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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight21.3 BTS
Lifetime fees paid28.7 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 21.3
BRIDGE.POLIS 0.0000437
BRIDGE.NRG 0.000003
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
e1324bb6 sent 0.215 BRIDGE.BTC to
f2db6046 sent 0.009 BRIDGE.BTC to
1ddd507b wants 0.0001438 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.326 BRIDGE.NRG
virtual paid 0.326 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0001438 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
689eb793 wants 0.224 BRIDGE.BTC for 509 BRIDGE.NRG
virtual paid 17.02 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0075 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 2.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.001101 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 489 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.2156 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d4f069ae sent 0.2277 BRIDGE.BTC to
0895c322 wants 0.228 BRIDGE.BTC for 379 BRIDGE.NRG
virtual paid 379 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.228 BRIDGE.BTC
c1c83210 sent 0.225 BRIDGE.BTC to
9375d164 wants 0.2256 BRIDGE.BTC for 375 BRIDGE.NRG
virtual paid 375 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.2256 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d80b05ab sent 0.222 BRIDGE.BTC to
e9f58770 wants 0.2213 BRIDGE.BTC for 368 BRIDGE.NRG
virtual paid 368 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.2213 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
29496043 sent 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC to
fff9ef0a cancel order
f7cc6cd3 wants 147 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0877 BRIDGE.BTC
aab62ddb cancel order
318f42fe wants 147 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0877 BRIDGE.BTC
0be8360a cancel order
4b989077 wants 147 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0877 BRIDGE.BTC
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171be0b5 wants 147.7 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
c21ba79e cancel order
eeaad471 wants 147.8 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
ecc57545 cancel order
25230cf9 wants 148 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
a3c8922c cancel order
410c585e wants 148.3 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
1d98d7a9 cancel order
649bd9d9 wants 148.7 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.088 BRIDGE.BTC
2a9e1e81 cancel order
02f938d2 wants 148.8 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
596d44ed cancel order
b27b621d wants 152.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
481a4b2e cancel order
880d6e12 wants 149 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.088 BRIDGE.BTC
a72bd21e cancel order
c5ba2ac8 wants 150.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0881 BRIDGE.BTC
09cea7cc cancel order
5ca2e50c sent 24.95 BRIDGE.NRG to
d8288714 paid 0.01475 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.NRG
8cc3cb9f wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
5fab57f2 cancel order
a6fa585a wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1026 BRIDGE.BTC
db19759e cancel order
f827264c wants 175.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
2957c0e5 cancel order
889b450e wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
30eecd64 cancel order
5f2f1054 wants 181.4 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
2bd6c2d3 cancel order
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ba181fc9 cancel order
9903ab04 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1023 BRIDGE.BTC
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0103f49e cancel order
a7ea3af5 wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
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99a9d3d6 wants 176 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
66baa368 cancel order
c63226df wants 176 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
47991641 cancel order
561518fb wants 176 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
31f1ea5c cancel order
651c452e wants 176 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.102 BRIDGE.BTC
40afe9a3 cancel order
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b5fee593 cancel order
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ec0fd3e9 cancel order
17706fdb wants 173 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1003 BRIDGE.BTC
246c441b cancel order
9100eb80 wants 173 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1003 BRIDGE.BTC
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8b46ed33 cancel order
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0a305ea2 cancel order
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a7e47b85 cancel order
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6804c5dd cancel order
3799f72c wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
5379b45a cancel order
d43ae1d2 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
f9fb0fe6 cancel order
3c636e43 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.101 BRIDGE.BTC
b4fbbcec cancel order
a37050f5 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.0992 BRIDGE.BTC
369cf583 cancel order
0bb9a997 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.101 BRIDGE.BTC
5f6d7bcf cancel order
81203b67 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC
e0eb92c1 cancel order
7791ce99 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC
ec4ca098 cancel order
77f13b6d wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC
d098f135 cancel order
acfe58f7 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC
ca139b8f cancel order
1da761e5 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1004 BRIDGE.BTC
48f146d6 cancel order
c927ad17 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
c4216f69 cancel order
95a831f7 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
263e3b61 cancel order
567ecedb wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
a6e99710 cancel order
7aea7bf2 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
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716290fd wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
b8413151 cancel order
13d1f26d wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
3315e86d cancel order
706acac3 wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
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9912621f wants 175 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1024 BRIDGE.BTC
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5ec7e9a0 wants 175.8 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
9bcb06ef cancel order
0a2d5e94 wants 175.8 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
67002c77 cancel order
72ffae9c wants 172 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
45833e26 cancel order
bfd96dc0 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
62c1679d cancel order
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731b09e4 cancel order
5823474b wants 177.3 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
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8dbfd461 cancel order
2b5583b8 wants 174 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1027 BRIDGE.BTC
1de87239 cancel order
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6636d811 cancel order
37a6e025 wants 171.4 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1028 BRIDGE.BTC
8be64940 cancel order
555a5c47 sent 20.96 BRIDGE.NRG to
b511604c paid 0.0128 BRIDGE.BTC for 21 BRIDGE.NRG
6c172c56 wants 189.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
f0e00b35 cancel order
7e7a5023 wants 196 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
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612da9be wants 200.2 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
edf96f1a cancel order
6e4ac9bb wants 186.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
b88bc8c0 cancel order
3e754c22 wants 189.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
500fbd89 cancel order
d24f2e2e wants 199 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.115 BRIDGE.BTC
6548d8da cancel order
ae326d5a wants 199.4 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
d0130e0b cancel order
10816617 wants 192.7 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
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4c2b18c7 wants 200.2 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
481bb3ad cancel order
0da2e2f0 wants 186.5 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
85b2fb9a cancel order
385ce25a wants 189.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
ad64a21d cancel order
cb2bbdd6 wants 200.2 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1157 BRIDGE.BTC
caeb6267 cancel order
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433ff877 wants 201.8 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
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84ee01f3 wants 205 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
30e72447 cancel order
faeb880d wants 208.6 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
0791e3c6 cancel order
6c63369f wants 212.2 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
8e6d0cda cancel order
83dd0d0e wants 213 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
80ec3a91 cancel order
9ab6918f wants 208 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
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41f7e225 wants 208.3 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.123 BRIDGE.BTC
d62b104a cancel order
96647f88 cancel order
540595e9 wants 180 BRIDGE.NRG for 0.1054 BRIDGE.BTC
65691736 cancel order