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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.573 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.248 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.573
3b807260 sent 9,999 BTS to
c9a4c1b5 sent 10,000 CNY to
92f9009c wants 0.0028 CNY for 0.00121 BTS
virtual paid 0.00121 BTS for 0.0028 CNY
14879f02 cancel order
f60948ba cancel order
af80d828 sent 3,610 BTS to
e51496b8 cancel order
ca641c73 wants 5,000 BTS for 10,000 CNY
fb059c13 wants 17,500 CNY for 5,000 BTS
c3552f1e wants 15,000 CNY for 5,000 BTS
298778f1 wants 10,000 CNY for 4,505 BTS
virtual paid 4,505 BTS for 10,000 CNY
105db7d4 adjust collateral by -18,000 BTS, debt by -10,000 CNY
67f0bad9 sent 4,000 BTS to
ea41f7fe paid 10,000 CNY for 4,047 BTS
16cd3fef wants 4,047 BTS for 10,000 CNY
3cfd6bd5 adjust collateral by 18,000 BTS, debt by 10,000 CNY
c8103316 paid 127.1 CNY for 48.4 BTS
37a8565e paid 218.3 CNY for 83.2 BTS
44f5345e paid 525 CNY for 200 BTS
6ae3feab paid 984 CNY for 375 BTS
58d56026 paid 1,146 CNY for 437 BTS
75bd7959 wants 1,143 BTS for 3,000 CNY
0a7186e4 paid 1,079 BTS for 3,000 CNY
958295e3 wants 3,000 CNY for 1,079 BTS
ae9d87ef paid 2,950 CNY for 1,178 BTS
505acf00 wants 1,178 BTS for 2,950 CNY
952d37e9 cancel order
b892cbbe wants 633 BTS for 949 CNY
fa807d83 cancel order
21a7cbaf wants 633 BTS for 950 CNY
10a861ad paid 2,000 CNY for 1,112 BTS
2dd69f0f wants 1,112 BTS for 2,000 CNY
b351115e cancel order
aa745442 wants 4,950 BTS for 4,950 CNY
adb0bd23 paid 4,194 BTS for 4,152 CNY
27f0855e paid 806 BTS for 798 CNY
57a8b232 wants 4,950 CNY for 5,000 BTS
0f316560 cancel order
871b48e5 wants 10,000 CNY for 10,000 BTS
2333768a sent 6,000 CNY to