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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.52 BTS
Lifetime fees paid6.17 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.52
BTCPLUS 0.0000462
DEEX 0.1
ASHION 0.021
ef731fcb sent 0.1 DEEX to
7219dda5 sent 18.05 BTCCORE to
8643d65b wants 18.05 BTCCORE for 5 BTS
virtual paid 5 BTS for 18.05 BTCCORE
dee78baa cancel order
af42aa2f cancel order
68860415 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
82cf7630 sent 10,000 BADCOIN to
0b45a422 sent 121 OCEANIA to
c896f826 sent 280,600,264 COMPUCEEDS to
686dd582 sent 1,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
59c5d9ea cancel order
6850d59e cancel order
da252b3b sent 1,195 BTCPLUS to
90ca3e84 cancel order
07e45e24 wants 908,360 USD for 101 BTCPLUS
8a8b07eb wants 121 OCEANIA for 12 BTS
virtual paid 12 BTS for 121 OCEANIA
e7de4a65 wants 5,126,580 USD for 684 BTCPLUS
b4f30c14 paid 24 BTS for 87 BTCPLUS
696f3cc9 wants 871 BTCPLUS for 240.3 BTS
virtual paid 216.3 BTS for 784 BTCPLUS
4dfb4002 cancel order
130a74ff wants 1,177,952 USD for 262 BTCPLUS
983fa663 cancel order
47cfcf56 wants 1,177,952 USD for 262 BTCPLUS
59ea8667 wants 291 BTCPLUS for 180 BTS
virtual paid 180 BTS for 291 BTCPLUS
4d424552 wants 5,371,525 USD for 1,195 BTCPLUS
c5dd9718 wants 1,295 BTCPLUS for 182 BTS
virtual paid 182 BTS for 1,295 BTCPLUS
a3ef407d wants 1,874,870 USD for 626 BTCPLUS
0efeaf8d wants 436 BTCPLUS for 100 BTS
virtual paid 100 BTS for 436 BTCPLUS
69e72617 cancel order
ea504b30 sent 40,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b234d909 wants 989,000 BTS for 50,000 COMPUCEEDS
03dbd401 wants 697,835 USD for 233 BTCPLUS
b362f0c6 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
a4ba03ec cancel order
1a055f3c cancel order
27cfb472 cancel order
3ac8fabc wants 1,495,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
d5e708d6 paid 1,000 BTS for 1,333 BTCPLUS
4983e9aa wants 1,333 BTCPLUS for 1,000 BTS
b9b29865 wants 82,390 USD for 55 BTCPLUS
e771534b wants 449,400 USD for 300 BTCPLUS
5df8a281 paid 0.00005 BTS for 0.0000667 BTCPLUS
49a3a038 paid 60 BTS for 80 BTCPLUS
31539f0e wants 80 BTCPLUS for 60 BTS