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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00535 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.432 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.1367
BRIDGE.XSH 0.002505
9aff6466 sent 0.000829 BRIDGE.BTC to
dd8ce5ea sent 1 BTS to
667a0a0c issue 10.01 BRIDGE.XVG to
2cad5fdb issue 10.04 BRIDGE.XVG to
273f9200 issue 10.02 BRIDGE.XVG to
07c5a138 wants 0.0000415 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.7 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 19.7 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000415 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
773f7568 wants 0.00000449 BRIDGE.BTC for 2.053 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 2.05 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00000449 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
351ee846 paid 0.2334 BRIDGE.XDNA for 0.00002333 BRIDGE.BTC
0aabc0e7 wants 0.0001312 BRIDGE.BTC for 39.8 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 39.8 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0001312 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
ebc2bea9 wants 0.0000302 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.03 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 10.03 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000302 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d47cd99b wants 0.0000917 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.5 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 29.5 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000917 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
1381e527 paid 10 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0000233 BRIDGE.BTC
1e4d6864 wants 0.0001577 BRIDGE.BTC for 50.1 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 50.1 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0001577 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
2c6d4728 wants 0.00002333 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.2334 BRIDGE.XDNA
f1a8a97d wants 0.0000233 BRIDGE.BTC for 10 BRIDGE.RVN
11c93975 paid 0.998 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.0001797 BRIDGE.BTC
2ac2a373 wants 0.0001797 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.998 BRIDGE.BCO
c3dbca3a wants 0.0000165 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.KREDS
virtual paid 50 BRIDGE.KREDS for 0.0000165 BRIDGE.BTC
d30d9979 wants 0.0000367 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.93 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 9.93 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000367 BRIDGE.BTC
1ec05fa8 wants 0.0000338 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.91 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 9.91 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000338 BRIDGE.BTC
dae02293 wants 0.00000247 BRIDGE.BTC for 82.5 BRIDGE.ELIQA
virtual paid 82.5 BRIDGE.ELIQA for 0.00000247 BRIDGE.BTC
e7119745 cancel order
e902948e wants 0.0000165 BRIDGE.BTC for 82.5 BRIDGE.ELIQA
34cdc123 wants 1 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.0002035 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002035 BRIDGE.BTC for 1 BRIDGE.BCO
4a867964 wants 0.02147 BTS for 0.0711 DEEX
virtual paid 0.0711 DEEX for 0.02147 BTS
ad6c7e21 cancel order
ef792674 paid 98 BRIDGE.DRV for 0.0000343 BRIDGE.BTC
ac7368d5 wants 0.0000235 BRIDGE.BTC for 94 BRIDGE.ELIQA
f74f914f wants 0.0000343 BRIDGE.BTC for 98 BRIDGE.DRV
c2f80460 wants 100 BRIDGE.DRV for 0.000025 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000025 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.DRV
a6ecb980 wants 100 BRIDGE.ELIQA for 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000013 BRIDGE.BTC for 100 BRIDGE.ELIQA
fea4442f cancel order
e3e80544 wants 100 BRIDGE.ACCO for 0.000012 BRIDGE.BTC
2b37931b wants 0.0000376 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.9 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 9.9 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000376 BRIDGE.BTC
ca0db539 wants 0.000137 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.5 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 49.5 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.000137 BRIDGE.BTC
acaaa742 wants 0.00000374 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.851 BRIDGE.XSH
virtual paid 0.851 BRIDGE.XSH for 0.00000374 BRIDGE.BTC
6dbf7b47 paid 45.4 BRIDGE.KREDS for 0.0000227 BRIDGE.BTC
d3c1ee12 wants 0.0000227 BRIDGE.BTC for 45.4 BRIDGE.KREDS
a84a02ae paid 86.1 BRIDGE.KREDS for 0.0000293 BRIDGE.BTC
865e84b1 wants 0.0000293 BRIDGE.BTC for 86.1 BRIDGE.KREDS
29da169a cancel order
6fe101a3 cancel order
40974e1c wants 0.0000293 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.77 BRIDGE.RVN
3ee17798 wants 0.0000318 BRIDGE.BTC for 90.8 BRIDGE.KREDS
aee030b5 cancel order
e721477f wants 0.0000227 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.88 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 9.88 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00002274 BRIDGE.BTC
69a70616 wants 0.0000477 BRIDGE.BTC for 95.4 BRIDGE.KREDS
8ec0412e wants 0.00002466 BRIDGE.BTC for 79.6 BRIDGE.KREDS
virtual paid 79.6 BRIDGE.KREDS for 0.00002466 BRIDGE.BTC
fe1b5c41 cancel order
31613f55 wants 0.0000995 BRIDGE.BTC for 284 BRIDGE.KREDS
a4b35008 wants 289.4 BRIDGE.KREDS for 0.0000829 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000829 BRIDGE.BTC for 289.4 BRIDGE.KREDS
4da058b8 cancel order
5c9d3665 paid 4.49 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00001346 BRIDGE.BTC
fd5eb47a paid 4.92 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00001475 BRIDGE.BTC
aa861b84 wants 0.0000282 BRIDGE.BTC for 9.4 BRIDGE.RVN
ecce0418 wants 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.7 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 10.7 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.00003 BRIDGE.BTC
6a501f45 wants 0.0000248 BRIDGE.BTC for 197 BRIDGE.MIE
virtual paid 197 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.0000248 BRIDGE.BTC
639c35a9 cancel order
d000ba0a wants 0.0001 BRIDGE.BTC for 200 BRIDGE.MIE
f79184cf wants 207 BRIDGE.MIE for 0.0000476 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000476 BRIDGE.BTC for 207 BRIDGE.MIE
e7b7d6c9 wants 0.0000483 BRIDGE.BTC for 17 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 17 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0000483 BRIDGE.BTC
d0457213 wants 0.000175 BRIDGE.BTC for 50 BRIDGE.RVN
76750c20 cancel order
aa727eb2 wants 0.00021 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.RVN
c38e770a cancel order
dd2735f6 wants 0.000195 BRIDGE.BTC for 60 BRIDGE.RVN
8d226489 cancel order
b53fda47 wants 0.00014 BRIDGE.BTC for 40 BRIDGE.RVN
6d937cd6 wants 31.4 BRIDGE.RVN for 26.14 BRIDGE.XVG
virtual paid 26.14 BRIDGE.XVG for 31.4 BRIDGE.RVN
4ab157d5 wants 23.66 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.0000968 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000968 BRIDGE.BTC for 23.66 BRIDGE.XVG
82f24f1e wants 0.0000975 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.7 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 30.7 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0000975 BRIDGE.BTC
b031c2a1 wants 90.7 BRIDGE.XVG for 0.000402 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000402 BRIDGE.BTC for 90.7 BRIDGE.XVG
cc9463e1 wants 0.0000382 BRIDGE.BTC for 12.2 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 12.2 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0000382 BRIDGE.BTC
ad9d10d1 wants 0.0000804 BRIDGE.BTC for 24.37 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 24.37 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0000804 BRIDGE.BTC
51d212f2 wants 0.0002844 BRIDGE.BTC for 70 BRIDGE.RVN
virtual paid 70 BRIDGE.RVN for 0.0002844 BRIDGE.BTC