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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.937 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.472 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.94 0
BRIDGE.ACRE 11,326 11,326
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
ab03c0c7 wants 0.159 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
8d9be4dc wants 0.1596 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
84ddca20 wants 0.133 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,326 BRIDGE.ACRE
e02a3ca9 cancel order
7f148bb0 wants 0.0554 BRIDGE.BTC for 11,326 BRIDGE.ACRE
920fb30b cancel order
ad2717de cancel order
d3cb3c04 wants 0.168 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
16c5d8a5 wants 0.133 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,326 BRIDGE.ACRE
f89e7264 cancel order
2cc75322 cancel order
cfcc1d9e wants 0.0179 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,996 BRIDGE.ACRE
cfef5cac cancel order
cecc19bc wants 0.01291 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,996 BRIDGE.ACRE
4a1e3942 wants 0.01484 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,326 BRIDGE.ACRE
eb552f45 cancel order
b1fbd4c0 cancel order
261d06ac cancel order
ad6abc3c sent 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC to
248f2c57 cancel order
dbfc42eb cancel order
20007c5e cancel order
18e7b1df wants 0.331 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,324 BRIDGE.ACRE
01c0fece wants 0.2 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
52d6ff60 wants 0.47 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
72d1df24 cancel order
ccd05664 cancel order
dc8146cb wants 114,532 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00401 BRIDGE.BTC
459f1538 wants 30,369 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0044 BRIDGE.BTC
c60e4842 wants 4,369 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
fe83c9d0 cancel order
11ccf4b6 wants 0.583 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,206 BRIDGE.ACRE
49bd3f74 wants 0.2045 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,116 BRIDGE.ACRE
e15bc956 wants 9,402 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.01217 BRIDGE.BTC
ac61edaf cancel order
e9dacf98 cancel order
2d085edf cancel order
047594a1 cancel order
5fc43a46 wants 0.02005 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,507 BRIDGE.ACRE
f796f508 cancel order
ffff52c6 sent 0.006 BRIDGE.BTC to
73ec2484 wants 0.00193 BRIDGE.BTC for 195.6 BRIDGE.ACRE
142cf130 cancel order
c4b202e8 cancel order
2ed764d1 cancel order
5cbf2cba cancel order
8b2550f5 cancel order
be5796fd wants 0.0000461 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.64 BRIDGE.ACRE
70c1d0f9 paid 0.000251 BRIDGE.BTC for 196.3 BRIDGE.ACRE
e2f2c24e wants 9,890 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.01266 BRIDGE.BTC
eb1d84a6 cancel order
472eda5f cancel order
a8e43bcb wants 4,963 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC
4ea4390e wants 0.2194 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,506 BRIDGE.ACRE
b6a0876f wants 0.0378 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,619 BRIDGE.ACRE
edbf0083 cancel order
5b1d1570 cancel order
f6157438 cancel order
61c0ab13 wants 0.01092 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,081 BRIDGE.ACRE
fdb09959 wants 0.01017 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,045 BRIDGE.ACRE
6501b739 wants 3,770 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00454 BRIDGE.BTC
95c1aced wants 9,542 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00868 BRIDGE.BTC
a1e2e0e5 cancel order
044c96f3 cancel order
7e0082ae paid 0.00317 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,494 BRIDGE.ACRE
38e389e3 wants 6,041 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00761 BRIDGE.BTC
5b489b58 wants 6,914 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00878 BRIDGE.BTC
9822502d cancel order
592cfd24 cancel order
cc977248 cancel order
4e8045f0 wants 15,893 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.01637 BRIDGE.BTC
e0c277b3 wants 19.2 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00002017 BRIDGE.BTC
1cbbdc87 wants 0.01546 BRIDGE.BTC for 8,636 BRIDGE.ACRE
e4dfbeca cancel order
d9b9ee44 cancel order
2f88412d cancel order
832a5f17 cancel order
ee97aac2 wants 15,920 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0164 BRIDGE.BTC
2e525a3d cancel order
5238386a cancel order
f70616ac wants 6,921 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00692 BRIDGE.BTC
c049c5a1 wants 9,566 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00947 BRIDGE.BTC
d8eec394 cancel order
f13fec87 cancel order
02851a26 wants 986 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.001297 BRIDGE.BTC
b338b0d5 wants 11,519 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0151 BRIDGE.BTC
faf8123f cancel order
233e3502 cancel order
16094452 cancel order
d751891e cancel order
69f50e63 cancel order
26f8ad5f wants 3,500 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00389 BRIDGE.BTC
9df1d306 cancel order
4d59d56e wants 0.153 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,942 BRIDGE.ACRE
3b569eef cancel order
17a713fa wants 0.01119 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,082 BRIDGE.ACRE
3c119ee0 wants 3,900 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0039 BRIDGE.BTC
118fd780 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
c57ce819 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
558b56f2 cancel order
f96d87e0 cancel order
3edefc16 cancel order
c8a4c1bd cancel order
be544292 cancel order
cfd5671d wants 41.4 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0000376 BRIDGE.BTC
fbfa1802 wants 0.00001357 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.46 BRIDGE.ACRE
72f3906d wants 0.00676 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,179 BRIDGE.ACRE
d11750fb wants 0.00604 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,837 BRIDGE.ACRE
1f9fec1b cancel order
26e10138 cancel order
5c9ed3aa wants 5,450 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0049 BRIDGE.BTC
77566c8f wants 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC
edafeed1 wants 5,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0045 BRIDGE.BTC
6e2f50d2 cancel order
20af14ec cancel order
d287f424 cancel order
06dfbd33 cancel order
b72d2c43 cancel order
8573c9be paid 0.00000814 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.48 BRIDGE.ACRE
0a62ac62 paid 0.00002066 BRIDGE.BTC for 21.75 BRIDGE.ACRE
c28d7713 wants 2,714 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00245 BRIDGE.BTC
444bf2c7 cancel order
0a81f235 wants 814 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.000766 BRIDGE.BTC
3a2dc571 wants 5,137 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC
c7b190c1 wants 5,137 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00483 BRIDGE.BTC
76e16aa9 wants 714 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.000678 BRIDGE.BTC
03f69dc7 wants 8.48 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00000814 BRIDGE.BTC
1c3e6134 cancel order
cab0569f cancel order
8ff8f6c1 cancel order
f4a89255 cancel order
806dbf8e wants 4,500 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00428 BRIDGE.BTC
a02478e0 wants 3,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00282 BRIDGE.BTC
974f53e2 cancel order
d060c9e4 cancel order
260fec11 cancel order
28d00a91 cancel order
926a44e7 wants 9,011 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.001171 BRIDGE.BTC
92ac0d20 wants 10,385 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00135 BRIDGE.BTC
cc809828 wants 10,385 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00135 BRIDGE.BTC
f1fe5c20 wants 10,385 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00135 BRIDGE.BTC
bccf337b wants 5,280 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.000792 BRIDGE.BTC
4b67e1a9 wants 3,996 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00212 BRIDGE.BTC
50b67f73 wants 4,863 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00248 BRIDGE.BTC
2578b7d2 cancel order
7875a38f cancel order
cb0ca27e wants 2,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00184 BRIDGE.BTC
a1d95426 wants 2,202 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.002026 BRIDGE.BTC
ab009b8f wants 2,798 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.002574 BRIDGE.BTC
23213fae wants 2,891 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00266 BRIDGE.BTC
d8c1c24a wants 2,330 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00212 BRIDGE.BTC
44bc60a8 wants 11,137 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00568 BRIDGE.BTC
0b010a38 wants 38,157 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00496 BRIDGE.BTC
fce2a513 wants 0.1042 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,612 BRIDGE.ACRE
25c3dcf5 cancel order
2156d5b2 wants 0.202 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,490 BRIDGE.ACRE
47f8416d wants 0.181 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,500 BRIDGE.ACRE
efa51a3b wants 0.245 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,612 BRIDGE.ACRE
e4b29c63 cancel order
d68f72fb wants 135.4 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0002057 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002057 BRIDGE.BTC for 136.3 BRIDGE.ACRE
995de519 paid 0.001747 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,157 BRIDGE.ACRE
52a24fb6 paid 0.001575 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,043 BRIDGE.ACRE
55f2c653 paid 0.00358 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,371 BRIDGE.ACRE
f6e0fffd wants 0.000187 BRIDGE.BTC for 124.8 BRIDGE.ACRE
virtual paid 124.7 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0001884 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 0.0001884 BRIDGE.BTC for 124.7 BRIDGE.ACRE
52c102a0 wants 0.000015 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.ACRE
virtual paid 10 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.0000151 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 0.0000151 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.ACRE
6c3bf116 cancel order
143eaf4c wants 0.00000265 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.77 BRIDGE.ACRE
virtual paid 1.768 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00000267 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
virtual paid 0.00000267 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.768 BRIDGE.ACRE
58e51a59 wants 0.00712 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,990 BRIDGE.ACRE
77da5288 wants 0.00661 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,915 BRIDGE.ACRE
f84e5a6d wants 2,200 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00332 BRIDGE.BTC
93e64306 wants 2,508 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00379 BRIDGE.BTC
0e497f50 cancel order
740c5d10 cancel order
cec2dba8 paid 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,920 BRIDGE.ACRE
virtual paid 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,000 BRIDGE.ACRE
9b65dc8e wants 2,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.003 BRIDGE.BTC
7f46fbfb wants 1,920 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00288 BRIDGE.BTC
5ce4dd43 cancel order
97c61cf1 cancel order
37ea6754 wants 2,776 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
d52587cf cancel order
4dd5e740 wants 2,060 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00303 BRIDGE.BTC
62a1a283 cancel order
df2fc519 wants 3,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
844ee4d1 wants 3,000 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00408 BRIDGE.BTC
1caf81fe wants 2,227 BRIDGE.ACRE for 0.00303 BRIDGE.BTC
518d9683 cancel order