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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid11.94 BTS


Asset Balance
BRIDGE.BTC 0.00000002
virtual cancel order
6b3acde1 paid 0.1667 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC
fef1471e sent 0.001765 BRIDGE.BTC to
04e341d7 wants 0.000663 BRIDGE.BTC for 22,103 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 22,103 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.000663 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
51e84758 wants 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 20,000 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
81ed3796 wants 0.0000842 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,404 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 1,404 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0000842 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
64f21eda wants 0.0000886 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,477 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 73.3 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0000044 BRIDGE.BTC
517eded3 sent 350,245 BRIDGE.WIRE to
5d848c26 paid 0.0001328 BRIDGE.BTC for 781 BRIDGE.WIRE
09b5fd13 paid 0.00000319 BRIDGE.BTC for 18.76 BRIDGE.WIRE
330d8fd2 wants 800 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.000136 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1827 BRIDGE.WIRE
b3c5ea97 sent 0.00718 BRIDGE.BTC to
e7b7d74f wants 0.00739 BRIDGE.BTC for 7,390 BRIDGE.CATO
virtual paid 7,390 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.00739 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
de43c4c8 sent 21.45 BRIDGE.WIRE to
a888c6a4 sent 0.0482 BRIDGE.BTC to
c05c25a8 cancel order
f468efbf wants 62,338 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC
a126a0bc cancel order
e42ced99 wants 50,530 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0000577 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.7 BRIDGE.WIRE
52ad83c4 cancel order
8e1e9347 wants 1,116 BRIDGE.PAWS for 0.048 BRIDGE.BTC
478f7077 sent 6,369 BRIDGE.CATO to
94cf9a4a cancel order
4de697c3 wants 26,114 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.0483 BRIDGE.BTC
11304c4b cancel order
d15aff6e wants 1,500 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.0021 BRIDGE.BTC
ad88be0e wants 6,358 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.01176 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00377 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,073 BRIDGE.CATO
virtual paid 0.00799 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,318 BRIDGE.CATO
689c00aa cancel order
e3747fd0 wants 10,549 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.01793 BRIDGE.BTC
d9b484c2 cancel order
0759bd1f wants 10,549 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.01688 BRIDGE.BTC
84950a16 cancel order
c2978751 wants 10,549 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.01688 BRIDGE.BTC
f151c7d4 cancel order
c1149d55 wants 10,549 BRIDGE.CATO for 0.01635 BRIDGE.BTC
f1b942c0 sent 100,002 BRIDGE.WIRE to
dd0c95c9 cancel order
ef85e43e wants 0.105 BRIDGE.BTC for 100,001 BRIDGE.WIRE
7036124d cancel order
8161fc13 wants 0.0499 BRIDGE.BTC for 45,788 BRIDGE.WIRE
2082f74c cancel order
73cfaf35 wants 0.02736 BRIDGE.BTC for 24,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
31439abc cancel order
d832a7dd wants 0.0196 BRIDGE.BTC for 17,500 BRIDGE.WIRE
c4434401 cancel order
dd833e94 wants 0.0403 BRIDGE.BTC for 35,001 BRIDGE.WIRE
6ced0c55 cancel order
021adde3 wants 0.02394 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,001 BRIDGE.WIRE
9c45c997 sent 102,745 BRIDGE.WIRE to
d40aba76 cancel order
3bd1c523 wants 0.066 BRIDGE.BTC for 57,863 BRIDGE.WIRE
da1d937d cancel order
0d4d3577 wants 0.0509 BRIDGE.BTC for 42,763 BRIDGE.WIRE
bd85e76e cancel order
bef8ff70 wants 0.1172 BRIDGE.BTC for 102,763 BRIDGE.WIRE
1324d905 sent 203,423 BRIDGE.WIRE to
2282e516 cancel order
f9f1d7ee wants 0.0279 BRIDGE.BTC for 23,442 BRIDGE.WIRE
cacf547b cancel order
641c45ad wants 0.02883 BRIDGE.BTC for 23,442 BRIDGE.WIRE
4b5940c9 cancel order
e39db49a wants 0.02433 BRIDGE.BTC for 20,442 BRIDGE.WIRE
75c40724 sent 21,744 BRIDGE.WIRE to
0e878b9b cancel order
39fc2d51 wants 0.02437 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,762 BRIDGE.WIRE
fc5d611a cancel order
849336f2 cancel order
04b29777 wants 0.01003 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,283 BRIDGE.WIRE
a408ca9b sent 0.0994 BRIDGE.BTC to
06781dd2 cancel order
a018e7d1 cancel order
01938d83 wants 12,454 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01196 BRIDGE.BTC
24f8ce9a cancel order
e2e5a1ad wants 0.01348 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,479 BRIDGE.WIRE
a92dc37b wants 12,454 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01196 BRIDGE.BTC
f7b31976 cancel order
e2a173f5 cancel order
abd5dd7b cancel order
4f6ee396 wants 3,454 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.00338 BRIDGE.BTC
7f2b2bba wants 0.0136 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,479 BRIDGE.WIRE
ad228f57 wants 0.00977 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,302 BRIDGE.WIRE
b3241343 cancel order
e4af93f2 wants 33,245 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0316 BRIDGE.BTC
54eab8d4 cancel order
35dea29d wants 0.02374 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,782 BRIDGE.WIRE
40f03275 cancel order
f2485bc1 wants 0.02396 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,783 BRIDGE.WIRE
2c53fa52 cancel order
642bdef5 wants 32,648 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0317 BRIDGE.BTC
ff51520a cancel order
62e5a090 wants 0.02483 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,782 BRIDGE.WIRE
2c8ccf95 cancel order
5d326b05 wants 0.02527 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,783 BRIDGE.WIRE
c3d4e138 cancel order
eb666b06 wants 0.0279 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,783 BRIDGE.WIRE
85b96c44 cancel order
0ceac657 wants 0.02527 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,782 BRIDGE.WIRE
3296494b cancel order
1202fdd6 wants 0.0296 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,782 BRIDGE.WIRE
06111332 cancel order
52b266a4 wants 98,416 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0994 BRIDGE.BTC
35a4180c wants 0.0255 BRIDGE.BTC for 21,783 BRIDGE.WIRE
f59077c0 cancel order
703bdd62 cancel order
63a54c91 wants 0.0161 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,003 BRIDGE.WIRE
2a6e78dd cancel order
9ef1c0cd cancel order
720aafb7 wants 27,546 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.02865 BRIDGE.BTC
a65be635 wants 0.0133 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,778 BRIDGE.WIRE
1103b5fa wants 0.01416 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,003 BRIDGE.WIRE
af534bb7 cancel order
c3d53f29 cancel order
32146a2b cancel order
b5a6ced2 wants 0.01392 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,003 BRIDGE.WIRE
a5cd138b cancel order
f628dd68 wants 0.01134 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,778 BRIDGE.WIRE
1ea37d1b cancel order
3754f863 wants 0.01416 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,003 BRIDGE.WIRE
3d351d06 cancel order
2d8521f8 cancel order
47001820 cancel order
cc614e7b cancel order
e518b789 wants 98,020 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.099 BRIDGE.BTC
364f0fc2 cancel order
57fcd52a cancel order
b9e33f36 cancel order
7527b139 wants 0.01164 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,778 BRIDGE.WIRE
960879b9 cancel order
a935d194 cancel order
82f0b0c8 cancel order
2fa5865a wants 0.01393 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,221 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 12,221 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01393 BRIDGE.BTC
8a7c30eb wants 6,087 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.00688 BRIDGE.BTC
2acf581a cancel order
afb1751d wants 0.0079 BRIDGE.BTC for 6,475 BRIDGE.WIRE
4bd27b89 cancel order
265a797a wants 0.00369 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
b44240ea wants 0.00375 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
b52d45f0 wants 0.00396 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
0db63a70 wants 0.00399 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
80fca4c5 wants 0.00402 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
67e94eaa wants 0.01703 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,523 BRIDGE.WIRE
5bec8ab3 cancel order
35fea066 wants 0.0169 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,523 BRIDGE.WIRE
942ce22d cancel order
ccf80513 wants 6,087 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.007 BRIDGE.BTC
10cff461 cancel order
8a698bcf wants 6,567 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0071 BRIDGE.BTC
9e81662d wants 37,254 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.0406 BRIDGE.BTC
8845efad cancel order
bb8652b7 wants 0.0162 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,455 BRIDGE.WIRE
8e99d769 cancel order
a6f39010 wants 57 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.000077 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000077 BRIDGE.BTC for 57 BRIDGE.WIRE
c4c616c7 cancel order
e9772bfc wants 0.000077 BRIDGE.BTC for 57 BRIDGE.WIRE
5ed5b5a6 cancel order
79624d54 paid 0.001215 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,066 BRIDGE.WIRE
a26c4860 wants 0.01815 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,346 BRIDGE.WIRE
dce09098 cancel order
7176afd3 wants 0.0172 BRIDGE.BTC for 13,346 BRIDGE.WIRE
150bbd16 cancel order
c38e3c3b cancel order
f7850be2 wants 7,559 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.00854 BRIDGE.BTC
6f729a35 wants 8,957 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01003 BRIDGE.BTC
ba955d75 wants 12,856 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01427 BRIDGE.BTC
28c28c1a wants 0.00636 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,896 BRIDGE.WIRE
7ab821b1 paid 0.0000302 BRIDGE.BTC for 26.5 BRIDGE.WIRE
5b1c73fa wants 0.0177 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,634 BRIDGE.WIRE
dcb272d7 cancel order
d3dae844 wants 12,856 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01466 BRIDGE.BTC
92ce935e cancel order
63fbac56 cancel order
df960247 wants 0.01783 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,857 BRIDGE.WIRE
5dba1a89 cancel order
a60473a4 wants 0.02196 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
3536747b wants 0.01857 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,856 BRIDGE.WIRE
baf942f1 cancel order
dd1c1a2a cancel order
85208fe9 wants 0.01887 BRIDGE.BTC for 14,856 BRIDGE.WIRE
497a0d4c wants 0.0232 BRIDGE.BTC for 18,000 BRIDGE.WIRE
c597925a wants 28,844 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.02974 BRIDGE.BTC
db663244 cancel order
3e02c56c cancel order
fd315ba2 wants 0.01494 BRIDGE.BTC for 12,987 BRIDGE.WIRE
virtual paid 12,987 BRIDGE.WIRE for 0.01494 BRIDGE.BTC
25961f00 cancel order