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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight216.4 BTS
Lifetime fees paid312 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 216.4
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
SMALL 9,654,426
virtual cancel order
0c53e2f3 paid 1 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
380af717 paid 10 SMALL for 1 BTS
5040ba3b paid 10 SMALL for 1 BTS
7dac4382 paid 0.1 SMALL for 0.01 BTS
4b85519f paid 0.1 SMALL for 0.01 BTS
1f3946fc paid 0.1 SMALL for 0.01 BTS
08a13300 paid 2 SMALL for 0.2 BTS
7bc5b78b paid 1 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
01fb548a paid 1 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
81b95177 paid 1 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
7fd85791 paid 1 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
30b4725e paid 40,870 SMALL for 9.4 BTS
virtual paid 100,000 SMALL for 25 BTS
9faf91e8 paid 870 SMALL for 0.2 BTS
5dba549a paid 4,348 SMALL for 1 BTS
346c49b3 paid 13,043 SMALL for 3 BTS
c524b7f4 paid 1,739 SMALL for 0.4 BTS
39b597ee paid 30,435 SMALL for 7 BTS
263873ae paid 8,696 SMALL for 2 BTS
e2d1364e paid 43,458 SMALL for 8.7 BTS
6de3e405 paid 5,000 SMALL for 1 BTS
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9d65dddd paid 25,000 SMALL for 5 BTS
03777d2b paid 2,500 SMALL for 0.5 BTS
f8b670b1 paid 2,000 SMALL for 0.4 BTS
a67d0434 paid 5,000 SMALL for 1 BTS
aa7c4288 paid 2,500 SMALL for 0.5 BTS
f671b283 paid 500 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
f7b2214b paid 5,000 SMALL for 1 BTS
bd7ce93c paid 5,000 SMALL for 1 BTS
7584bbc3 paid 500 SMALL for 0.1 BTS
8b79b4a2 paid 542 SMALL for 0.1084 BTS
986858da wants 1,000 BTS for 10,000 SMALL
d2f27ccd wants 10 BTS for 1,000,000 SMALL
virtual paid 1,000,000 SMALL for 10 BTS
b15273d4 wants 1 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
virtual paid 100,000 SMALL for 1 BTS
3a6d274c cancel order
97f58ae5 cancel order
0647bd83 cancel order
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361b423d issue 5,000 SMALL to
e8e66796 issue 10,000 SMALL to
8f9aaba7 issue 10,000 SMALL to
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1d3c30bb issue 10,000 SMALL to
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7ebbba95 issue 20,000 SMALL to
2aa46095 issue 100,000 SMALL to
8cb98822 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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8ce79328 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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5ef8c003 issue 100,000 SMALL to
2b32e3b1 issue 100,000 SMALL to
525db3f4 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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886677bc issue 100,000 SMALL to
8b71bfd3 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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1126db71 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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7d4d6ee9 wants 10,000 SMALL for 1.2 BTS
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5be47cbd wants 25 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
fa0d8d77 wants 20 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
c56aa890 cancel order
d85d8172 wants 10 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
0084c628 wants 0.1 SMALL for 9.9 BTS
virtual paid 9.9 BTS for 0.1 SMALL
virtual paid 0.1 SMALL for 9.9 BTS
1311a232 wants 9.9 BTS for 0.1 SMALL
984b672d cancel order
b6cafc7e cancel order
5f536c76 cancel order
3caef23a cancel order
5614de67 cancel order
fa9f1d72 cancel order
1c20c7b6 cancel order
447ff41b cancel order
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b7ba4cd0 cancel order
32bd8cc1 cancel order
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164be519 wants 10,000 SMALL for 0.9 BTS
2199435d wants 10,000 SMALL for 9 BTS
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virtual paid 81,818 SMALL for 9 BTS
7eb4d094 cancel order
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938ba48d cancel order
345ee8f9 wants 300 BTS for 2,000,000 SMALL
7784328f cancel order
d9240fbc cancel order
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b9e5a7dc wants 260 BTS for 2,000,000 SMALL
f1db0d70 wants 220 BTS for 2,000,000 SMALL
6701123e wants 200 BTS for 2,000,000 SMALL
7d7202bb wants 100 BTS for 1,000,000 SMALL
virtual paid 10,000 SMALL for 1.1 BTS
virtual paid 1.1 BTS for 10,000 SMALL
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2015f1b9 issue 100,000 SMALL to
429b91d7 issue 100,000 SMALL to
0232dba9 issue 100,000 SMALL to
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2959f11c issue 100,000 SMALL to
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1e594346 wants 0.012 BTS for 100 SMALL
01311884 wants 12 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
52d5bb0a issue 1,000,000 SMALL to
abe8271a wants 12 BTS for 100,000 SMALL
429c6f4d issue 100,000 SMALL to
2745f9c4 wants 10,000 SMALL for 1.1 BTS
48359494 update asset SMALL
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918815ac issue 100,000 SMALL to
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3c894f24 issue 100,000 SMALL to
28b55dc2 issue 100,000 SMALL to
6e203e72 issue 100,000 SMALL to
b7f09360 issue 100,000 SMALL to
b4716a17 issue 100,000 SMALL to
8ab28db2 issue 100,000 SMALL to
75f22015 issue 100,000 SMALL to
625d51b4 update asset SMALL
d964ca92 create asset SMALL