462e sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
a5c6f941 sent 5,000 FUCKCOIN to
305b839b sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
65307ace sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
e51e1558 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
456e4e30 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
649392a3 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
c54a8cdb sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
b8a7e99f sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
2a3fdcc9 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
0be6152b sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
87e03162 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
d502946e sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
3498a178 sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
b7b3c5ec sent 4,300 FUCKCOIN to
83af1b01 paid 237 CNY for 50 DDN
be4c5d42 wants 50 DDN for 237 CNY
22dabb15 wants 2 GDEX.EOS for 262 CNY
virtual paid 262 CNY for 2.047 GDEX.EOS
06f85b4a paid 90.3 CNY for 300 TCASH
f4c34387 wants 300 TCASH for 90.3 CNY
fb176fdb cancel order
116c92d6 paid 114 CNY for 1 GDEX.EOS
225c2603 wants 1 GDEX.EOS for 114 CNY
cbd19cb4 paid 0.998 OPEN.EOS for 108.8 CNY
977417e2 wants 108.8 CNY for 0.998 OPEN.EOS
21730337 wants 1 OPEN.EOS for 109 CNY
virtual paid 109 CNY for 1 OPEN.EOS
65bda5cf wants 2 GDEX.EOS for 217.8 CNY
virtual paid 217.8 CNY for 2.002 GDEX.EOS
fde22e01 wants 282.6 DDN for 483 CNY
c5ae2df6 wants 1 BTS for 5.76 CNY
virtual paid 5.76 CNY for 1.002 BTS
fc0a4e14 paid 270 CNY for 24,107,152 SHUMAN
e5567082 paid 224 CNY for 20,000,000 SHUMAN
343533cf wants 44,107,143 SHUMAN for 494 CNY
67df98e0 cancel order
31a9263f wants 44,504,505 SHUMAN for 494 CNY
dc070577 cancel order
409a4002 wants 44,909,091 SHUMAN for 494 CNY
5283b138 cancel order
248fb796 paid 300 CNY for 27,272,727 SHUMAN
af0043a6 wants 27,272,727 SHUMAN for 300 CNY
e51dc47f paid 39.3 CNY for 293 OPEN.DOGE
f0f28bdb wants 5,220 OPEN.DOGE for 700 CNY
virtual paid 661 CNY for 4,998 OPEN.DOGE
b3dee51f paid 998 CNY for 4,990 SEER
46fd4d95 wants 4,990 SEER for 998 CNY
8c8f86da paid 460 CNY for 2,300 SEER
5c8ef440 wants 2,300 SEER for 460 CNY
131369e9 cancel order
9942b1d5 wants 1,000 SEER for 150 CNY
8ce84e9f paid 420 CNY for 2,000 SEER
ff62c67d cancel order
2c8512c0 cancel order
ab1a315a paid 220 CNY for 710 SEER
7d9d59e8 paid 401 CNY for 801 SEER
7700a255 wants 710 SEER for 220 CNY
325bbf37 wants 2,000 SEER for 420 CNY
0709ba60 wants 4,000 SEER for 240 CNY
0fb8cde8 cancel order
4dafdeb9 wants 801 SEER for 401 CNY
d7f33b5f wants 4,000 SEER for 880 CNY
0b8bf374 wants 2,000 SEER for 220 CNY
c49deae1 wants 307 BTS for 1,504 CNY
virtual paid 290.3 CNY for 59.9 BTS
virtual paid 1,214 CNY for 249.3 BTS
438f88c3 cancel order
08b90e9a wants 314 BTS for 1,507 CNY
ce855acd paid 498 CNY for 300 GDEX.BTO
6c9ee7a1 wants 300 GDEX.BTO for 498 CNY
dc913f08 wants 540 GDEX.BTO for 977 CNY
virtual paid 977 CNY for 574 GDEX.BTO
fe44ed44 sent 0.1 BTS to
984b2561 paid 500 BTS for 1,950 CNY
74961499 wants 1,950 CNY for 500 BTS
71db20ae paid 264 BTS for 1,030 CNY
c2b265b0 wants 1,030 CNY for 264 BTS
069dc781 wants 147 BTS for 500 CNY
virtual paid 500 CNY for 147 BTS
d1aeb706 sent 116 BTS to
4f133273 sent 10 BTS to
e43d1674 wants 126 BTS for 198 CNY
virtual paid 198 CNY for 126 BTS
bc12b30b paid 1,000 CNY for 952 BTS
24c411fc wants 952 BTS for 1,000 CNY
6e493f01 cancel order
dda17d50 wants 956 BTS for 1,000 CNY