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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0453 BTS
Lifetime fees paid266.5 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0453
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000001
00aaab2d sent 95.5 BTS to
656b0c66 sent 0.1336 BRIDGE.BTC to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel orders (2)
7e055357 wants 202 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01717 BRIDGE.BTC
e1c0685a wants 179.8 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01584 BRIDGE.BTC
9e8ed3cd wants 181 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01526 BRIDGE.BTC
dbc04307 wants 196.7 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01736 BRIDGE.BTC
b5cb2ffe wants 188.5 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01603 BRIDGE.BTC
ea2115da wants 198 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01698 BRIDGE.BTC
a9eab70b wants 192 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0168 BRIDGE.BTC
e5e99725 cancel orders (3)
a7dc96df cancel orders (2)
37483bbe wants 213 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01774 BRIDGE.BTC
32c07f0d wants 182 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01717 BRIDGE.BTC
708bef2e wants 205.5 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0187 BRIDGE.BTC
fdc7862e wants 198.4 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01564 BRIDGE.BTC
d6d5bc9a wants 164.7 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01545 BRIDGE.BTC
bcbeb510 wants 180.5 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01545 BRIDGE.BTC
6ea6d0e2 cancel orders (2)
c919e74f wants 233 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.01793 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel orders (2)
3d586293 wants 551 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02217 BRIDGE.BTC
47f19078 wants 687 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02137 BRIDGE.BTC
d0d2546a wants 636 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02324 BRIDGE.BTC
e02be1b8 wants 650 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02297 BRIDGE.BTC
e49b962a cancel order
dcbbdf20 cancel order
205b5a43 cancel order
02688f0e cancel order
90b94c9e cancel order
d9281160 wants 20.17 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02324 BRIDGE.BTC
43fa134b wants 19.4 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02217 BRIDGE.BTC
9697604c wants 18.9 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02164 BRIDGE.BTC
97003fff wants 19.6 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02244 BRIDGE.BTC
13ac9133 wants 22.04 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0251 BRIDGE.BTC
72a4eca2 cancel orders (5)
05600aba wants 22.58 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02564 BRIDGE.BTC
e9ceb758 wants 22.7 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0262 BRIDGE.BTC
4819b978 wants 22.95 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0262 BRIDGE.BTC
7b5e931a wants 19.73 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02244 BRIDGE.BTC
c7408a93 wants 22.06 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0254 BRIDGE.BTC
6bd64c76 cancel orders (3)
32a971e3 cancel order
430b8df2 wants 38.1 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0267 BRIDGE.BTC
4c53e1d9 wants 39 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0267 BRIDGE.BTC
a6dbfb89 wants 42.2 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0294 BRIDGE.BTC
27076c0a wants 43.2 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.03005 BRIDGE.BTC
f06e6d8d cancel orders (4)
c9bc4762 wants 75.5 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.03105 BRIDGE.BTC
e100f98f wants 74.2 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
df9ceb8d wants 68.3 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.0277 BRIDGE.BTC
9135b128 wants 69.3 BRIDGE.CHANC for 0.02905 BRIDGE.BTC
c21a00c7 cancel orders (3)
b75c77b1 cancel order
0c106b55 wants 24.53 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.02453 BRIDGE.BTC
60330e80 wants 24.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0243 BRIDGE.BTC
fc8692fd wants 24.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.02403 BRIDGE.BTC
4e25377a cancel order
96d71147 cancel order
e1add2ba wants 32.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
88249ace wants 32.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
6808f8c1 wants 32.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
bb1cdbe8 cancel orders (3)
ae234657 wants 32.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
cf11af69 wants 32.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
98ce2ea7 wants 32.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
2f57af86 cancel order
fd844265 cancel order
196755a0 cancel order
792fa0bd wants 31.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
710749e7 wants 32.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
009499d8 wants 32.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
d541dbe3 cancel order
091807be cancel orders (2)
10d43dc2 wants 32.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
683869d6 wants 32.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
373494c1 wants 32.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
352f7c6b cancel order
0661c855 cancel order
9d2abe22 cancel order
efea88cd wants 32 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
ebd0fcaf wants 32.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
8c09cd04 wants 32.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
78b068be cancel order
0d000d82 cancel order
bee12397 cancel order
e50f8fd9 wants 32.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
93385d2f wants 32.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
ebea001e wants 32.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
175ad0fa cancel orders (3)
fed6266f wants 32.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
1d0ae5e0 wants 32.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
d4bb7653 wants 32.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
a32ca57e cancel order
f3c10040 cancel order
e347dd69 cancel order
f6b46835 wants 32.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
f7b2a3a3 wants 31.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
6c2d7b6a wants 32.3 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
5993ad04 cancel order
7d735e80 cancel order
bbd6139c cancel order
107417eb wants 32.4 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
18319c95 wants 32.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
4f05eb9e wants 32.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
06cfeebd cancel orders (3)
3471a9a1 wants 31.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
28c62a96 wants 30.8 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
29e99c6b wants 31.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
5af7663e cancel order
8caafa22 cancel order
a1fff67a cancel order
daea92b0 wants 30.46 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
97cd135d wants 31 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
9aad573f wants 31.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
6f7d117a cancel order
35d23a48 cancel order
3915ed00 cancel order
8355f6ee wants 31.06 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
d50d5e4c wants 30.95 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
ef668911 wants 31.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
90ebd6c1 cancel orders (3)
e045a27f wants 31.46 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
9e50791c wants 31.1 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
c8492bd7 wants 31.23 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
7e50a5e9 cancel order
d27f62ce cancel order
28dee02a cancel order
9a80cda8 wants 30.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
b6bd3c0b wants 30.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
a8eb6dd3 wants 30.7 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
b0062838 cancel orders (3)
08effcd9 wants 29.9 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
1c195d74 wants 29.55 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
f22bd42d wants 30 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
c8ab7c5f cancel order
82882c99 cancel order
d7dae0ee cancel order
07dcc8ee wants 29.53 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
1c54f8ad wants 29.94 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
0e8ffa81 wants 30.56 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
1f6b9394 cancel order
d24662a6 cancel order
e57ce9ee cancel order
65867956 wants 29.67 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
f303f7cc wants 29.54 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
b3b785d3 wants 29.45 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
4358b79e cancel orders (3)
407311df wants 30.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
fb5cd3f0 wants 30.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
9b3eba7d wants 29.55 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
2d0748e1 cancel order
e1b799b1 cancel order
dbd18e7d cancel order
c1135396 wants 29.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
437cdaa5 wants 30.6 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC
9db1e923 wants 30.2 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0324 BRIDGE.BTC
26570b6c cancel orders (3)
08a70078 wants 29.77 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0321 BRIDGE.BTC
a5e6c578 wants 29.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
e251b4d6 wants 30.5 BRIDGE.PBC for 0.0327 BRIDGE.BTC