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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight68.1 BTS
Lifetime fees paid209 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.392 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000065 0.002037
BRIDGE.XP 6,494,677 3,006,198
BRIDGE.SHND 10,917,070 0
BRIDGE.SMART 1,213 1,446
BRIDGE.GIN 0.896 0.302
BRIDGE.VRC 26.7 26.7
BRIDGE.CLOAK 215.7 16.5
BRIDGE.TRTT 0.02525 0.02525
BRIDGE.XDOGE 0.033 1,484
BRIDGE.LPC 0.498 0.498
NOBLE 0.0002 0
BRIDGE.LGS 1,000 83.7
BRIDGE.PRJ 1,267 567
BRIDGE.CCC 0.0000345 0.0953
BRIDGE.SPHX 200 290.4
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
BRIDGE.XBI 0.0000001 0
CALLCNY05MARCH19 0.00518 0
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19SE050C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19OC020P 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19NO025C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE030C 0.01 0
OPTIONS.19DE020P 0.01 0
BRIDGE.XSH 0 1,444
BRIDGE.XVG 0 1,135
BRIDGE.BCH 0 0.166
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
e1b9db06 wants 0.000759 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.CLOAK
e2086d35 wants 0.00264 BRIDGE.BTC for 105.7 BRIDGE.CLOAK
2b524e78 cancel order
80c26a42 cancel order
b862eaf8 sent 143.5 BRIDGE.XVG to
e98114b5 sent 0.00982 BRIDGE.BTC to
0449b7cb wants 0.000845 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.CLOAK
2434edf6 wants 0.00106 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.6 BRIDGE.CLOAK
c47f49b5 cancel order
cbd20094 cancel order
d803f3c3 cancel order
1b2b8ba8 cancel order
802d80c4 cancel order
d62a3931 cancel order
57aa7144 cancel order
188de500 cancel order
83269f2c cancel order
9f092efb cancel order
217ed9e0 cancel order
2435153e paid 0.0000761 BRIDGE.BTC for 143.6 BRIDGE.XVG
b3c6b66b wants 0.000251 BRIDGE.BTC for 93.4 BTS
virtual paid 93.4 BTS for 0.000251 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
c70bc2bd cancel order
6d05b4a1 cancel order
3b30f503 wants 0.00032 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.7 BRIDGE.VRC
da8b4498 cancel order
1d4f93c5 wants 417 BRIDGE.VRC for 0.0005 BRIDGE.BTC
61c3cfc5 cancel order
88f9a1fa cancel order
c199b73f cancel order
cd80031c cancel order
3f3f4f01 wants 2,505 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.001328 BRIDGE.BTC
98257c94 cancel order
e870b625 cancel order
63ec9d34 cancel order
761a5119 cancel order
16d38ad1 cancel order
b1b09b69 cancel order
75b70fde cancel order
f51f57ff cancel order
5b0ed2dc cancel order
7e0d1054 cancel order
f25c18c6 cancel order
1a96fc91 cancel order
d475f35b cancel order
5494d6b7 cancel order
424958ed cancel order
dba10c4d cancel order
66a32f9e cancel order
4f7e5c2c cancel order
ac903e99 cancel order
0def257b cancel order
f14cdf63 cancel order
61656149 cancel order
d95900e5 cancel order
33270847 cancel order
225e7548 cancel order
a3e0f076 cancel order
d98c3747 cancel order
8ef9609f wants 353 BRIDGE.CLOAK for 0.00053 BRIDGE.BTC
263b007b cancel order
4c33887c wants 361 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000303 BRIDGE.BTC
5036d1b9 paid 294 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC
dce167d9 paid 0.00000279 BRIDGE.BTC for 3.36 BRIDGE.LCC
187389bf wants 1,001 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000781 BRIDGE.BTC
173d44d6 cancel order
cda24228 wants 1,001 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000781 BRIDGE.BTC
ac98974e cancel order
7d46c925 wants 1,000 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.00078 BRIDGE.BTC
e156c5cd cancel order
fa25193c wants 0.0003 BRIDGE.BTC for 294 BRIDGE.LCC
6b19af41 cancel order
801b1d71 sent 2,000 BRIDGE.LCC to
ce43f295 wants 482 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.0004 BRIDGE.BTC
8f9f2f93 cancel order
d7e48673 paid 0.000562 BRIDGE.BTC for 670 BRIDGE.LCC
virtual paid 0.000764 BRIDGE.BTC for 931 BRIDGE.LCC
48ad9e31 paid 0.0000199 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.7 BRIDGE.LCC
fdac6620 paid 0.000418 BRIDGE.BTC for 486 BRIDGE.LCC
1be414e0 wants 486 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000418 BRIDGE.BTC
38f55ee0 wants 693 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000582 BRIDGE.BTC
e55e3ca7 wants 931 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000764 BRIDGE.BTC
6f5f5824 cancel order
5039b913 paid 569 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.000614 BRIDGE.BTC
a487e549 wants 0.000815 BRIDGE.BTC for 755 BRIDGE.LCC
0e78f0bf wants 1,420 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC
453f1896 cancel order
5c23dbc2 cancel order
5f24f012 wants 1,420 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.00115 BRIDGE.BTC
de158793 paid 0.0000762 BRIDGE.BTC for 99 BRIDGE.LCC
228ae897 wants 1,104 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.00085 BRIDGE.BTC
5c3c5262 cancel order
828cddeb wants 1,316 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
42a19cfa wants 2,604 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.001328 BRIDGE.BTC
db53b058 cancel order
152a34bb sent 5,748 BRIDGE.XVG to
9f021f00 paid 277 BRIDGE.MATRX for 18,788 BRIDGE.XP
3bf173bc paid 6.02 BRIDGE.ZNY for 572,859 BRIDGE.SHND
faeca301 wants 1,572 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.00099 BRIDGE.BTC
8de4c882 cancel order
bc3db8ca cancel order
acaf5753 cancel order
cf06bbe0 cancel order
931821fd cancel order
bcd5c576 cancel order
c49bf2e9 cancel order
a1040f11 cancel order
383df0e3 wants 18,788 BRIDGE.XP for 277 BRIDGE.MATRX
d2edb5f1 cancel order
a7fb9605 cancel order
0865615e cancel order
64431b2e cancel order
4e06bbb2 wants 4.98 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.498 BRIDGE.LPC
78bbd1a7 cancel order
de16da44 cancel order
9f57752b cancel order
13b29aa1 cancel order
d70070bc cancel order
0ee6776d cancel order
f5d0c6ea cancel order
3f07fed8 cancel order
648dd4e3 cancel order
9fbc9b21 cancel order
17200ef2 cancel order
a518a490 wants 0.0628 BRIDGE.BCH for 73.5 BRIDGE.LGS
9f889b0b cancel order
077039c8 cancel order
a1c0b670 wants 18,788 BRIDGE.XP for 277 BRIDGE.MATRX
1970820f cancel order
bc783e4e cancel order
21a65d7f sent 5.36 BRIDGE.OMG to
22604702 cancel order
7e485c15 cancel order
344dfc03 cancel order
f92c58e2 wants 4.98 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.498 BRIDGE.LPC
99b56731 paid 2.39 BRIDGE.ZNY for 227,635 BRIDGE.SHND
fc277dcb cancel order
4b78cb2d cancel order
d00dd7f8 cancel order
c1bc94ce cancel order
3148b211 cancel order
8255d5ca wants 2,227,496 BRIDGE.GIN for 2.227 BRIDGE.LGS
c20c67da wants 31.35 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.896 BRIDGE.GIN
8a3899aa cancel order
d6897339 cancel order
5eeb778b cancel order
d4aa9cb3 cancel order
9fc1df4c cancel order
9da9c73d cancel order
f9ea9f2e wants 0.00028 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.7 BRIDGE.VRC
f2b7ffc1 cancel order
e5f390b9 cancel order
4bef1cbe cancel order
bd714680 cancel order
e432895c cancel order
f27ca1fc cancel order
edd94c01 cancel order
521e933e wants 0.0000001 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0000345 BRIDGE.CCC
d095162f wants 0.0001143 BRIDGE.LGS for 0.0953 BRIDGE.CCC
virtual paid 0.0952 BRIDGE.CCC for 0.0001143 BRIDGE.LGS
virtual cancel order
84f0267f cancel order
778631b2 cancel order
6519192e cancel order
fba85a9a wants 952,381 BRIDGE.SHND for 10 BRIDGE.ZNY
b7456e0c paid 0.573 BRIDGE.ZNY for 54,617 BRIDGE.SHND
21d63477 paid 1.021 BRIDGE.ZNY for 97,271 BRIDGE.SHND
fdce48d2 cancel order
c6481afd cancel order
1abdcb51 cancel order
c6b54d14 wants 938 BRIDGE.CLOAK for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
cf5c87ec wants 2,679 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.0015 BRIDGE.BTC
3590ac0d wants 1,418 BRIDGE.LCC for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
115c1fcf wants 2,786 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.001337 BRIDGE.BTC
1717981c paid 8,460 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00251 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b8609701 paid 2,870 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.000847 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e176878a wants 0.0021 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,118 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 4,248 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001254 BRIDGE.BTC
27e2072a wants 0.00489 BRIDGE.BTC for 16,500 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 965 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.0002877 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,617 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001073 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,457 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001025 BRIDGE.BTC
1781901d cancel order
89465eef sent 0.182 BRIDGE.BCH to
43670ef6 cancel order
0256356d cancel order
dda9cdf7 cancel order
8383efbb cancel order
b09f2482 sent 252.7 BRIDGE.XSG to
6c3dbc9f cancel order
cd3f2e1e cancel order
8649f865 cancel order
c2168314 cancel order
ace63d27 cancel order