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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Lifetime fees paid60 BTS
b381305a sent 4,037 BTS to
3f758120 paid 21.73 CNY for 45 BTS
31762b10 wants 4,036 BTS for 1,950 CNY
472bafda paid 101.5 CNY for 210 BTS
5ba80ea3 paid 101.5 CNY for 210 BTS
577cc884 paid 1,232 CNY for 2,551 BTS
e0d48c14 paid 290 CNY for 600 BTS
3d6eab2f paid 188.5 CNY for 390 BTS
9851bbb1 paid 14.23 CNY for 29.45 BTS
6b917eec wants 244.3 CNY for 3,298,213 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,298,213 BTSUCN for 244.4 CNY
virtual cancel order
5b702fe0 cancel order
f3c32a60 wants 1,952 CNY for 26,341,351 BTSUCN
virtual paid 23,042,793 BTSUCN for 1,708 CNY
virtual paid 344 BTSUCN for 0.0255 CNY
6bbacdd6 sent 1,366 BTS to
2f4e267e wants 1,365 BTS for 663 CNY
virtual paid 17.5 CNY for 36.3 BTS
virtual paid 1.327 CNY for 2.746 BTS
virtual paid 644 CNY for 1,330 BTS
ec55b8a2 wants 664 CNY for 8,930,380 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,646,061 BTSUCN for 271 CNY
virtual paid 5,284,319 BTSUCN for 393 CNY
virtual cancel order
caeb323c sent 502 BTS to
ef4ad053 wants 504 BTS for 284 CNY
virtual paid 164.7 CNY for 292 BTS
virtual paid 119.5 CNY for 212 BTS
570802c0 wants 284.5 CNY for 3,786,299 BTSUCN
virtual paid 3,786,299 BTSUCN for 284.6 CNY
virtual cancel order
6c7f2f76 sent 337 BTS to
edba097f sent 2 BTS to
83a55940 wants 213 BTS for 74.6 CNY
virtual paid 74.6 CNY for 213 BTS
b20ec26a cancel order
0967cae5 wants 230 BTS for 74.6 CNY
c6b0291b cancel order
23e9cf06 wants 245 BTS for 74.6 CNY
7358d189 cancel order
89938a5e wants 245 BTS for 74.6 CNY
a7d1f4f9 wants 74.5 CNY for 1,015,732 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,009,124 BTSUCN for 74.2 CNY
virtual paid 6,606 BTSUCN for 0.485 CNY
virtual cancel order
f8638c9c paid 39.8 CNY for 128.8 BTS
941f2500 wants 128.8 BTS for 39.8 CNY
3d24135f cancel order
554752ea wants 132.6 BTS for 39.8 CNY
08d1fafa cancel order
50d15303 wants 132.6 BTS for 39.8 CNY
b624278f cancel order
aecf3ff8 wants 133 BTS for 39.8 CNY
44be242f cancel order
e70888e8 wants 133 BTS for 39.8 CNY
4478def6 cancel order
1a1e1cd2 wants 133 BTS for 39.8 CNY
a58dcb5c cancel order
1bd8d930 wants 133 BTS for 39.8 CNY
883770ff cancel order
d14033f9 wants 133 BTS for 39.8 CNY
08c62363 wants 39.7 CNY for 543,333 BTSUCN
virtual paid 543,333 BTSUCN for 39.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
176cd054 sent 2,508 BTS to
f37c5dff wants 2,500 BTS for 997 CNY
36e7ee25 paid 758 CNY for 1,901 BTS
732be5ba paid 239 CNY for 599 BTS
64a9f54a wants 120.8 CNY for 1,650,248 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,650,247 BTSUCN for 120.8 CNY
virtual cancel order
2d708bf1 cancel order
9d0441f3 wants 923 CNY for 12,609,567 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,110,004 BTSUCN for 302 CNY
virtual paid 6,849,315 BTSUCN for 503 CNY
e3ec3fbf cancel order
97109204 wants 933 CNY for 12,609,567 BTSUCN
e8a0dffb cancel order
87b43013 wants 1,003 CNY for 13,584,232 BTSUCN
virtual paid 974,665 BTSUCN for 72 CNY
233e583d sent 1 BTS to
83779d7d sent 3,500 BTS to
e8775290 wants 3,266 BTS for 601 CNY
virtual paid 368 CNY for 2,000 BTS
08fff082 paid 233 CNY for 1,266 BTS
9fe7b06f wants 561 CNY for 4,010,596 BTSUCN
virtual paid 4,010,596 BTSUCN for 602 CNY
virtual cancel order
dd928946 sent 2 BTS to
e561b2e7 sent 7,570,000 BTSUCN to
0f258124 sent 1,000 BTSUCN to
00a1d29f sent 1 BTS to
36c288ca sent 47,376 BTS to
67ae500f sent 500,000 BTSUCN to
71745629 sent 100,000 BTSUCN to
c630335d wants 3,785 BTS for 445 CNY
virtual paid 445 CNY for 3,785 BTS
5ddd2759 wants 445 CNY for 222,723 BTSUCN
virtual paid 222,723 BTSUCN for 445 CNY
virtual cancel order
cd597e75 paid 0.309 CNY for 2.555 BTS
6748669f paid 1,929 CNY for 15,958 BTS
9d42eb64 wants 15,960 BTS for 1,930 CNY
24b595dd cancel order
9b115659 wants 15,866 BTS for 1,930 CNY
825e646c wants 1,931 CNY for 890,892 BTSUCN
virtual paid 890,892 BTSUCN for 1,932 CNY
virtual cancel order
ab1dcca4 cancel order
b2f40dad wants 1,932 CNY for 890,892 BTSUCN
345e5362 cancel order
ad066ee4 wants 1,670 CNY for 668,169 BTSUCN
virtual paid 1,530 CNY for 12,161 BTS
11b753a2 wants 12,161 BTS for 1,530 CNY
d0e7d79c cancel order
e18d74b2 wants 12,161 BTS for 1,530 CNY
f45bd3d1 wants 1,531 CNY for 640,675 BTSUCN
virtual paid 524,429 BTSUCN for 1,254 CNY
virtual paid 9,411 BTSUCN for 22.5 CNY
virtual paid 106,836 BTSUCN for 255.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
8cfb6cf3 cancel order
0c8c32ed wants 1,534 CNY for 640,675 BTSUCN
f50f241c cancel order
9cab00bd wants 122.4 BTS for 15.4 CNY
virtual paid 15.4 CNY for 122.5 BTS
da248ec3 wants 11,664 BTS for 1,467 CNY
virtual paid 1,467 CNY for 11,672 BTS
ca3ad8dc wants 3,019 CNY for 1,260,505 BTSUCN
virtual paid 619,829 BTSUCN for 1,485 CNY
45d033df sent 8,000,000 BTSUCN to
410f34f6 paid 421 CNY for 168,421 BTSUCN
fc836948 paid 845 CNY for 337,809 BTSUCN
379f0174 paid 1,465 CNY for 586,171 BTSUCN
3cbb6097 paid 1,180 CNY for 472,199 BTSUCN
fbf3edbd paid 534 CNY for 213,450 BTSUCN
27b50f1c paid 10,580 CNY for 4,231,909 BTSUCN
97b75ab7 paid 4,609 CNY for 1,843,552 BTSUCN
9157fd1e wants 7,853,511 BTSUCN for 19,634 CNY
80053171 cancel order
b2a579b8 wants 20,183 CNY for 137,200 BTS
virtual paid 88,327 BTS for 12,996 CNY
virtual paid 286.7 BTS for 42.2 CNY
virtual paid 10,115 BTS for 1,488 CNY
virtual paid 1,829 BTS for 269 CNY
virtual paid 3,411 BTS for 502 CNY
virtual paid 29,638 BTS for 4,360 CNY
10e7813d cancel order
0051c315 wants 20,339 CNY for 137,200 BTS
virtual paid 2.414 BTS for 0.358 CNY
ec68d804 wants 2,033 BTS for 302 CNY
virtual paid 302 CNY for 2,033 BTS
9144c0d1 wants 301.6 CNY for 123,612 BTSUCN
virtual paid 123,612 BTSUCN for 302 CNY
virtual cancel order
28fef4f0 cancel order
f16b6727 wants 302.4 CNY for 123,612 BTSUCN
4b90e475 cancel order
b668cd08 paid 426 CNY for 2,841 BTS
c6e27948 wants 2,841 BTS for 426 CNY
0a97b404 wants 447 CNY for 181,126 BTSUCN
virtual paid 57,514 BTSUCN for 142 CNY
36d0660d cancel order
2d5de394 wants 367 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
virtual paid 114,404 BTSUCN for 284.5 CNY
874c1542 cancel order
b44fb87d wants 368 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
3a4c69a9 wants 2,751 BTS for 418 CNY
92457b00 paid 418 CNY for 2,751 BTS
19485457 wants 418 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
virtual paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 418 CNY
virtual cancel order
a5777795 cancel order
fb0c1a79 wants 440 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
8a2b6420 paid 881 CNY for 5,831 BTS
26942f60 wants 5,831 BTS for 881 CNY
a22ea1c6 wants 440 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
virtual paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 440 CNY
ad04b8bc cancel order
7c7a0c8b wants 443 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
04e30953 paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 442 CNY
3f5fc93b wants 442 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
0fad23c5 cancel order
c3c873e0 wants 446 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
ee67cd01 cancel order
a2d24b15 wants 446 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
6ae55169 wants 84,327 BTS for 12,883 CNY
virtual paid 12,883 CNY for 84,328 BTS
64f1e684 wants 448 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
virtual paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 448 CNY
virtual cancel order
58128571 paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 448 CNY
fc53bc04 wants 448 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
3990ea42 cancel order
303b09ad wants 452 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
64d5b7e2 wants 452 CNY for 147,765 BTSUCN
virtual paid 147,765 BTSUCN for 452 CNY
202d2366 paid 136,578 BTSUCN for 412 CNY
9c19f5cc paid 11,188 BTSUCN for 33.7 CNY