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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.02526 BTS
Lifetime fees paid42.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.02526
BRIDGE.LTC 0.000968
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.002
BRIDGE.DV 0.0001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
DONGFENG 0.00489
XBTSX.STH 0.2366
BRIDGE.EVOS 0.001074
BRIDGE.ABET 0.000753
BRIDGE.PAWS 0.0000187
BRENT 0.0001
BRIDGE.XRP 0.0000001
BRIDGE.PCR 0.00000026
fe53ce41 issue 0.00000546 BRIDGE.LTC to
3e2448a4 sent 2.384 BRIDGE.LTC to
009a3e87 cancel order
2fe47e51 sent 12.74 BTS to
633155a2 wants 0.0379 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
1e79a1e2 cancel order
f613fb74 wants 0.0379 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
55237146 cancel order
e02782da wants 0.0377 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
3b71916c cancel order
bd8ed5af wants 0.0381 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
4fe4c28b cancel order
e0bae3fe wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
02b4786e cancel order
48cb2a4b wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
e9e479bc cancel order
bc0bacaf wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
e17a89e1 cancel order
6db769cc wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
7d525c51 cancel order
cfe9b640 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
629a7154 cancel order
eb65a6f0 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
408b084c cancel order
9e0b13d6 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
b0e96e67 cancel order
f79b8cbf wants 0.036 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
1c45e846 cancel order
94ac22e1 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
4eb3c7da cancel order
f430605b wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
1c1b8461 cancel order
9d034f46 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
57567874 cancel order
084ed55b wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
d2c888fc cancel order
283d77f8 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
1754c242 cancel order
6ce5fa93 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
dbe3c9d4 cancel order
b0ae6cf7 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
40061ae0 cancel order
e650b6b4 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
7dcc6014 cancel order
71adc3a2 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
4672fbb8 cancel order
7f13e878 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
f2fa4d00 cancel order
951d99ec wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
233cfb11 cancel order
557793a9 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
ae42ef5a cancel order
8d8423c9 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
8ce4db30 cancel order
4ed21f88 wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
ec82f12b cancel order
da596b89 wants 0.0382 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.386 BRIDGE.LTC
2e674969 paid 0.00001117 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.27 BRIDGE.BECN
2c8eaecd wants 12.27 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00001117 BRIDGE.BTC
26d790b3 paid 10.16 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00001016 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1.03 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00000103 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
f4df4403 sent 0.01775 BRIDGE.BTC to
51613862 wants 0.00001016 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.16 BRIDGE.BECN
64a236b2 wants 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC for 17,490 BRIDGE.BECN
virtual paid 256 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.0002697 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,500 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.001575 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 482 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.000507 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,063 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.001106 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 4,902 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,286 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 6,000 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC
81b766cc sent 4,688 BRIDGE.BECN to
4530508c paid 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,685 BRIDGE.BECN
3dcb7dce wants 4,685 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
1a0be60d cancel order
ec770a45 wants 4,529 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
64adb32c cancel order
8c889572 paid 0.0000057 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.55 BRIDGE.BECN
b8f911af wants 4,692 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
a673e5e9 cancel order
b10922b4 wants 5,371 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
80e128b8 paid 103.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC
52c236ed wants 0.00321 BRIDGE.BTC for 103.7 BRIDGE.MIDAS
9570dc05 cancel order
f27d4b58 paid 5.3 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0001642 BRIDGE.BTC
3b9ffeca paid 11 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000341 BRIDGE.BTC
54086b9b paid 12 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.000372 BRIDGE.BTC
d4af3713 wants 0.00409 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
889cf2a1 cancel order
43efc15e wants 0.00462 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
3c4abef7 cancel order
d252e3f9 wants 0.00475 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
06e963c2 cancel order
35c3e326 wants 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
876e3b5f cancel order
08abc608 wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
c59524ba cancel order
29b67696 wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
4edb4556 cancel order
6ff00039 wants 0.0047 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
9284d3af cancel order
ff8b086f wants 0.0051 BRIDGE.BTC for 132 BRIDGE.MIDAS
183612eb cancel order
f9004701 wants 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
cf714adf cancel order
79b12a46 wants 0.00296 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
10c7c49f cancel order
e8f96a3e wants 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
3558bf4b cancel order
b369891b wants 0.00304 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
05b89e40 cancel order
3a06b783 sent 253 BRIDGE.MIDAS to
9e8cf4d8 wants 0.003083 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.MIDAS
243b2116 paid 0.01002 BRIDGE.BTC for 333 BRIDGE.MIDAS
7c9e9f69 wants 333 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01002 BRIDGE.BTC
caf116ba cancel order
1c6ea2a8 wants 334 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.01002 BRIDGE.BTC
ca371d14 cancel order
abeaa542 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00757 BRIDGE.BTC
8f783828 cancel order
ce776aa9 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00757 BRIDGE.BTC
aa68f5f5 cancel order
ea9c87a8 wants 250 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00678 BRIDGE.BTC
aab7180e cancel order
8d994b86 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00731 BRIDGE.BTC
3e9d925b cancel order
e6b49c21 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00682 BRIDGE.BTC
81312fce cancel order
8104dcaf wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00681 BRIDGE.BTC
5ba696b0 cancel order
03478aa2 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.0068 BRIDGE.BTC
9cdaf706 cancel order
5b18d13d wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00675 BRIDGE.BTC
56f60a1d cancel order
aa20d5da wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00674 BRIDGE.BTC
757758bc cancel order
f1b5b2ea wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00673 BRIDGE.BTC
b4369e0b cancel order
43f0d73e wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00669 BRIDGE.BTC
3c6cc49b cancel order
96716bae wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00669 BRIDGE.BTC
92fd207a cancel order
e1e9cc5c wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00668 BRIDGE.BTC
0ebc6834 cancel order
415c4e5c wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC
c7d47328 cancel order
4b0d2514 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00667 BRIDGE.BTC
b6da9ee7 cancel order
28811574 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00666 BRIDGE.BTC
695b0377 cancel order
3ce3a2fd wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00666 BRIDGE.BTC
03948478 cancel order
d0488245 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00657 BRIDGE.BTC
aa0db498 cancel order
74a7699d wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00656 BRIDGE.BTC
be945cb1 cancel order
b254fdb9 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00655 BRIDGE.BTC
f191a5da cancel order
64fde503 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00654 BRIDGE.BTC
cf4f53ae cancel order
9c781001 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00653 BRIDGE.BTC
909a6aeb cancel order
26d2cb59 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00651 BRIDGE.BTC
cf873b69 cancel order
7d8adefb wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00648 BRIDGE.BTC
71d29c11 cancel order
d89e2e11 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00648 BRIDGE.BTC
a5b920fe cancel order
13dff408 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00655 BRIDGE.BTC
389f6f35 cancel order
42cd2ca1 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00649 BRIDGE.BTC
52f75386 cancel order
2aedfbe3 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00648 BRIDGE.BTC
b8b66944 cancel order
2881ccf4 cancel order
8d401cb3 wants 254.5 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00588 BRIDGE.BTC
d5e3de59 cancel order
1ffc760a wants 5,743 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.00414 BRIDGE.BTC
823b5022 wants 252 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00588 BRIDGE.BTC
575a13e7 cancel order
6007e2fb cancel order
a660b998 paid 0.00000399 BRIDGE.BTC for 5.54 BRIDGE.BECN
bb7075c5 wants 7,498 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.0054 BRIDGE.BTC
3793220a wants 200 BRIDGE.MIDAS for 0.00462 BRIDGE.BTC
00f8766d sent 15,000 BRIDGE.BECN to
de3cb7b3 cancel order
e7dfd506 wants 0.0144 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,000 BRIDGE.BECN
88334d59 sent 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN to
f2e5a81d cancel order
ac24de99 wants 0.0616 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN
fc294dc0 cancel order
fd1da5ed wants 0.0636 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN
1a9b3738 cancel order
2c44bd9f wants 0.0555 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN
5eee10d3 cancel order
59f2b440 wants 0.0605 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN
462584cc cancel order
69c25d49 wants 0.0656 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,905 BRIDGE.BECN
77e5875a cancel order
e7fd7b70 paid 1 BRIDGE.BECN for 0.0000008 BRIDGE.BTC