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BitShares Block Explorer



1 33.3%
BTS6GqBG2QG7AU5jLqBkyjvqmzLLdFnJtSVTi12EcUD2WpRHUCCv8 1 33.3%
BTS8VP3haJCiTVr1f1rTNPjNxZM6WXEMTjiBjjNUak3SpQnUj72jP 1 33.3%
Threshold 1 33.3%
1 33.3%
BTS6SANK3A9gYqEqsbMaCzy9tojWpSFFr1xC4kNsL3V8acxeJDVvm 1 33.3%
BTS8VP3haJCiTVr1f1rTNPjNxZM6WXEMTjiBjjNUak3SpQnUj72jP 1 33.3%
Threshold 1 33.3%
Lifetime fees paid24.2 BTS
Registrar30% -
Referrer50% -
8028ba91 sent 1,679,000 CRUDE.LVRG to
4cc07326 sent 1,000,000 XBTSX.SCH to
64e973ce sent 699 BTS to
2faab052 sent 926 CRUDE.NGN to
7be27bad cancel order
adfd2a2d sent 1 BTS to
bf1ce51e wants 15 BTS for 900 CRUDE.NGN
a6bea80c cancel order
526a9342 cancel order
1761d28b wants 3 BTS for 245 CRUDE.NGN
df0816a4 wants 55 BTS for 605 CRUDE.NGN
b2d8888f paid 10 BTS for 300 CRUDE.NGN
47dd93c9 sent 2,500 CRUDE.NGN to
827fbc67 cancel order
ac064e68 wants 300 CRUDE.NGN for 10 BTS
87a46043 wants 1,000 CRUDE.NGN for 10 BTS
09649b25 cancel order
46d17cd6 wants 10,000 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
867e2546 cancel order
143c4e58 wants 10 BTS for 1,000 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 0.61 CRUDE.NGN for 0.0305 BTS
c5466d6c paid 1,000 CRUDE.NGN for 10 BTS
03ca1a9c cancel order
f9844536 cancel order
527bfcf4 cancel order
2b3e236d paid 99 BTS for 2,970 CRUDE.NGN
615d9d77 wants 2,970 CRUDE.NGN for 99 BTS
ae5ded65 cancel order
61fe04db wants 2,079 CRUDE.NGN for 99 BTS
72c50aaf sent 3,800 CRUDE.NGN to
817c4927 sent 10 BTS to
d0ee8ccc cancel order
fbda7fa7 sent 1 BTS to
41c07776 wants 2,700 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
5f7d2038 cancel order
d09c607a paid 0.2594 BTS for 4.02 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 99.7 BTS for 1,645 CRUDE.NGN
7766b2e4 paid 80.4 BTS for 1,246 CRUDE.NGN
366bf638 paid 19.36 BTS for 300 CRUDE.NGN
4616240f wants 1,650 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
3160b58f wants 1,550 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
17b951fd cancel order
6a53c8a5 cancel order
20714a82 wants 1,550 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
301df1fa wants 1,450 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
a8f03f0d wants 52.6 BTS for 400 CRUDE.NGN
9be9e2f3 cancel order
d8c6f44a wants 52 BTS for 400 CRUDE.NGN
8d299b49 cancel order
dab230a4 paid 6.38 BTS for 83 CRUDE.NGN
94301686 paid 25 BTS for 275 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 25 BTS for 300 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 13.83 BTS for 179.8 CRUDE.NGN
8004fcd1 sent 1,000 CRUDE.NGN to
f4cb935e wants 299 CRUDE.NGN for 23 BTS
988aaeb6 wants 300 CRUDE.NGN for 25 BTS
b6e34115 wants 275 CRUDE.NGN for 25 BTS
ccf10cff cancel order
cfb3e415 wants 550 CRUDE.NGN for 50 BTS
6f57021a paid 43 CRUDE.NGN for 5.66 BTS
658d945c paid 40.9 CRUDE.NGN for 5.38 BTS
e38b848a paid 105.4 CRUDE.NGN for 13.87 BTS
57f3b9e6 paid 49.6 BTS for 645 CRUDE.NGN
3878c09f paid 0.368 BTS for 4.78 CRUDE.NGN
176c4f2f wants 50 BTS for 380 CRUDE.NGN
6961d095 wants 650 CRUDE.NGN for 50 BTS
4622b72b paid 5.94 BTS for 77.3 CRUDE.NGN
virtual cancel order
47c6dc73 paid 11.77 BTS for 153 CRUDE.NGN
06837bf8 paid 10.8 BTS for 140.5 CRUDE.NGN
0322dc92 paid 1.72 BTS for 22.35 CRUDE.NGN
3cf1a0a5 cancel order
572d7808 paid 0.0815 BTS for 1.06 CRUDE.NGN
ea2a9be8 paid 800 CRUDE.NGN for 100 BTS
63cae1d1 wants 1,000 XBTSX.STH for 330 CRUDE.NGN
338a9528 cancel order
5024d3cb wants 100 BTS for 800 CRUDE.NGN
6f3aa20a sent 3,000 CRUDE.NGN to
36e645eb paid 17 CRUDE.BTSP for 4,165 CRUDE.NGN
93329acc wants 4,165 CRUDE.NGN for 17 CRUDE.BTSP
3b2cc464 wants 450 XBTSX.STH for 135 CRUDE.NGN
f525fd1e paid 2.68 BTS for 34.9 CRUDE.NGN
2de91407 wants 429 CRUDE.NGN for 33 BTS
5484f7d1 paid 361 CRUDE.NGN for 48.6 CRUDE.LVRG
3c57cb7f cancel order
a2c3c283 cancel order
f180ce95 wants 48.6 CRUDE.LVRG for 361 CRUDE.NGN
75448bb7 paid 231.5 CRUDE.NGN for 28.94 BTS
05be1ae3 wants 46.8 CRUDE.NGN for 3.9 BTS
3ec80037 paid 25 BTS for 300 CRUDE.NGN
ef9863a9 wants 300 CRUDE.NGN for 25 BTS
785da882 paid 36.5 BTS for 401 CRUDE.NGN
virtual cancel order
7f385cf9 sent 1,000 CRUDE.NGN to
906d96e4 paid 15.48 BTS for 170.3 CRUDE.NGN
49d17417 paid 15.78 BTS for 173.5 CRUDE.NGN
8ba361ff paid 11.58 BTS for 127.4 CRUDE.NGN
acacd082 paid 12.28 BTS for 135 CRUDE.NGN
b67654ed paid 6.39 BTS for 70.3 CRUDE.NGN
0f77c266 wants 1,078 CRUDE.NGN for 98 BTS
b5248de1 wants 29 BTS for 232 CRUDE.NGN
c1f74b66 paid 760 CRUDE.NGN for 100 CRUDE.LVRG
72d58b91 paid 4.68 BTS for 46.8 CRUDE.NGN
f49fd836 sent 10 CRUDE.BTS2X to
c2575eb8 sent 1,000 CRUDE.NGN to
df77896b paid 7.63 BTS for 76.3 CRUDE.NGN
558a9c3f cancel order
0058b757 wants 100 CRUDE.LVRG for 760 CRUDE.NGN
d696219c cancel order
f93a7d97 wants 100 EVRAZ for 1,955 CRUDE.NGN
ed99373c paid 1.29 BTS for 12.9 CRUDE.NGN
c91052ec paid 7.4 BTS for 74 CRUDE.NGN
850220a1 paid 1.248 RUDEX.EOS for 166.6 BTS
ea6a1800 paid 2.5 RUDEX.EOS for 334 BTS
a73f8e99 wants 210 CRUDE.NGN for 21 BTS
62c67d72 wants 131.6 CRUDE.LVRG for 1,000 CRUDE.NGN
0cab60b9 wants 500 BTS for 3.75 RUDEX.EOS
92bf4297 cancel order
e92ba019 cancel order
e745add8 wants 452 BTS for 3.38 RUDEX.EOS
fe013e88 wants 2,540 CRUDE.NGN for 100 CRUDE.LVRG
virtual paid 100 CRUDE.LVRG for 2,540 CRUDE.NGN
1ea8d833 cancel order
c1ccdf42 paid 0.27 CRUDE.NGN for 0.0002 RUDEX.EOS
87a0dd1f paid 500 CRUDE.NGN for 55 BTS
1618535c paid 124.7 CRUDE.NGN for 0.0924 RUDEX.EOS
e4c726d8 paid 374 CRUDE.NGN for 0.2774 RUDEX.EOS
418b645e wants 555 CRUDE.NGN for 0.37 RUDEX.EOS
023c4cb7 wants 0.37 RUDEX.EOS for 500 CRUDE.NGN
7719a295 cancel order
831c6e27 cancel order
09c6c53f wants 479 CRUDE.NGN for 0.33 RUDEX.EOS
3496463e wants 0.33 RUDEX.EOS for 413 CRUDE.NGN
79e5215a cancel order
57ad690c wants 0.4 RUDEX.EOS for 500 CRUDE.NGN
8f2f9c75 wants 55 BTS for 500 CRUDE.NGN
cd1ef49b cancel order
e774c4f0 cancel order
163d6173 cancel order
6fdbfd14 cancel order
43b2b269 paid 0.253 RUDEX.EOS for 329 CRUDE.NGN
85fc598a paid 0.176 RUDEX.EOS for 229 CRUDE.NGN
b48bab39 wants 0.43 RUDEX.EOS for 510 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 87.7 CRUDE.NGN for 0.074 RUDEX.EOS
638b5427 wants 559 CRUDE.NGN for 0.43 RUDEX.EOS
b26c67f2 cancel order
679fffca wants 64.2 BTS for 551 CRUDE.NGN
06210745 paid 0.0013 RUDEX.EOS for 1.47 CRUDE.NGN
b453a67e paid 0.376 RUDEX.EOS for 426 CRUDE.NGN
e44c3a2a cancel order
f0ecf734 wants 1,500 CRUDE.NGN for 33.3 CRUDE.LVRG
356dfc71 wants 1,700 CRUDE.NGN for 50 CRUDE.LVRG
c026b690 cancel order
966dd4d1 wants 1,400 CRUDE.NGN for 100 CRUDE.LVRG
36c97a5d cancel order
91e1619d cancel order
f5bec919 cancel order
501cb1aa wants 43 BTS for 323 CRUDE.NGN
b3a2e1f5 cancel order
77c29589 wants 40 CRUDE.LVRG for 286.4 CRUDE.NGN
2d65e17b wants 1,460 CRUDE.NGN for 40 CRUDE.LVRG
74b34371 cancel order
6f15c644 paid 84 CRUDE.NGN for 0.08 RUDEX.EOS
7e882264 cancel order
5c8b40c8 cancel order
7dddf6d8 wants 43 BTS for 304.6 CRUDE.NGN
bad306a4 paid 311.6 CRUDE.NGN for 0.297 RUDEX.EOS
bad306a4 paid 40.8 BTS for 302 CRUDE.NGN
d9215316 wants 428 CRUDE.NGN for 0.377 RUDEX.EOS
90b22ed3 wants 0.377 RUDEX.EOS for 396 CRUDE.NGN
0cb0d14d cancel order
9a66698c wants 0.637 RUDEX.EOS for 669 CRUDE.NGN
virtual paid 389 CRUDE.NGN for 0.371 RUDEX.EOS
91f948f2 cancel order
cee5f086 cancel order
4b53c65e wants 0.637 RUDEX.EOS for 630 CRUDE.NGN
e87be013 paid 7.99 CRUDE.NGN for 1.141 BTS
c5cc897f paid 0.438 RUDEX.EOS for 455 CRUDE.NGN
a502eb1e paid 0.0622 RUDEX.EOS for 64.7 CRUDE.NGN
d89fb65a wants 520 CRUDE.NGN for 0.5 RUDEX.EOS
55fa7779 cancel order
a05e9fcf paid 263 XBTSX.STH for 7.1 BTS
virtual cancel order
0574a065 paid 74.1 XBTSX.STH for 2 BTS
071623a0 wants 0.637 RUDEX.EOS for 627 CRUDE.NGN
7b75da1f cancel order
1340608b wants 508 CRUDE.NGN for 0.5 RUDEX.EOS
f35aa5e0 wants 44.1 BTS for 309 CRUDE.NGN
eb57285b cancel order
20615d18 wants 370 CRUDE.NGN for 50 BTS
virtual paid 9.07 BTS for 67.1 CRUDE.NGN
a5442a05 wants 44 BTS for 308 CRUDE.NGN
0df3e5e0 cancel order
d8f72e75 wants 84 BTS for 588 CRUDE.NGN
05edf152 cancel order
17f7d14f wants 71 BTS for 497 CRUDE.NGN
420e7cb1 cancel order
546bb4ed wants 84 BTS for 588 CRUDE.NGN
8b3961f1 cancel order
4402fa0c wants 15 CRUDE.LVRG for 106.5 CRUDE.NGN