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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight505 BTS
Lifetime fees paid21.07 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.0313
eb019a90 sent 0.2313 BTS to
1b9c2a7f sent 484 BTS to
2561ab78 sent 0.00001 ALIBABACOM to
2db63ed5 sent 1,395 GDEX.SEER to
4e584f96 sent 0.00001 BOEINGCOM to
9072aebb sent 0.00001 FORDCOM to
0518ad3a sent 0.00001 MCDONALDSCOM to
cb23ecec sent 5.09 WIN.WICC to
b334a8ca sent 50 GDEX.IDHUB to
a46cef94 sent 0.2545 CNY to
ed2411fe sent 1,482 SEER to
d75a852e sent 1,603 OPEN.DOGE to
e5f412c5 sent 0.1 DEEX to
54751bc5 sent 0.000367 GDEX.ATN to
1eefae42 sent 1 ELECTRON to
e03e0cf9 sent 0.00001 AMAZONCOM to
0c75d941 sent 0.00001 EBAYCOM to
3c48f3dd sent 0.00001 MICROSOFTCOM to
4a1af44b sent 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM to
8f620767 sent 0.00001 FACEBOOKCOM to
4956f34a sent 0.00001 APPLECOM to
040d4596 sent 0.00001 TESLACOM to
e18b5b0d sent 0.00001 NETFLIXCOM to
7c3a676a sent 225 GDEX.TOPC to
virtual cancel order
1852ff05 sent 3 BTS to
a365c140 paid 0.1464 GDEX.ATN for 0.2547 CNY
66c67405 cancel order
c8024e5c wants 225 GDEX.TOPC for 38.3 CNY
virtual paid 8.33 CNY for 49 GDEX.TOPC
virtual paid 29.94 CNY for 176 GDEX.TOPC
85292d75 paid 22 GDEX.ATN for 38.3 CNY
2d906c72 wants 102.3 CNY for 1,482 SEER
0a4eeae8 wants 38.6 CNY for 22.16 GDEX.ATN
4b90a353 wants 43.3 CNY for 5.09 WIN.WICC
21fdeeaf cancel order
68d37a20 wants 40.8 CNY for 5.09 WIN.WICC
0608374c paid 0.1267 CNY for 7.41 OPEN.DOGE
fbab9bee paid 0.1336 CNY for 7.82 OPEN.DOGE
4b677f8d paid 0.234 CNY for 13.7 OPEN.DOGE
5fce2264 paid 0.2923 CNY for 17.1 OPEN.DOGE
8bc9a29d wants 46 OPEN.DOGE for 0.787 CNY
cbccf51c paid 45.3 CNY for 5.1 WIN.WICC
58bce2e0 wants 5.1 WIN.WICC for 45.3 CNY
232b0f59 wants 50 GDEX.IDHUB for 27.8 CNY
virtual paid 27.8 CNY for 50 GDEX.IDHUB
8aec1339 wants 73.4 CNY for 80 BTS
virtual paid 80 BTS for 74 CNY
3fe27fdb cancel order
61fe663f wants 1,001 CNY for 472 BTS
0b8ddd61 paid 52 CNY for 437 GDEX.SEER
3c939472 wants 437 GDEX.SEER for 52 CNY
6c32c6df cancel order
0e70ac3a paid 100 CNY for 55.2 BTS
138d13b0 wants 41.3 DDN for 52 CNY
0329f73d wants 55.2 BTS for 100 CNY
76074c65 cancel order
356676b9 cancel order
55292202 wants 1,482 SEER for 200 CNY
virtual paid 200 CNY for 1,482 SEER
71f3890f cancel order
174512d4 wants 954 GDEX.SEER for 124 CNY
virtual paid 124 CNY for 955 GDEX.SEER
2eed61b9 cancel order
f46ccd7c wants 566 SEER for 54 CNY
be55248c wants 1,527 SEER for 200 CNY
f22ae5fd wants 1,000 GDEX.SEER for 98 CNY
eea812cb wants 1,000 GDEX.SEER for 124 CNY
8c87aae9 paid 53 CNY for 1,560 OPEN.DOGE
d3fe296c wants 1,560 OPEN.DOGE for 53 CNY
e7c58ddd cancel order
9e9ee8a9 cancel order
4a4b8252 wants 457 GDEX.SEER for 42.1 CNY
41a7ec63 cancel order
6f566a55 wants 132.5 GDEX.SEER for 11 CNY
5e207186 paid 100 GDEX.SEER for 10.3 CNY
89db4704 wants 10.3 CNY for 100 GDEX.SEER
ee8f6f68 wants 575 GDEX.SEER for 42 CNY
8e4092df paid 510 GDEX.SEER for 42.1 CNY
1eeac06c wants 42.1 CNY for 510 GDEX.SEER
19e9f689 paid 46 CNY for 613 GDEX.SEER
fd1935e3 wants 613 GDEX.SEER for 46 CNY
5a08ee94 cancel order
3deb2ab5 wants 634 GDEX.SEER for 46 CNY
1bf3cb8a cancel order
c6fad65a wants 719 GDEX.SEER for 46 CNY
d5a32a14 paid 49 GDEX.SEER for 3.58 CNY
2d9d493f wants 43.1 CNY for 600 GDEX.SEER
virtual paid 600 GDEX.SEER for 43.2 CNY
63e4b3c8 cancel order
d97f5558 wants 3.58 CNY for 49 GDEX.SEER
0e3b3d25 wants 45.6 CNY for 600 GDEX.SEER
e7dd74ac cancel order
91bd90d9 wants 31.54 CNY for 380 GDEX.SEER
dee56131 cancel order
b3173835 wants 29.67 CNY for 300 GDEX.SEER
3a1d8ba4 paid 35.1 CNY for 649 GDEX.SEER
91ad353b wants 649 GDEX.SEER for 35.1 CNY
f943b8a5 paid 11.12 CNY for 4.11 GDEX.ATN
ea0f1fcd paid 35.4 CNY for 13.07 GDEX.ATN
4bd1f10c wants 22.2 GDEX.ATN for 60 CNY
virtual paid 13.52 CNY for 5 GDEX.ATN
e619e9c1 paid 970 CNY for 533 BTS
5fb08ec7 wants 533 BTS for 970 CNY