立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight7.56 BTS
Lifetime fees paid122.6 BTS
Cashback/vesting10.62 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 1,282,293
OPEN.LTC 0.0000001
OPEN.MAID 46,713
BADCOIN 10,000
BRIDGE.XVG 0.00000053
DEEX 0.1
ARCOIN 0.0025
EVRAZ 0.965
TIREX 0.21
RIPLE 0.12
SEED 158
BEOS 4,069,630
e168aa3c update account/votes
d82f3371 update account/votes
652dd4f9 sent 0.339 GDEX.BTC to
0ae0900c sent 0.339 GDEX.BTC to
e78d9954 sent 13,160 OPEN.IQ to
f48c9526 sent 2,580 OPEN.EOSDAC to
b04be861 sent 46,713 OPEN.MAID to
683f8627 sent 2,627 OPEN.EOS to
229d15aa sent 0.076 OPEN.BTC to
868ff1f0 sent 166.6 OPEN.ETH to
34748da4 sent 1 BTS to
a15780dc cancel order
b8762c15 wants 368,986 BTS for 167.4 OPEN.ETH
virtual paid 0.758 OPEN.ETH for 1,671 BTS
0bf86282 paid 998,714 ZEPH for 1,398 BTS
1c4c2aec wants 1,398 BTS for 998,714 ZEPH
e37b7060 paid 0.482 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.00066 BTS
virtual cancel order
5989ca5f paid 7.41 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.01016 BTS
8743d190 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
08311af0 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
43db44df paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
f90ceda7 paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
cfb353bc paid 163.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.224 BTS
99c215b1 paid 165.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.227 BTS
2c3add36 paid 165 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.226 BTS
8c730492 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
560f9ed0 wants 5,482 BTS for 4,001,189 BRIDGE.ECA
virtual paid 13,326 BRIDGE.ECA for 18.26 BTS
virtual paid 39,123 BRIDGE.ECA for 53.6 BTS
virtual paid 145,894 BRIDGE.ECA for 200 BTS
virtual paid 33,733 BRIDGE.ECA for 46.2 BTS
virtual paid 56,922 BRIDGE.ECA for 78 BTS
8c4df1d1 paid 189,098 BRIDGE.ECA for 259 BTS
268a9f30 paid 94,549 BRIDGE.ECA for 129.6 BTS
90a140dc paid 47,274 BRIDGE.ECA for 64.8 BTS
2877f064 paid 610,890 BRIDGE.ECA for 837 BTS
48115bb3 paid 103,331 BRIDGE.ECA for 141.6 BTS
901a1b95 paid 610,890 BRIDGE.ECA for 837 BTS
62e496f3 paid 103,389 BRIDGE.ECA for 141.7 BTS
f543bd4c paid 103,389 BRIDGE.ECA for 141.7 BTS
f5336fe9 paid 166.8 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.2285 BTS
78ae6938 paid 1,106,744 BRIDGE.ECA for 1,516 BTS
44b81110 paid 4,036 BRIDGE.ECA for 5.53 BTS
74abfcea paid 1,188 BRIDGE.ECA for 1.63 BTS
e69a798d paid 379,978 BRIDGE.ECA for 521 BTS
6ff2c025 paid 189,989 BRIDGE.ECA for 260.3 BTS
f6db8572 paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
b8a2727f paid 653 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.895 BTS
0db25049 paid 1,484 BRIDGE.ECA for 2.034 BTS
03fa1b57 paid 94,995 BRIDGE.ECA for 130.2 BTS
f047572b paid 92.8 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.127 BTS
8855db53 paid 164.2 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.225 BTS
6e3a4e24 paid 3,305 BRIDGE.ECA for 4.53 BTS
5054cffe paid 23,749 BRIDGE.ECA for 32.5 BTS
95c6fd10 paid 46.4 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0636 BTS
de92f6e4 paid 2,969 BRIDGE.ECA for 4.07 BTS
d0810739 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
6a4e18ef paid 11,874 BRIDGE.ECA for 16.27 BTS
6d71dce7 paid 163.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.224 BTS
5cc2349c paid 23.2 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0318 BTS
612420b3 paid 651 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
3cf9dc44 paid 164.3 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.225 BTS
4f2bda14 paid 185.5 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.254 BTS
8fb21889 paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
0e0dbb07 paid 5,937 BRIDGE.ECA for 8.14 BTS
f77429f4 paid 165.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.227 BTS
97d7ec9a paid 165.5 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.227 BTS
5278c286 paid 165 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.226 BTS
7a3418ca paid 164.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.2255 BTS
16f0006f paid 165.4 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.2267 BTS
79276c7e paid 166 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.2273 BTS
03b74714 paid 371 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.508 BTS
34c45871 paid 11.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.01588 BTS
c3a04c8d paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
151193e6 paid 742 BRIDGE.ECA for 1.017 BTS
094d4e81 paid 294.4 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.403 BTS
a9d99dac paid 293 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.401 BTS
5b28aec6 paid 23.2 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0318 BTS
32da1e3e paid 653 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.895 BTS
b4f733e6 paid 89.2 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.1222 BTS
da090888 paid 11.14 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.01527 BTS
a5b5e02a paid 295.7 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.405 BTS
0044306c paid 1,427 BRIDGE.ECA for 1.956 BTS
c7a37a9f paid 297.3 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.407 BTS
5fd3d38e paid 297 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.407 BTS
e5d9a679 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
72a41df2 paid 297 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.407 BTS
cbd41359 paid 297 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.407 BTS
3f4ed3ae paid 44.6 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.0611 BTS
1c0f9ce4 paid 297 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.407 BTS
6d07f5ae paid 296 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.405 BTS
53abf8d3 paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
abe3e9cb paid 22.3 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.03055 BTS
a5ff7ce8 paid 2,854 BRIDGE.ECA for 3.91 BTS
f1fd6142 paid 654 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.896 BTS
69ce3017 paid 742 BRIDGE.ECA for 1.017 BTS
f3d03f09 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
ee938f93 paid 652 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.893 BTS
f73de74c paid 357 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.489 BTS
0517cf0b paid 178.4 BRIDGE.ECA for 0.2445 BTS
41816baa paid 0.00791 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.00087 BTS
virtual cancel order
d2f04384 paid 17.33 BTS for 0.000055 OPEN.BTC
virtual cancel order
ac6ea4c4 paid 265 BTS for 0.000841 OPEN.BTC
fe1e41b6 paid 265 BTS for 0.000841 OPEN.BTC
99622c79 paid 530 BTS for 0.001683 OPEN.BTC
1ad7e6e3 paid 50.5 BTS for 0.0001604 OPEN.BTC
23517e34 paid 200.7 BTS for 0.000637 OPEN.BTC
cf617e23 paid 1,559 BTS for 0.00495 OPEN.BTC
a4f690db paid 1,559 BTS for 0.00495 OPEN.BTC
c208c0cd paid 224 BTS for 0.000711 OPEN.BTC
8f4e4c61 paid 224 BTS for 0.000711 OPEN.BTC
a073b921 paid 929 BTS for 0.00295 OPEN.BTC
31584921 paid 1,023 BTS for 0.00325 OPEN.BTC
b4593a95 paid 316 BTS for 0.001004 OPEN.BTC
67580738 paid 189.7 BTS for 0.000602 OPEN.BTC
89607b85 paid 79 BTS for 0.000251 OPEN.BTC
1f2994da paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
93c52eb1 paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
79deeae7 paid 172.8 BTS for 0.000548 OPEN.BTC
cc2b3a54 paid 1,559 BTS for 0.00495 OPEN.BTC
ec05c71b paid 624 BTS for 0.00198 OPEN.BTC
1b5f011f paid 312 BTS for 0.00099 OPEN.BTC
7164aa75 paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
c272f8dc paid 200.7 BTS for 0.000637 OPEN.BTC
8b7dcf23 paid 113.3 BTS for 0.00036 OPEN.BTC
8206a0b8 paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
c69b5be7 paid 308.5 BTS for 0.00098 OPEN.BTC
1389c07e paid 400 BTS for 0.00127 OPEN.BTC
73c159d8 paid 400 BTS for 0.00127 OPEN.BTC
738150af paid 400 BTS for 0.00127 OPEN.BTC
2b1ae3ef paid 4,162 BTS for 0.01321 OPEN.BTC
6a49593a paid 416 BTS for 0.00132 OPEN.BTC
9f257daa paid 39.2 BTS for 0.0001246 OPEN.BTC
cba56cfa paid 1,561 BTS for 0.00496 OPEN.BTC
302d331a paid 201 BTS for 0.000638 OPEN.BTC
3c800b86 paid 125.7 BTS for 0.000399 OPEN.BTC
f2976b27 paid 502 BTS for 0.001594 OPEN.BTC
4cd79fc3 paid 284 BTS for 0.0009 OPEN.BTC
4ca46115 paid 113.5 BTS for 0.00036 OPEN.BTC
158c3269 paid 52.1 BTS for 0.0001654 OPEN.BTC
37265002 paid 32.4 BTS for 0.0001029 OPEN.BTC
8a1a1d0e paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
f76a46e7 paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
bfa932f6 paid 62.4 BTS for 0.000198 OPEN.BTC
f00f3262 paid 4,156 BTS for 0.0132 OPEN.BTC
6fba373f wants 0.0762 OPEN.BTC for 24,004 BTS
20d876ca paid 20.55 BRIDGE.XVG for 2.26 BTS
42a0f431 paid 878 BRIDGE.XVG for 96.6 BTS
70b4bc10 paid 100.6 BRIDGE.XVG for 11.06 BTS
f3e0d72b paid 491 BRIDGE.XVG for 54.1 BTS
e65220c6 paid 1,491 BRIDGE.XVG for 164 BTS
64cce563 paid 100.6 BRIDGE.XVG for 11.06 BTS
e7250b60 paid 768 BRIDGE.XVG for 84.5 BTS
7eaf49ab paid 645 BRIDGE.XVG for 71 BTS
abb83dbf paid 114 BRIDGE.XVG for 12.53 BTS
732b1334 paid 100.6 BRIDGE.XVG for 11.06 BTS
483fb060 paid 2,727 BRIDGE.XVG for 300 BTS
3880c8f9 paid 244.5 BRIDGE.XVG for 26.9 BTS
f730be67 paid 1,536 BRIDGE.XVG for 169 BTS
20e26e38 paid 41.7 BRIDGE.XVG for 4.59 BTS
2c4d1c26 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
5246b68d paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
1119209f paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
a679e08b paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
f5d9435e paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
f42dcf56 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
87a8b0e3 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
182c8d2d paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
95a5c2d5 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
b0718d67 paid 414 BRIDGE.XVG for 45.6 BTS
9145fa0e paid 6,112 BRIDGE.XVG for 672 BTS
e0f60e4a paid 3,056 BRIDGE.XVG for 336 BTS
501cd8b3 paid 1,358 BRIDGE.XVG for 149.4 BTS
a5e71350 paid 2,412 BRIDGE.XVG for 265.3 BTS
ee3ba638 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
16785bd4 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
daba7603 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
760f1493 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
ba6f772f paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
50a113e0 paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
06f44e5c paid 12.63 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.39 BTS
aeb5e354 paid 8,230 BRIDGE.XVG for 905 BTS
d23983ca paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
42a21131 paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
bc1ac1f2 paid 490 BRIDGE.XVG for 54 BTS
5eb3ccfd paid 1,447 BRIDGE.XVG for 159.2 BTS
641144ac paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
27de112b paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
a0cf7e51 paid 1,875 BRIDGE.XVG for 206 BTS
5782adb2 paid 490 BRIDGE.XVG for 54 BTS
db88ac4d paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
f4404140 paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
ee83d1a0 paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
355e6ff7 paid 12.8 BRIDGE.XVG for 1.407 BTS
95502de8 paid 490 BRIDGE.XVG for 54 BTS
a1613426 paid 3,111 BRIDGE.XVG for 342 BTS
74fe0ac8 paid 3,111 BRIDGE.XVG for 342 BTS
4f4720b5 paid 467 BRIDGE.XVG for 51.3 BTS