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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid4.12 BTS


Asset Balance
addd037e cancel order
36ac5e93 wants 0.00415 BRIDGE.BTC for 261 BRIDGE.ULG
5ed44070 sent 35,162 BRIDGE.UFY to
82d2f126 cancel order
7145d615 issue 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG to
c0b5d452 wants 0.0344 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,112 BRIDGE.UFY
6ae1cded sent 1,095 BRIDGE.ULG to
3249887b cancel order
18932deb wants 0.0495 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,100 BRIDGE.ULG
0d0dbacd cancel orders (2)
381a8e81 wants 0.035 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.ULG
9ef898f0 wants 0.00465 BRIDGE.BTC for 15,002 BRIDGE.UFY
22ec2fe3 paid 0.000445 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,782 BRIDGE.UFY
175cc2f1 paid 0.001843 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,520 BRIDGE.UFY
bf52de2c paid 0.0001184 BRIDGE.BTC for 740 BRIDGE.UFY
2fc8a269 wants 15,042 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.002407 BRIDGE.BTC
32b174e4 sent 10,141 BRIDGE.UFY to
868fa17a wants 4,001 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.00106 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00106 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,001 BRIDGE.UFY
1fc72e7a wants 3,050 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.000763 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00075 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.UFY
virtual paid 0.0000125 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.UFY
e4885257 cancel order
f5b1ed86 wants 181 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
c87bf72d cancel order
4e62de6e wants 153 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
e81a69a8 cancel order
25af1af6 wants 303.5 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
f763320a paid 0.002794 BRIDGE.BTC for 149 BRIDGE.ULG
d2cbb39c paid 0.00000027 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0144 BRIDGE.ULG
73de4f23 paid 0.00000027 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0144 BRIDGE.ULG
54e8671f paid 0.00000027 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0144 BRIDGE.ULG
9f12e71c wants 149 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.002795 BRIDGE.BTC
1573fa13 cancel order
76e745d2 wants 189 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.002795 BRIDGE.BTC
617f6712 cancel order
d29989fc sent 2,000 BRIDGE.ULG to
0ec1c623 wants 139,751 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.002795 BRIDGE.BTC
64c74ca2 paid 0.0272 BRIDGE.BTC for 367 BRIDGE.ULG
5752e34a paid 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC for 433 BRIDGE.ULG
af1e76e2 paid 0.042 BRIDGE.BTC for 567 BRIDGE.ULG
d19eec06 paid 0.02644 BRIDGE.BTC for 357 BRIDGE.ULG
9194bee3 paid 0.0212 BRIDGE.BTC for 286 BRIDGE.ULG
4dee6394 sent 10,090 BRIDGE.UFY to
96800dea paid 0.000099 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.UFY
c47d6ba6 wants 100 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.000099 BRIDGE.BTC
3bc054a5 paid 0.00995 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,050 BRIDGE.UFY
f84bbeeb wants 10,050 BRIDGE.UFY for 0.00995 BRIDGE.BTC
5a1dc0b0 wants 2,010 BRIDGE.ULG for 0.149 BRIDGE.BTC