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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight20.9 BTS
Lifetime fees paid1.373 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 20.9
DEEX 0.1
BAIDUCOM 0.00001
EBAYCOM 0.00001
TESLACOM 0.00001
CISCOCOM 0.00001
INDEXSPX 0.00000002
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
CUBED.CNY 0.0014
fa22f7b7 paid 28.5 CNY for 20.9 BTS
83e0c210 wants 20.9 BTS for 28.5 CNY
9db5b98f sent 3,200 CNY to
c7711dbd sent 0.1 DEEX to
d2c912ba paid 2,713 BTS for 3,122 CNY
727eba73 paid 95.6 BTS for 110 CNY
8c0a249a wants 3,232 CNY for 2,808 BTS
7fc6e3cd cancel order
b2c4b342 wants 3,264 CNY for 2,808 BTS
72ae8e1f paid 3,258 CNY for 2,808 BTS
bd19a44e wants 2,808 BTS for 3,258 CNY
173dafd1 paid 2,937 BTS for 3,108 CNY
bae7d4ff wants 3,108 CNY for 2,937 BTS
9d4e09c3 cancel order
6bbba2cf paid 144.8 BTS for 153.2 CNY
da4a20ee wants 3,262 CNY for 3,082 BTS
dd26056b cancel order
c72a4a0f wants 3,853 CNY for 3,082 BTS
ec5a3543 paid 3,754 CNY for 3,082 BTS
17aaefc2 wants 3,082 BTS for 3,754 CNY
00a17ab9 paid 2,986 BTS for 3,640 CNY
a951f982 paid 46.4 BTS for 56.6 CNY
80bb502a paid 21.56 BTS for 26.3 CNY
045e3897 paid 28.6 BTS for 34.9 CNY
11387653 wants 3,758 CNY for 3,082 BTS
0262961e paid 3,668 CNY for 3,082 BTS
defc21f7 wants 3,082 BTS for 3,668 CNY
f7aa6aff cancel order
46a8683c wants 3,087 BTS for 3,668 CNY
c6d24947 cancel order
191c3a8a wants 3,108 BTS for 3,668 CNY
fdb79830 cancel order
e19c6239 wants 3,087 BTS for 3,668 CNY
e634a588 cancel order
da4d32ac wants 3,094 BTS for 3,668 CNY
4235c044 cancel order
9349ed02 wants 3,087 BTS for 3,668 CNY
8d7f0844 paid 2,382 BTS for 2,810 CNY
bf9b28e8 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
c5cafde9 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
5b554976 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
f8cb34f2 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
7061c1b0 paid 76.4 BTS for 90.1 CNY
919653ca paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
b035b0b0 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
c684d455 paid 76.4 BTS for 90.1 CNY
207b116c paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
7f224b18 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
c017c18a paid 76.4 BTS for 90.1 CNY
8e2d6db7 paid 55.7 BTS for 65.7 CNY
81a36642 wants 3,672 CNY for 3,112 BTS
7d81f8f7 cancel order
3422c0d8 wants 3,859 CNY for 3,112 BTS
15f049eb cancel order
31332bd5 wants 3,684 CNY for 3,112 BTS
22579be4 cancel order
80130d04 wants 3,796 CNY for 3,112 BTS
49c20720 cancel order
51992ae1 wants 3,890 CNY for 3,112 BTS
db9b96a2 cancel order
20ea0cc2 wants 3,890 CNY for 3,112 BTS
c2167463 cancel order
05e5787c wants 3,796 CNY for 3,112 BTS
d17465c1 cancel order
6d6507a1 wants 3,890 CNY for 3,112 BTS
f2c49f47 cancel order
e89d2e28 wants 3,714 CNY for 3,112 BTS
780a4c88 cancel order
b608c0cf wants 3,921 CNY for 3,112 BTS
87e284c8 cancel order
85563c3b wants 3,796 CNY for 3,112 BTS
bb98cb3d cancel order
066ec164 wants 3,827 CNY for 3,112 BTS
c25688fc cancel order
a53daf68 wants 3,734 CNY for 3,112 BTS
0ee71257 paid 1,323 CNY for 1,140 BTS
5342b23c paid 2,288 CNY for 1,972 BTS
79a4f42e wants 3,112 BTS for 3,612 CNY
d29be131 paid 1,600 BTS for 1,795 CNY
fa530a4b paid 48.2 BTS for 54 CNY
a133c630 paid 888 BTS for 996 CNY
9867bf6a paid 686 BTS for 770 CNY
731bc701 wants 1,820 CNY for 1,622 BTS
9626b79d wants 1,795 CNY for 1,600 BTS
bf3d5436 cancel order
3cc6b989 wants 3,618 CNY for 3,222 BTS
61826c5a cancel order
0ffe05c2 wants 3,618 CNY for 3,222 BTS
cb7efd41 cancel order
acf1c568 wants 3,621 CNY for 3,222 BTS
f28b54cd cancel order
6244dcc2 wants 3,621 CNY for 3,222 BTS
5c3802e2 cancel order
893e15cd wants 3,622 CNY for 3,222 BTS
97dde884 cancel order
a4da3f51 wants 3,641 CNY for 3,222 BTS
aa076f00 cancel order
c5bcc68c wants 3,673 CNY for 3,222 BTS
8b6cb0f9 paid 3,545 CNY for 3,222 BTS
93e4496d wants 3,222 BTS for 3,545 CNY
c5ce7fe2 paid 854 BTS for 1,008 CNY
e695c38a wants 1,008 CNY for 854 BTS
d1af3cdb cancel order
dba7a32e wants 1,009 CNY for 854 BTS
54ced484 cancel order
67af01c7 wants 1,009 CNY for 854 BTS
3caae70a cancel order
84ce534d wants 1,009 CNY for 854 BTS
7908d3e0 cancel order
78837f00 paid 1,003 CNY for 854 BTS
18d80be9 wants 3,014 BTS for 3,541 CNY
da27611b cancel order
f9dfc6f3 wants 3,053 BTS for 3,541 CNY
7ee1eeef cancel order
bc1a8d70 wants 3,001 BTS for 3,541 CNY
0c3bcf74 cancel order
2ae22532 wants 2,951 BTS for 3,541 CNY
bf873a54 cancel order
bec4da1a wants 3,279 BTS for 3,541 CNY
7b1f1fd0 cancel order
d1ecb635 wants 3,219 BTS for 3,541 CNY
341caaca cancel order
ae01b80b wants 3,053 BTS for 3,541 CNY
df1b5012 cancel order
cfaffa53 wants 3,053 BTS for 3,541 CNY
fa4a68c9 paid 162.7 BTS for 193.6 CNY
ba5fe7d0 wants 3,542 CNY for 2,976 BTS
virtual paid 129 BTS for 153.8 CNY
virtual paid 888 BTS for 1,059 CNY
virtual paid 1,192 BTS for 1,419 CNY
e965359f paid 604 BTS for 719 CNY
5aa7f3fe cancel order
6c464cbd wants 3,562 CNY for 2,976 BTS
67fb0a7f cancel order
17f808ec wants 3,569 CNY for 2,976 BTS
e817ae14 cancel order
049c8974 wants 5,953 CNY for 2,976 BTS
bc580967 cancel order
532e7cb9 wants 3,768 CNY for 2,976 BTS
b76e9343 cancel order
6350b723 wants 3,750 CNY for 2,976 BTS
0935c14b cancel order
d4cd54fa wants 3,750 CNY for 2,976 BTS
5610942b cancel order
6cbd25cd wants 3,810 CNY for 2,976 BTS
03f214b4 cancel order
ad4dd180 wants 3,768 CNY for 2,976 BTS
6792010b cancel order
21ef4819 wants 3,677 CNY for 2,976 BTS
6c7da186 paid 446 CNY for 361 BTS
71ab3fc4 paid 307 CNY for 248.4 BTS
64d3ac92 paid 2,926 CNY for 2,367 BTS
75c7f301 wants 2,976 BTS for 3,679 CNY
a5f22f62 cancel order
1fafecc1 wants 2,999 BTS for 3,679 CNY
7c549f22 cancel order
6f2f7689 wants 3,679 BTS for 3,679 CNY
9b4af709 cancel order
93a57c61 wants 3,200 BTS for 3,679 CNY
d571716d paid 2,811 BTS for 3,683 CNY
a0cf5c08 wants 3,683 CNY for 2,811 BTS
1023d5da cancel order
64ffb61c wants 3,739 CNY for 2,811 BTS
791fdf4e cancel order
925c0454 wants 3,655 CNY for 2,811 BTS
b9d19d45 paid 3,222 CNY for 2,578 BTS
8fceb674 paid 291.5 CNY for 233 BTS
ae6c4da2 wants 2,811 BTS for 3,514 CNY
65f25c44 cancel order
427df4ca wants 2,834 BTS for 3,514 CNY
d63bbc8c cancel order
e6d3c360 wants 2,852 BTS for 3,514 CNY
b8e60b76 cancel order
8fa44713 wants 2,753 BTS for 3,514 CNY
88e164a3 cancel order
8b2842ba wants 2,597 BTS for 3,514 CNY
01e04ba3 paid 382 BTS for 521 CNY
c9d82b36 paid 1,465 BTS for 2,000 CNY
c45a28a2 paid 730 BTS for 996 CNY
374fc3c0 wants 3,517 CNY for 2,577 BTS
d4492d48 cancel order
ad31d569 wants 3,532 CNY for 2,577 BTS
b2801362 cancel order
f36b87dd wants 3,538 CNY for 2,577 BTS
7998f2a7 cancel order
bc61f1de wants 3,605 CNY for 2,577 BTS
56c2ac6a paid 935 CNY for 680 BTS
e2524409 paid 504 CNY for 366 BTS
615e47d8 paid 3.44 CNY for 2.503 BTS
655bfd18 paid 871 CNY for 633 BTS
342a5c13 paid 91.6 CNY for 66.6 BTS
6c6578b4 paid 5.21 CNY for 3.79 BTS
debdf9a8 paid 5.21 CNY for 3.79 BTS
c1885420 paid 5.21 CNY for 3.79 BTS
e42919d6 paid 5.21 CNY for 3.79 BTS
5c08a0d3 paid 4.58 CNY for 3.33 BTS
8e27caae paid 4.36 CNY for 3.17 BTS
20594767 paid 525 CNY for 382 BTS
ddf9f6a8 paid 585 CNY for 425 BTS
09e08a26 wants 2,577 BTS for 3,546 CNY
97eeab07 cancel order