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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00007 BTS
Lifetime fees paid3.02 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00007 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BRIDGE.LUX 0.0000252 0
BRIDGE.PGN 0.1818 0
BRIDGE.XMN 0.1566 0
BRIDGE.GRV 0.000478 0
BRIDGE.HTH 2,206 2,204
XBTSX.COF 0.613 0
BRIDGE.SUQA 0.00411 0
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.00808 0
virtual cancel order
ed6e8223 sent 4,180 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
601ebfc7 wants 3,889 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001304 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000403 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,333 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 0.000403 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,333 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 0.000497 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,639 BRIDGE.XDOGE
af0747b6 cancel order
e85c56dd wants 4,347 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001304 BRIDGE.BTC
91c01963 wants 0.00001636 BRIDGE.BTC for 963 BRIDGE.XMN
virtual paid 962 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00001636 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
3a6b1dd9 cancel order
cedcc4f6 wants 0.00129 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,805 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 2,805 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00129 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cca1a6f5 cancel orders (13)
7ec0ee62 sent 2,945 BRIDGE.XDOGE to
c683fcde wants 2,945 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001737 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000589 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 0.001149 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,951 BRIDGE.XDOGE
a9c119f4 cancel order
4ffdc779 wants 2,990 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001737 BRIDGE.BTC
836aa289 cancel order
a1a9b168 wants 2,990 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.001737 BRIDGE.BTC
3828177c paid 723 BRIDGE.PGN for 0.00001855 BRIDGE.BTC
ffdfdea3 wants 0.00001855 BRIDGE.BTC for 723 BRIDGE.PGN
0760432c wants 0.0000738 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,204 BRIDGE.HTH
e4b9eb84 wants 0.00573 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,001 BRIDGE.XMN
f2eb1322 wants 2 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.00000324 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000324 BRIDGE.BTC for 2 BRIDGE.XMN
4e0f79d5 paid 0.000378 BRIDGE.BTC for 233 BRIDGE.XMN
26d8e37a paid 0.000136 BRIDGE.BTC for 83.9 BRIDGE.XMN
80d1524b wants 0.00000385 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.86 BRIDGE.SUQA
4f67cab6 wants 317 BRIDGE.XMN for 0.000514 BRIDGE.BTC
b1128d20 wants 0.000871 BRIDGE.BTC for 489 BRIDGE.SUQA
49f1f4a5 wants 0.0000448 BRIDGE.BTC for 22.96 BRIDGE.SUQA
6b9f8e5d wants 0.000213 BRIDGE.BTC for 120.3 BRIDGE.SUQA
e4a1e265 wants 0.000319 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.3 BRIDGE.SUQA
e114d5fa wants 0.0000408 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.56 BRIDGE.SUQA
d1ddabe4 wants 0.0000662 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.4 BRIDGE.SUQA
17f5e665 wants 0.000793 BRIDGE.BTC for 399 BRIDGE.SUQA
5000fec7 wants 0.00045 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SUQA
e3af9205 wants 0.00043 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SUQA
e075d96f wants 0.00041 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SUQA
6fba6774 wants 0.00039 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.SUQA
d9a62ba9 wants 0.001403 BRIDGE.BTC for 742 BRIDGE.SUQA
8f8bc11a paid 0.02156 BRIDGE.GTM for 0.00000299 BRIDGE.BTC
1ad90c80 wants 0.0000963 BRIDGE.BTC for 55.7 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 55.7 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000963 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cadb4e5c wants 0.00000299 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.02156 BRIDGE.GTM
e7ec46a0 cancel order
028cd356 wants 0.0000771 BRIDGE.BTC for 41.5 BRIDGE.SUQA
7ef09b71 wants 0.0000783 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.8 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 45.8 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000783 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
13f830f1 wants 0.0000597 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.4 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 36.4 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000597 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
af24ec9e paid 69.7 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0001164 BRIDGE.BTC
6a6d3852 wants 0.0000238 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.6 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 14.6 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000238 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
989dbab1 cancel order
a25dc929 wants 0.0001164 BRIDGE.BTC for 69.7 BRIDGE.SUQA
54fd450d cancel order
044e59c0 wants 0.0001143 BRIDGE.BTC for 69.7 BRIDGE.SUQA
0cc4f33d paid 72.9 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0001203 BRIDGE.BTC
9a053ee4 wants 0.0001203 BRIDGE.BTC for 72.9 BRIDGE.SUQA
90a13de0 wants 0.00002933 BRIDGE.BTC for 18 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 18 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00002933 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
44f84171 paid 16.56 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00002716 BRIDGE.BTC
9b96ae33 wants 0.00002716 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.56 BRIDGE.SUQA
3831edd7 cancel order
b679b7e7 wants 0.0000278 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.56 BRIDGE.SUQA
0c1eb47a cancel order
a8f3c7c2 wants 0.00002733 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.56 BRIDGE.SUQA
888fd98c wants 0.0003126 BRIDGE.BTC for 189.5 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 189.5 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0003126 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0d59a68e wants 0.00002427 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.74 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 16.74 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00002427 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
246161c4 wants 0.0000276 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.16 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 19.15 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000276 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
5fd6e145 wants 0.000227 BRIDGE.BTC for 158.6 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 158.6 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000227 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b7a04221 paid 23.7 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000346 BRIDGE.BTC
27563fc6 wants 0.0000346 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.7 BRIDGE.SUQA
2d8b2732 wants 0.0002505 BRIDGE.BTC for 176.4 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 176.4 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0002505 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b04f3ef7 cancel order
e57e5373 wants 0.0001276 BRIDGE.BTC for 85.6 BRIDGE.SUQA
7c94f236 paid 21.45 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000307 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 65.8 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000094 BRIDGE.BTC
4412e280 paid 24.06 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000332 BRIDGE.BTC
8aa0eb3f paid 46.7 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000621 BRIDGE.BTC
19320f27 wants 0.0000621 BRIDGE.BTC for 46.7 BRIDGE.SUQA
93c0e575 wants 0.0000332 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.06 BRIDGE.SUQA
be61276c paid 10.33 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00001384 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 42.8 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000586 BRIDGE.BTC
2acc169d wants 0.00001384 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.33 BRIDGE.SUQA
aef82505 wants 0.0000586 BRIDGE.BTC for 42.8 BRIDGE.SUQA
cae90b57 cancel order
ad3f0c10 cancel order
a450a113 paid 36.5 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000507 BRIDGE.BTC
fc618d2e wants 0.0000507 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.5 BRIDGE.SUQA
ab7f0af6 wants 0.0000307 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.45 BRIDGE.SUQA
fc095ef4 wants 0.000094 BRIDGE.BTC for 65.8 BRIDGE.SUQA
f1b8c9f6 wants 0.0000356 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.2 BRIDGE.SUQA
2dab8945 wants 0.0000246 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.75 BRIDGE.SUQA
1bc86865 paid 38.2 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000553 BRIDGE.BTC
ae4ef11c wants 0.0000553 BRIDGE.BTC for 38.2 BRIDGE.SUQA
954631c1 paid 66.4 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000956 BRIDGE.BTC
e409b30e wants 0.0000956 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.4 BRIDGE.SUQA
82abb856 paid 18.9 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00002625 BRIDGE.BTC
fa004c01 wants 0.00002625 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.9 BRIDGE.SUQA
2231cb85 paid 211 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000293 BRIDGE.BTC
91a95050 wants 0.000293 BRIDGE.BTC for 211 BRIDGE.SUQA
33482af5 sent 0.599 BRIDGE.LTC to
1d2744bb paid 0.002353 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.3004 BRIDGE.LTC
21584d9a wants 0.6 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0047 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00235 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.3 BRIDGE.LTC
a66436f5 wants 0.000434 BRIDGE.BTC for 261.4 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 261.4 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000434 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7218845f wants 0.00000307 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.81 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 1.806 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00000307 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
cba573e5 paid 19.73 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC
f9e22ac5 wants 0.0000325 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.73 BRIDGE.SUQA
08c66a61 paid 16.22 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00002676 BRIDGE.BTC
a54e0d70 wants 0.00002676 BRIDGE.BTC for 16.22 BRIDGE.SUQA
bcfb68a4 paid 28.1 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000472 BRIDGE.BTC
fc69a8ed wants 0.0000472 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.1 BRIDGE.SUQA
e4ac2c8a wants 0.000074 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.8 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 44.8 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000074 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e8406f37 wants 0.00382 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,263 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 2,263 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00382 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
717b9b1d cancel order
23a86f24 wants 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,243 BRIDGE.SUQA
9fda0c34 cancel order
19f92b0f wants 0.00419 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,183 BRIDGE.SUQA
10a4d9aa paid 28.96 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000484 BRIDGE.BTC
af808c01 wants 0.0000484 BRIDGE.BTC for 28.96 BRIDGE.SUQA
105dfcc8 wants 0.0000499 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.2 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 31.2 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000499 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
70aa0cb0 wants 0.0000874 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.1 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 57.1 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.0000874 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
4ffa22a0 wants 0.000088 BRIDGE.BTC for 54.6 BRIDGE.SUQA
virtual paid 54.6 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.000088 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
331f7b0e sent 554 BRIDGE.RVN to
ca225777 cancel order
47199270 cancel order
a72cf0e7 wants 0.0048 BRIDGE.BTC for 540 BRIDGE.RVN
55895f98 wants 538 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001367 BRIDGE.BTC for 191.2 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 0.000101 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.96 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 0.002435 BRIDGE.BTC for 336 BRIDGE.RVN
ae9dce8d paid 1,000 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00138 BRIDGE.BTC
d8dd9d42 wants 0.00138 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.SUQA
5b9d3c29 paid 1,000 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.00128 BRIDGE.BTC
6c9ac634 wants 0.00128 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,000 BRIDGE.SUQA
fc298c53 paid 978 BRIDGE.SUQA for 0.001252 BRIDGE.BTC
f6ab442b wants 0.001252 BRIDGE.BTC for 978 BRIDGE.SUQA
820d2925 wants 0.0001686 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.76 BRIDGE.RVN
c46bb14d paid 0.00016 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.03 BRIDGE.RVN
26091fd4 wants 19.03 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00016 BRIDGE.BTC
8d207089 paid 144.3 BRIDGE.HTH for 0.00000648 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 3,427 BRIDGE.HTH for 0.000154 BRIDGE.BTC
1b4872fe sent 2,020 BRIDGE.RVN to
fe2554d7 paid 0.00342 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,008 BRIDGE.RVN
4228e0f7 wants 1,218 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00413 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000712 BRIDGE.BTC for 210 BRIDGE.RVN
19fe2832 paid 0.000678 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.RVN
4a8fb667 wants 610 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.002067 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00139 BRIDGE.BTC for 410 BRIDGE.RVN
52164242 cancel order
81879705 wants 0.000359 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.RVN