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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.0369 BTS
Lifetime fees paid49.9 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00456 0
BRIDGE.BTC 0.0000585 0.000417
BRIDGE.LTC 0.00000046 0
DEEX 0.1 0
PROTON 0.1 0
BRIDGE.SUBIX 0.000888 3.42
BRIDGE.BITG 0.000411 0
NICKEL 0.00004 0
AMAZONCOM 0.00002 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00002 0
EBAYCOM 0.00001 0
APPLECOM 0.00001 0
TESLACOM 0.00001 0
NETFLIXCOM 0.00001 0
CISCOCOM 0.00001 0
BOEINGCOM 0.00001 0
VISACOM 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.WAGE 0.1516 0
ALIBABACOM 0.00001 0
FORDCOM 0.00001 0
CUBED.CNY 0.0014 0
DONGFENG 0.003 0
BRIDGE.XGS 0.00246 0
GOOGL 0.00001 0
BRIDGE.INDEX 0.76 1,482
BRIDGE.XLIB 0.491 10,741,755
BRIDGE.CRCO 0.1202 0
XBTSX.XBB 0.00000543 0
BRIDGE.CHANC 0.0000158 0
BRIDGE.AWR 34.4 1,820
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
aa646b06 sent 243 BRIDGE.TRTT to
f8049a39 wants 107,698,708 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC
07259523 cancel order
ad64d031 cancel order
514eea64 cancel order
82e6e488 cancel order
221c571e cancel order
43160c23 cancel order
76db6bd2 wants 90,137,712 BRIDGE.CSTL for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
30c954f1 cancel order
62540c4c wants 9,280,543 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.0000001 BRIDGE.BTC
942d2170 cancel order
7ced7196 cancel order
d22044ac sent 345,139 BRIDGE.XLIB to
28f45e13 sent 3,872 BRIDGE.AWR to
a47753ff wants 95,288,422 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000102 BRIDGE.BTC
4497bb6f cancel order
9a719036 wants 26,495,322 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000028 BRIDGE.BTC
cc723349 cancel order
1fdcccd0 cancel order
c7e321b9 cancel order
3b2f8151 wants 3,166,997 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000352 BRIDGE.BTC
b58275cd cancel order
3631630b cancel order
9856e813 cancel order
34592a72 cancel order
2bddf09b cancel order
9ac03ddf cancel order
471d1cbd wants 271,224 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.00000299 BRIDGE.BTC
62694892 wants 498,226 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC
9e82b6e0 wants 498,226 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC
8bf3a581 wants 498,226 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC
3f7b5c5a wants 498,226 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000053 BRIDGE.BTC
9e450874 wants 53,141,241 BRIDGE.RUPX for 0.00000055 BRIDGE.BTC
e0081605 wants 56,790,257 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000058 BRIDGE.BTC
8fa4e5a7 wants 56,790,257 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000058 BRIDGE.BTC
e6a7ce6f wants 56,790,257 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000058 BRIDGE.BTC
1798cb45 wants 54,179,954 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
7106c2e3 wants 54,179,954 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
9105ed52 wants 54,179,954 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
c0253736 wants 54,179,954 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
7f41aa69 paid 0.00000003 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,906 BRIDGE.AWR
397e9f7b paid 0.00000001 BRIDGE.BTC for 969 BRIDGE.AWR
1b92393d wants 55,290,397 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000006 BRIDGE.BTC
8e97daee wants 651,987 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.00000673 BRIDGE.BTC
72815c66 wants 67,769,999 BRIDGE.CSTL for 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC
dfa7a392 wants 64,936,215 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.00000007 BRIDGE.BTC
3b490fe5 wants 69,520,000 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.0000007 BRIDGE.BTC
44db2f89 cancel order
37fb98b5 wants 66,067,110,850 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.0000695 BRIDGE.BTC
f6df0023 cancel order
814d24a1 cancel order
9c7fa19d wants 6,605,760,690 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.0000695 BRIDGE.BTC
dd61679b cancel order
6b5c2dbc wants 6,605,764,165 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.0000695 BRIDGE.BTC
7420285b wants 455,000,000 BRIDGE.XGS for 0.00000455 BRIDGE.BTC
1cedcba6 cancel order
083d98d9 paid 0.00000693 BRIDGE.BTC for 339,570 BRIDGE.XLIB
1ef4bc10 paid 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC for 5,880 BRIDGE.XLIB
54c6dffe sent 5,994,160 BRIDGE.XLIB to
d7284351 paid 0.0000203 BRIDGE.BTC for 995,190 BRIDGE.XLIB
7ced3045 paid 0.00000019 BRIDGE.BTC for 9,310 BRIDGE.XLIB
c6497536 paid 0.000102 BRIDGE.BTC for 4,995,060 BRIDGE.XLIB
9b27946c wants 6,345,500 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.0001295 BRIDGE.BTC
fc09e74e wants 0.00013 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.02048 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.02048 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00013 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
baa7bea4 wants 0.0206 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0001326 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001326 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0206 BRIDGE.LTC
72edde45 wants 0.0000107 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.541 BRIDGE.BITG
virtual paid 0.541 BRIDGE.BITG for 0.0000107 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
d986b065 wants 0.000122 BRIDGE.BTC for 397 BRIDGE.XDOGE
virtual paid 312 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.0000964 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 54 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00001658 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 30.97 BRIDGE.XDOGE for 0.00000951 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
b9ee39a3 sent 0.34 BRIDGE.LTC to
c8f366a5 wants 0.031 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0001995 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.0001995 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.031 BRIDGE.LTC
b609c09e wants 7,084,802,367 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.0000746 BRIDGE.BTC
e3d69cc9 cancel order
74e4af44 wants 0.309 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.309 BRIDGE.LTC
7a5e465e cancel order
12765be2 sent 2,786 BRIDGE.AWR to
ec267fc4 cancel order
cb319b8a cancel order
05998a74 sent 2,558,006 BRIDGE.XLIB to
13b3d969 sent 10,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
52c260b7 cancel order
4ef89053 cancel order
14610497 cancel order
16facc38 cancel order
5f2178ad cancel order
c4c29b93 cancel order
7db21915 cancel order
d6889e89 cancel order
93ae8103 cancel order
c9e84cdd cancel order
f476def6 wants 0.1044 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,043,640 BRIDGE.XLIB
f8aee337 sent 5,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
8687afe2 sent 10,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
0cf97563 sent 10,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
072f696e sent 5,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
3e21cddc sent 5,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
1234301c wants 0.709 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00199 BRIDGE.BTC
126dc210 sent 35,000,000 BRIDGE.XLIB to
7d0c7416 paid 0.00000099 BRIDGE.BTC for 48,510 BRIDGE.XLIB
5497f759 wants 0.000595 BRIDGE.BTC for 327,451 BRIDGE.XLIB
d0bab343 paid 0.0000554 BRIDGE.BTC for 2,713,130 BRIDGE.XLIB
44c0359a paid 0.000643 BRIDGE.BTC for 31,519,250 BRIDGE.XLIB
cbfb5962 wants 31,519,250 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000643 BRIDGE.BTC
33940ba6 wants 0.00002626 BRIDGE.BTC for 4.38 BRIDGE.SUBIX
virtual paid 4.38 BRIDGE.SUBIX for 0.00002626 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
0f28a883 cancel order
feef0264 wants 0.00000018 BRIDGE.BTC for 6.15 BRIDGE.WAGE
virtual paid 6 BRIDGE.WAGE for 0.00000018 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
824cbfa2 wants 0.000015 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,502 BRIDGE.INDEX
virtual paid 1,501 BRIDGE.INDEX for 0.000015 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e77f823c cancel order
4ca3d6a3 wants 0.0000539 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.XGS
virtual paid 110 BRIDGE.XGS for 0.0000539 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
7ee60230 cancel order
0d433adc cancel order
5e3bbc29 wants 254,914 BRIDGE.BIII for 0.00255 BRIDGE.BTC
aa6c72b0 cancel order
ea3eb176 cancel order
3b798e5c wants 1,242,793 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
5c8c8ec8 cancel order
7260e2a2 wants 1,242,793 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
d6fc65d5 cancel order
a1bb3d9b wants 1,242,793 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
2bfb54aa cancel order
c6960992 wants 1,242,793 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
2c4c7e90 cancel order
9e8de4b6 wants 1,204,956 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.00001242 BRIDGE.BTC
d17df633 cancel order
1cd25b88 wants 0.0000917 BRIDGE.BTC for 109.2 BRIDGE.XGS
e04b21e6 cancel order
7acc5675 sent 174.2 BRIDGE.ARION to
6eb8d1eb sent 2,484 BRIDGE.CSTL to
f4d2e0ff cancel order
305f2d5a wants 16,238,600 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
8520511a cancel order
9e0f2707 wants 1,204,956 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.00001242 BRIDGE.BTC
3a375418 cancel order
f1ecfa5e wants 1,205,701 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.00001242 BRIDGE.BTC
58208998 cancel order
3c3c497c wants 1,243,561 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
17609693 cancel order
588897e8 wants 1,243,561 BRIDGE.AWR for 0.0000128 BRIDGE.BTC
92d64a3c cancel order
5161b42a wants 181,101 BRIDGE.BIII for 0.001992 BRIDGE.BTC
2d5e74ff sent 0.748 BRIDGE.LTC to
7a82c751 wants 0.747 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000836 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.1252 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.000304 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.0455 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.00386 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.576 BRIDGE.LTC
3736b04a cancel order
0045ef56 wants 454,510 BRIDGE.BIII for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
fe879531 wants 50,604 BRIDGE.BIII for 0.000557 BRIDGE.BTC
4bd19cb9 paid 0.37 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00245 BRIDGE.BTC
6360b84b cancel order
ba84badc wants 0.00333 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.503 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.1316 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00087 BRIDGE.BTC
99058a60 wants 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.64 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.64 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.00425 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
e3f6793f cancel order
ae2125e7 wants 0.00429 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.64 BRIDGE.LTC
b5befd65 wants 16,238,600 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
611503e9 cancel order
0985c9dd wants 16,219,490 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
80644344 cancel order
97fe2f19 wants 16,238,603 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
e5f50ee3 cancel order
2cdc4a01 wants 16,219,494 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
984819d9 cancel order
e954c495 wants 16,219,497 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
01dd88c7 cancel order
816666c7 wants 16,238,607 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
d39f718b cancel order
abe98ae7 wants 16,238,607 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
dca73818 cancel order
aaad9351 wants 16,219,497 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
95f1961d cancel order
4d285ba0 wants 16,238,607 BRIDGE.XLIB for 0.000331 BRIDGE.BTC
143a3646 cancel order