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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid6.36 BTS
Registrar-30% -
Referrer110% -
d60ecc4f sent 1,000 CNY to
67ae6507 paid 4,467 BTS for 996 CNY
b0dc9fb3 wants 47.9 CNY for 39,953 PENHH
virtual paid 39,953 PENHH for 48.3 CNY
virtual cancel order
faafcecb wants 996 CNY for 4,467 BTS
820d3421 sent 4,450 BTS to
13dc5b2d sent 100 CNY to
340b253b sent 100 CNY to
6ade2a46 sent 100 CNY to
57f2e4a2 sent 100 CNY to
f11da364 sent 100 CNY to
6a099a39 paid 301 ADW for 306 CNY
ef0c3383 wants 306 CNY for 301 ADW
76ed16e2 paid 10,449 CNY for 39,957 PENHH
bd75d222 wants 39,957 PENHH for 10,449 CNY
5bcd4030 sent 1,000 CNY to
449f511d sent 166 CNY to
e1b406af paid 39,546 PENHH for 10,317 CNY
9915c87d paid 5,017 PENHH for 1,309 CNY
03287108 wants 11,626 CNY for 44,563 PENHH
a0be9c32 paid 11,075 CNY for 44,567 PENHH
1d861999 wants 44,567 PENHH for 11,075 CNY
923331ce sent 168 CNY to
7355ca54 wants 11,254 CNY for 45,435 PENHH
virtual paid 31,876 PENHH for 7,896 CNY
virtual paid 755 PENHH for 187 CNY
virtual paid 12,804 PENHH for 3,171 CNY
virtual cancel order
3c0180b7 wants 20 BTS for 4.03 CNY
virtual paid 4.03 CNY for 20.1 BTS
3a233bb0 paid 10,589 CNY for 44,306 PENHH
3478a51a wants 45,439 PENHH for 10,860 CNY
virtual paid 271 CNY for 1,134 PENHH