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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01084 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.2645 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01084
DEEX 0.1
ZALUPA 0.044
ROYAL 0.057
4f0bf091 issue 0.8 BRIDGE.LUQ to
05c8f6dd sent 0.1 DEEX to
f2cc9a62 sent 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC to
669a6d4a sent 6,263 BRIDGE.PHILS to
99b4ceba cancel order
d9bcbddb paid 0.99 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.00002477 BRIDGE.BTC
b398d0a1 issue 10.1 BRIDGE.PHILS to
64592e22 wants 0.1564 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,257 BRIDGE.PHILS
2d2fd278 cancel order
9b81d944 wants 0.0779 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,257 BRIDGE.PHILS
9759b781 cancel order
0f7402bd cancel order
36b3cc3a wants 0.0175 BRIDGE.BTC for 547 BRIDGE.PHILS
d9ccb21c cancel order
703c8dc5 cancel order
b28d991c sent 0.497 BRIDGE.BTC to
d159364f wants 0.1827 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,710 BRIDGE.PHILS
eccb30ad cancel order
b0b47c56 wants 21,598 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
cf010156 cancel order
adb366d4 wants 22,075 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
1434f0bc cancel order
9cfe7ff7 wants 29,674 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1 BRIDGE.BTC
76ce346a wants 0.1712 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,710 BRIDGE.PHILS
d3d01259 cancel order
8ac7d228 cancel order
1bfc3d7a paid 13.8 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.000441 BRIDGE.BTC
2fd206ee wants 0.01795 BRIDGE.BTC for 561 BRIDGE.PHILS
3029b298 paid 0.000318 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
8cb43fa1 paid 10,528 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.331 BRIDGE.BTC
4bb479be wants 0.331 BRIDGE.BTC for 10,528 BRIDGE.PHILS
c3a379eb cancel order
563529aa cancel order
6b3d351e cancel order
54ac34bc cancel order
38f70b94 cancel order
75353dd3 cancel order
3668df65 cancel order
bdcfad61 cancel order
289d5ba8 cancel order
07c3a755 cancel order
fb85aa7d cancel order
d9d22941 cancel order
dd7bafbc cancel order
8dc3ffe8 cancel order
64564559 cancel order
1dbfdfeb paid 492 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 700 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.02137 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 522 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.01595 BRIDGE.BTC
2b711aa2 paid 7.78 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.000237 BRIDGE.BTC
e42f7493 paid 0.01543 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.00000047 BRIDGE.BTC
3b4292ff wants 0.01595 BRIDGE.BTC for 522 BRIDGE.PHILS
dcbdf634 wants 0.01524 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.PHILS
b8e39691 wants 0.02137 BRIDGE.BTC for 700 BRIDGE.PHILS
3d9146c3 wants 5,250 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
65d3dcf3 cancel order
ff76086d wants 5,150 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.106 BRIDGE.BTC
6a0c13aa cancel order
f90a10df wants 4,894 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
8eab9f5f cancel order
b5f943e5 wants 5,028 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.106 BRIDGE.BTC
0840a110 cancel order
7b960ad3 wants 5,143 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
11b4e8a6 cancel order
d67ab9fa wants 5,118 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.106 BRIDGE.BTC
d9572571 cancel order
3967fa64 wants 5,250 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
2ac75eeb cancel order
60920f6e wants 200 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
1174aca7 cancel order
5b9f4c54 wants 5,278 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.106 BRIDGE.BTC
e78c80e0 wants 200 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.108 BRIDGE.BTC
6d636271 wants 0.02316 BRIDGE.BTC for 462 BRIDGE.PHILS
66e22e8a cancel order
e8833208 wants 0.023 BRIDGE.BTC for 461 BRIDGE.PHILS
3910d6eb wants 0.0392 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.PHILS
13696515 wants 0.0384 BRIDGE.BTC for 800 BRIDGE.PHILS
85d3f024 wants 0.0322 BRIDGE.BTC for 700 BRIDGE.PHILS
934a0477 wants 0.0225 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.PHILS
e7daca23 wants 0.0225 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.PHILS
42dfbb8d wants 0.0396 BRIDGE.BTC for 900 BRIDGE.PHILS
6126c6fa wants 0.0301 BRIDGE.BTC for 700 BRIDGE.PHILS
2053f4da wants 0.012 BRIDGE.BTC for 300 BRIDGE.PHILS
7733e29c wants 0.0205 BRIDGE.BTC for 500 BRIDGE.PHILS
afb660a2 paid 0.1893 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,173 BRIDGE.PHILS
e4b30251 wants 7,000 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.2147 BRIDGE.BTC
bbe9ac02 cancel order
e32a39f5 wants 7,000 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.2315 BRIDGE.BTC
d6919b4c wants 0.0679 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,155 BRIDGE.PHILS
43729ded cancel order
68ec7266 cancel order
2f58d958 cancel order
930d2d16 wants 0.0186 BRIDGE.BTC for 345 BRIDGE.PHILS
42e05c15 paid 563 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.0291 BRIDGE.BTC
2d8a392a paid 1,175 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.0608 BRIDGE.BTC
66c74781 paid 1,621 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.0796 BRIDGE.BTC
9eacb9a4 wants 0.09 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,738 BRIDGE.PHILS
7d09814c cancel order
543c7abe cancel order
a00219be wants 0.0796 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,621 BRIDGE.PHILS
d6cd9170 wants 0.01785 BRIDGE.BTC for 331 BRIDGE.PHILS
2a27a139 wants 0.0258 BRIDGE.BTC for 479 BRIDGE.PHILS
34da7253 wants 4,054 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1217 BRIDGE.BTC
2980e504 wants 0.0426 BRIDGE.BTC for 789 BRIDGE.PHILS
04a80489 wants 0.021 BRIDGE.BTC for 389 BRIDGE.PHILS
0e9d6878 wants 0.0849 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,572 BRIDGE.PHILS
fd0474f4 paid 274 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.01453 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 1,946 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1031 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 80 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC
44812243 wants 0.01453 BRIDGE.BTC for 274 BRIDGE.PHILS
c4ae6dec wants 3,615 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1124 BRIDGE.BTC
1b0f6c71 cancel order
1048c27b wants 0.1031 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,946 BRIDGE.PHILS
ce273ff8 paid 0.0606 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,950 BRIDGE.PHILS
6faa61c5 wants 0.00424 BRIDGE.BTC for 80 BRIDGE.PHILS
e6e2236a paid 0.00249 BRIDGE.BTC for 80.2 BRIDGE.PHILS
fa090da4 wants 5,648 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1755 BRIDGE.BTC
b0b12e7d cancel order
6bd87cf4 wants 5,012 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.1755 BRIDGE.BTC
69737413 paid 689 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.0398 BRIDGE.BTC
8e83d3d6 wants 0.0398 BRIDGE.BTC for 689 BRIDGE.PHILS
82a8faad cancel order
d8c58739 cancel order
ff5e85d0 wants 0.0405 BRIDGE.BTC for 689 BRIDGE.PHILS
42d40eeb paid 212 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.01247 BRIDGE.BTC
b34e393c wants 0.01247 BRIDGE.BTC for 212 BRIDGE.PHILS
c6e0e764 wants 0.00262 BRIDGE.BTC for 44.6 BRIDGE.PHILS
virtual paid 44.6 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.00262 BRIDGE.BTC
c248ce9e paid 784 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.0453 BRIDGE.BTC
3157afb3 wants 0.0453 BRIDGE.BTC for 784 BRIDGE.PHILS
0e6395ab paid 571 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.033 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
431f8ba9 paid 259.7 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC
8cd6d802 wants 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC for 830 BRIDGE.PHILS
9052eada wants 0.02766 BRIDGE.BTC for 537 BRIDGE.PHILS
virtual paid 537 BRIDGE.PHILS for 0.02766 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
a1cd279a cancel order
3cdc2ae8 wants 0.0804 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,368 BRIDGE.PHILS
a4c11ff9 cancel order
416b702c wants 0.0805 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,368 BRIDGE.PHILS
41b097d5 cancel order
69ed1f24 wants 0.0805 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,368 BRIDGE.PHILS