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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight1.123 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.674 BTS
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance
BTS 28.5
COMPUCEEDS 11,295,000
GALLEON 10,000
FASTBTC 10,000
PISOPH 250,000
EPESO 150,000
ETHERIA 1,000,255
XRPCASH 20,000
DEEX 0.1
CYCLOS 600,000
EDASH 10,000
XMRCORE 10,000
LTCCORE 80,000
NEOCORE 10,000
BTCCX 30,000
EURCX 250,000
VERVE 200,000
ETHCX 10,000
CRYPTUAL 2,000,000
182631b0 sent 30 BTS to
9e9c5cff sent 10,000 GALLEON to
64e5b4f8 sent 10,000 FASTBTC to
1b14a42c sent 10,000 XMRCORE to
30625406 sent 10,000 NEOCORE to
da7f3b78 sent 1,000,000 ETHERIA to
bdd60a66 sent 20,000 XRPCASH to
3fbf9311 cancel orders (2)
b0945d93 cancel orders (20)
cc3b4520 paid 1,951 BTCGOLD for 614 BTCCORE
6655ff99 paid 10.87 BTCGOLD for 3.42 BTCCORE
35d27164 paid 2.72 BTCGOLD for 0.855 BTCCORE
5853b7ed paid 96.4 BTCGOLD for 30.3 BTCCORE
c0d8b77d paid 131.4 BTCGOLD for 41.3 BTCCORE
fbaa0d03 paid 18.78 BTCGOLD for 5.9 BTCCORE
f2b8c343 paid 0.915 BTCGOLD for 0.288 BTCCORE
52503083 paid 1.043 BTCGOLD for 0.328 BTCCORE
a9f1d52c paid 0.74 BTCGOLD for 0.233 BTCCORE
293923de paid 23.8 BTCGOLD for 7.48 BTCCORE
d8077341 paid 100 BTCGOLD for 31.45 BTCCORE
fee9902d paid 0.0962 BTCGOLD for 0.03026 BTCCORE
a6c051d4 paid 0.0886 BTCGOLD for 0.02786 BTCCORE
4b27c1f6 paid 46.4 BTCGOLD for 14.6 BTCCORE
607a926d paid 0.987 BTCGOLD for 0.3103 BTCCORE
6e3e8dd7 paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
9e394063 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
b94a937a paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
8e48b3c4 paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
173bb0da paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
943ab749 paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
6fe5828f paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
be0682cc paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
195a4d4c paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
2cc3ecad paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
b4ce72e9 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
225bc0a9 paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
a322d868 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
ea4e9c57 paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
f825a961 paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
05bffff0 paid 1.41 BTCGOLD for 0.443 BTCCORE
61f34a0c paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
2d3d823f paid 0.073 BTCGOLD for 0.02295 BTCCORE
b9c9f60b paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
21c8094b paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
0990c1be paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
08bafe49 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
b0f310ef paid 1.54 BTCGOLD for 0.484 BTCCORE
58e88815 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
f9501573 paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
ca168e1c paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
aea0be26 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
2f1bb14c paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
c2aa4eed paid 0.308 BTCGOLD for 0.0968 BTCCORE
1a0a5693 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
28ecb251 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
f35fab60 paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
7c72e81a paid 0.0615 BTCGOLD for 0.01934 BTCCORE
0bd82105 wants 755 BTCCORE for 2,400 BTCGOLD
1a90b8d6 paid 160 BTCCASH for 22.6 BTCCORE
e98506d6 wants 22.6 BTCCORE for 160 BTCCASH
b7d5e38b wants 35,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
636ef1e1 wants 29,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
b3c34392 wants 25,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
dfeda531 wants 21,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
1a6d70f3 wants 16,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
e6118d7e wants 11,000 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
46d2af29 wants 48,270 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
7b59299e cancel order
3b9b5055 cancel order
d9f66943 paid 5 BTS for 82.6 BTCCORE
198fd1d6 paid 99,999 ECASH for 100 BTCCORE
8073df1c wants 82.6 BTCCORE for 5 BTS
f58bbc06 wants 0.191 BTS for 2.824 BTCCORE
virtual paid 2.824 BTCCORE for 0.191 BTS
6d872fe1 wants 3 BTS for 43.5 BTCCORE
virtual paid 43.5 BTCCORE for 3 BTS
93b80951 wants 100 BTCCORE for 99,999 ECASH
197e889d cancel order
d2f92caa wants 80 BTCCORE for 80,000 ECASH
20d36b23 wants 52,100 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
67f75fa3 wants 50,100 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
6c6708f2 wants 50,050 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
71f4c2a5 wants 50,250 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
7e566426 wants 51,250 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
3b1fa820 wants 49,550 CNY for 1 BTCCORE
5cc49a53 cancel order
1490bb51 cancel order
74c995c6 cancel order
729fbf91 cancel order
0de89f76 cancel order
d31882e5 wants 6,111 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
6cbba79b wants 6,098 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
540d471e wants 5,648 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
bc86a0c3 wants 5,828 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
cf2ea804 cancel order
cd57aeeb cancel order
df0e900a cancel order
1efcb624 wants 37,530 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
89d0836d wants 37,030 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
50f22ffe cancel order
a572c102 cancel order
8cb17387 wants 6,165 USD for 0.9 BTCCORE
d244efd1 cancel order
04879cc2 cancel order
d1e3fc3e cancel order
8dc4724f cancel order
94ea2962 cancel order
2ef34f24 wants 22,706 BTS for 0.75 BTCCORE
90ba21b0 wants 23,681 BTS for 0.75 BTCCORE
8ee052ca cancel order
5319a9ae cancel order
a096ed91 cancel order
7af040fd cancel order
40fe1aff update account/votes
5e4498a2 wants 2,593 EUR for 0.5 BTCCORE
f23e66ee wants 4,613 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
da200be6 wants 4,622 EUR for 0.9 BTCCORE
44f4475c wants 18,995 CNY for 0.5 BTCCORE
1f42e7bc wants 18,975 CNY for 0.5 BTCCORE
461da268 wants 19,475 CNY for 0.5 BTCCORE
b86c21bb wants 19,875 CNY for 0.5 BTCCORE
c7e893e4 wants 20,025 CNY for 0.5 BTCCORE
8d547fe3 wants 0.644 OPEN.BTC for 0.69 BTCCORE
c9a82296 wants 0.848 OPEN.BTC for 0.895 BTCCORE
6c5f696c wants 0.909 OPEN.BTC for 0.95 BTCCORE
bf3eecaa wants 0.919 OPEN.BTC for 0.95 BTCCORE
83c9f83d wants 5,606 USD for 0.975 BTCCORE
e2bb83bd wants 3,218 USD for 0.55 BTCCORE
ff83484b wants 4,046 USD for 0.68 BTCCORE
f9d82f92 wants 4,840 USD for 0.8 BTCCORE
cfc84bc2 wants 4,920 USD for 0.8 BTCCORE
aa9432fd wants 26,821 BTS for 0.688 BTCCORE
095cf5fd wants 27,084 BTS for 0.675 BTCCORE
d666c0d3 wants 30,938 BTS for 0.75 BTCCORE
21c143d3 wants 31,875 BTS for 0.75 BTCCORE