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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.01858 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.2636 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 0.01858
DEEX 0.1
da8cb45f cancel order
bd0c5727 sent 0.01 BTS to
a20301ac issue 750 BRIDGE.ESCO to
40708c69 issue 86.5 BRIDGE.ESCO to
ac2ea570 issue 32.9 BRIDGE.POLIS to
b33630c7 issue 80.5 BRIDGE.ESCO to
c1805790 issue 122.5 BRIDGE.ESCO to
248618b5 sent 0.1 DEEX to
b7204710 paid 150 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00823 BRIDGE.BTC
e8563ba9 wants 0.00823 BRIDGE.BTC for 150 BRIDGE.ESCO
fbb60d8c wants 0.0481 BRIDGE.BTC for 456 BRIDGE.ESCO
8cf3cde7 cancel order
64d0e10f cancel order
aff79bcc sent 0.077 BRIDGE.BTC to
c0db43c5 sent 0.0362 BRIDGE.BTC to
2eea7029 wants 0.0207 BRIDGE.BTC for 69 BRIDGE.ESCO
d5b4b0a4 wants 0.01812 BRIDGE.BTC for 60.4 BRIDGE.ESCO
2415bb32 paid 49.8 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01494 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 54 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0162 BRIDGE.BTC
fd04e59f wants 0.01494 BRIDGE.BTC for 49.8 BRIDGE.ESCO
9464e787 paid 35 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0105 BRIDGE.BTC
25a56bb6 wants 0.0267 BRIDGE.BTC for 89 BRIDGE.ESCO
eac7fe4e paid 6.06 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.001806 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
33f952bc paid 60.3 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01797 BRIDGE.BTC
d5d9a188 wants 0.0198 BRIDGE.BTC for 66.4 BRIDGE.ESCO
38f24c04 cancel order
d7050261 wants 0.01342 BRIDGE.BTC for 31.4 BRIDGE.ESCO
2c59e085 cancel order
030e39f1 wants 0.00459 BRIDGE.BTC for 10.2 BRIDGE.ESCO
407bf7a1 paid 19.6 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01044 BRIDGE.BTC
bc97aa37 wants 0.01044 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.6 BRIDGE.ESCO
18d759f6 paid 63.2 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.02716 BRIDGE.BTC
8b68967f wants 0.02716 BRIDGE.BTC for 63.2 BRIDGE.ESCO
10bb211d cancel order
202787a5 wants 0.022 BRIDGE.BTC for 44 BRIDGE.ESCO
808f6696 cancel order
3c36af41 wants 0.0153 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.6 BRIDGE.ESCO
d8725ed3 paid 27.2 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0224 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual cancel order
115361bb paid 0.01335 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.000011 BRIDGE.BTC
daece17d wants 0.0224 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.2 BRIDGE.ESCO
4c9941f1 cancel order
32dd8791 wants 0.02636 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.2 BRIDGE.ESCO
25de11c5 paid 7.22 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.00684 BRIDGE.BTC
4869d0bc paid 61.5 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0582 BRIDGE.BTC
86c706d6 wants 0.0651 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
79058e8c cancel order
e1339590 wants 0.0411 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
8c35ba6e cancel order
3a098ee5 wants 0.01565 BRIDGE.BTC for 13.73 BRIDGE.ESCO
86838b3a paid 36.3 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC
18e68d1a wants 0.0363 BRIDGE.BTC for 36.3 BRIDGE.ESCO
6311bd2d cancel order
acf98da0 cancel order
e6ac402b wants 0.00973 BRIDGE.BTC for 8.85 BRIDGE.ESCO
6cea4d44 wants 0.0302 BRIDGE.BTC for 27.44 BRIDGE.ESCO
1718a364 paid 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC for 37.3 BRIDGE.ESCO
b4c7f8bb wants 37.3 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.03 BRIDGE.BTC
12375848 paid 0.1176 BRIDGE.BTC for 163.4 BRIDGE.ESCO
virtual paid 0.0502 BRIDGE.BTC for 69.7 BRIDGE.ESCO
ed5b4925 wants 163.4 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.1176 BRIDGE.BTC
a5467c46 paid 0.0492 BRIDGE.BTC for 68.3 BRIDGE.ESCO
928d7b06 wants 138 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.0993 BRIDGE.BTC
6489cc4e paid 25.5 BRIDGE.ESCO for 0.01938 BRIDGE.BTC
1f6bc336 wants 0.01938 BRIDGE.BTC for 25.5 BRIDGE.ESCO
812c83d9 cancel order
3155e3e1 wants 0.0102 BRIDGE.BTC for 12 BRIDGE.ESCO