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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight14,970 BTS
Lifetime fees paid5.69 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 14,970
PROTON 0.0005
COVFEFE 0.0001
OPTIONS.19AU025P 0.01
8659c563 sent 0.00001 BTS to
d347d89c sent 50,000 BTS to
272206cb sent 28,000 BEOS to
544b12db wants 28,000 BEOS for 1,510 BTS
virtual paid 1,510 BTS for 28,000 BEOS
0502754c sent 64,997 BTS to
9c14898f sent 0.545 BTS to
e87488f7 wants 119.7 BTS for 1.266 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 1.266 OPEN.EOS for 119.7 BTS
a05ae3ed cancel orders (42)
f63d3c02 wants 0.01464 OPEN.EOS for 1.38 BTS
22f146bd paid 0.0607 OPEN.EOS for 6.01 BTS
4e486198 cancel order
4e486198 wants 6.01 BTS for 0.0607 OPEN.EOS
21432f26 wants 0.059 OPEN.EOS for 5.34 BTS
21432f26 wants 5.61 BTS for 0.0589 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.0589 OPEN.EOS for 5.63 BTS
cce6f65f wants 0.0601 OPEN.EOS for 5.24 BTS
cce6f65f wants 5.61 BTS for 0.0589 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.0589 OPEN.EOS for 5.63 BTS
a7d2316a wants 0.0613 OPEN.EOS for 5.14 BTS
a7d2316a wants 5.61 BTS for 0.0589 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.0589 OPEN.EOS for 5.63 BTS
fa3f93b7 paid 5.34 BTS for 0.059 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 5.24 BTS for 0.0601 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 5.14 BTS for 0.0613 OPEN.EOS
dad2a8cb wants 5.72 BTS for 0.0578 OPEN.EOS
a9d843b5 paid 5.45 BTS for 0.0578 OPEN.EOS
f269d582 cancel order
f269d582 wants 12.22 BTS for 0.0633 OPEN.EOS
66833f6c cancel order
66833f6c wants 11.98 BTS for 0.0646 OPEN.EOS
9944ff1c cancel order
9944ff1c wants 11.75 BTS for 0.0659 OPEN.EOS
ead22d6e cancel order
ead22d6e wants 11.52 BTS for 0.0672 OPEN.EOS
abbd96d7 cancel order
abbd96d7 wants 11.3 BTS for 0.0685 OPEN.EOS
2b42f4c5 cancel order
2b42f4c5 wants 11.08 BTS for 0.0699 OPEN.EOS
4c81f21d cancel order
4c81f21d wants 10.86 BTS for 0.0712 OPEN.EOS
8782a3f2 cancel order
8782a3f2 wants 10.65 BTS for 0.0726 OPEN.EOS
62888cbf cancel order
62888cbf wants 10.44 BTS for 0.0741 OPEN.EOS
a17a692e cancel order
a17a692e wants 10.24 BTS for 0.0756 OPEN.EOS
e778925c cancel order
e778925c wants 10.04 BTS for 0.077 OPEN.EOS
6424392b cancel order
6424392b wants 9.84 BTS for 0.0786 OPEN.EOS
9e45123e cancel order
9e45123e wants 9.65 BTS for 0.0801 OPEN.EOS
e0cd18bf cancel order
e0cd18bf wants 9.47 BTS for 0.0817 OPEN.EOS
e6d8f120 cancel order
e6d8f120 wants 9.28 BTS for 0.0833 OPEN.EOS
ab8b9063 cancel order
ab8b9063 wants 9.1 BTS for 0.085 OPEN.EOS
af1aa0aa cancel order
af1aa0aa wants 8.9 BTS for 0.083 OPEN.EOS
72006309 cancel order
72006309 wants 8.72 BTS for 0.0814 OPEN.EOS
816a9aed cancel order
816a9aed wants 8.39 BTS for 0.0783 OPEN.EOS
0ec4aa32 cancel order
0ec4aa32 wants 8.06 BTS for 0.0753 OPEN.EOS
50fde0d3 cancel order
50fde0d3 wants 7.75 BTS for 0.0724 OPEN.EOS
6c1a12a6 cancel order
6c1a12a6 wants 7.45 BTS for 0.0696 OPEN.EOS
d4a0ac20 cancel order
d4a0ac20 wants 7.17 BTS for 0.0669 OPEN.EOS
db643fd3 cancel order
db643fd3 wants 6.89 BTS for 0.0644 OPEN.EOS
fac486d5 cancel order
fac486d5 wants 8.93 BTS for 0.0867 OPEN.EOS
c6beb857 cancel order
c6beb857 wants 6.63 BTS for 0.0619 OPEN.EOS
3f9a3807 wants 0.0578 OPEN.EOS for 5.45 BTS
3f9a3807 wants 6.25 BTS for 0.0607 OPEN.EOS
e37d7713 paid 5.45 BTS for 0.0578 OPEN.EOS
f602fa30 paid 5.56 BTS for 0.0567 OPEN.EOS
ff83b164 paid 2.323 BTS for 0.0228 OPEN.EOS
c901587e wants 0.0228 OPEN.EOS for 2.323 BTS
c901587e wants 6.37 BTS for 0.0595 OPEN.EOS
55bcdecf cancel order
55bcdecf wants 0.0556 OPEN.EOS for 5.67 BTS
55bcdecf wants 9.07 BTS for 0.0814 OPEN.EOS
5ff8e477 paid 5.67 BTS for 0.0556 OPEN.EOS
95fdd017 wants 0.0556 OPEN.EOS for 5.67 BTS
95fdd017 wants 9.25 BTS for 0.0799 OPEN.EOS
f512360c paid 5.66 BTS for 0.0556 OPEN.EOS
ae320903 paid 5.67 BTS for 0.0556 OPEN.EOS
f0b6f775 paid 0.0726 BTS for 0.000685 OPEN.EOS
d133df2e paid 5.71 BTS for 0.0538 OPEN.EOS
42ffb990 paid 0.0799 OPEN.EOS for 9.25 BTS
58f75e20 wants 0.0545 OPEN.EOS for 5.78 BTS
c8943169 paid 0.0814 OPEN.EOS for 9.07 BTS
b6156c3f wants 0.0556 OPEN.EOS for 5.67 BTS
6f9a2087 paid 0.0555 OPEN.EOS for 5.95 BTS
859302ae paid 0.01022 OPEN.EOS for 1.052 BTS
f02ead11 cancel order
f02ead11 wants 1.062 BTS for 0.0103 OPEN.EOS
virtual paid 0.000089 OPEN.EOS for 0.00931 BTS
194fa5f1 paid 1.053 BTS for 0.01033 OPEN.EOS
4a9cce79 wants 0.01035 OPEN.EOS for 1.055 BTS
4a9cce79 wants 5.95 BTS for 0.0555 OPEN.EOS
8ba67ab2 paid 0.685 BTS for 0.00672 OPEN.EOS
f7338db5 paid 4.98 BTS for 0.0489 OPEN.EOS
5297a769 cancel order
5297a769 wants 11.94 BTS for 0.0619 OPEN.EOS
799868aa cancel order
799868aa wants 11.7 BTS for 0.0631 OPEN.EOS
0779a283 cancel order
0779a283 wants 11.48 BTS for 0.0644 OPEN.EOS
8ccc2997 cancel order
8ccc2997 wants 11.26 BTS for 0.0656 OPEN.EOS
26709421 cancel order
26709421 wants 11.04 BTS for 0.067 OPEN.EOS
7347dec4 cancel order
7347dec4 wants 10.83 BTS for 0.0683 OPEN.EOS
4de9e1cc cancel order
4de9e1cc wants 10.62 BTS for 0.0696 OPEN.EOS
44910ce3 cancel order
44910ce3 wants 10.4 BTS for 0.071 OPEN.EOS
4547a890 cancel order
4547a890 wants 10.2 BTS for 0.0724 OPEN.EOS
6e64c91a cancel order
6e64c91a wants 10 BTS for 0.0738 OPEN.EOS
65b59f33 cancel order
65b59f33 wants 9.8 BTS for 0.0753 OPEN.EOS
55a2b5fc cancel order
55a2b5fc wants 9.62 BTS for 0.0768 OPEN.EOS
e8870088 cancel order
e8870088 wants 9.43 BTS for 0.0783 OPEN.EOS
38435219 cancel order
38435219 wants 9.25 BTS for 0.0799 OPEN.EOS
75fa8c0c cancel order
75fa8c0c wants 9.07 BTS for 0.0814 OPEN.EOS
088764d0 wants 0.0556 OPEN.EOS for 5.67 BTS
b825cac1 paid 5.67 BTS for 0.0556 OPEN.EOS
3d7e6c9c wants 6.07 BTS for 0.0545 OPEN.EOS
ef5dceac paid 5.78 BTS for 0.0545 OPEN.EOS
8ef03368 cancel order
8ef03368 wants 11.6 BTS for 0.0601 OPEN.EOS
bacd853b cancel order
bacd853b wants 11.37 BTS for 0.0613 OPEN.EOS
0d7da274 cancel order
0d7da274 wants 11.15 BTS for 0.0625 OPEN.EOS
d7d4321a cancel order
d7d4321a wants 10.93 BTS for 0.0637 OPEN.EOS
731c89da cancel order
731c89da wants 10.72 BTS for 0.065 OPEN.EOS
9c599155 cancel order
9c599155 wants 10.51 BTS for 0.0663 OPEN.EOS
95bb65d1 cancel order
95bb65d1 wants 10.3 BTS for 0.0676 OPEN.EOS
206a57a6 cancel order
206a57a6 wants 10.1 BTS for 0.069 OPEN.EOS
4a2ecd1b wants 9.91 BTS for 0.0703 OPEN.EOS