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BitShares Block Explorer



Lifetime fees paid7.19 BTS


Asset Balance
DEEX 0.1
EVRAZ 0.182
BRIDGE.QBIC 0.0000001
BRIDGE.DV 37,578
CEMENT 0.0586
LIQPAY 0.005
BRIDGE.NERO 0.000047
BRIDGE.XND 0.000001
BRIDGE.MCC 0.0000001
BRIDGE.APR 0.0000001
BRIDGE.LTX 0.0000001
9185627a sent 0.1 DEEX to
1913569c sent 0.008 ZALUPA to
2be2e3d7 sent 309 BRIDGE.PHILS to
2cc18d63 sent 0.0871 BTS to
da891aee sent 0.01517 BRIDGE.BTC to
e6e29e9a cancel order
9dd8fcc3 sent 27,303 BRIDGE.XGOD to
44c440d8 cancel order
cbcee06d sent 5,105 BRIDGE.XSTK to
0e6618ce cancel order
62670abe sent 26,660 BRIDGE.TGAO to
21a415e9 cancel order
5fc0d53f cancel order
31a10c2d cancel order
581718b9 sent 3,405 BRIDGE.AKL to
e6492729 cancel order
7c19dee0 sent 1,995 BRIDGE.LUQ to
5a5177f5 cancel order
fc0e75e4 sent 2,397 BRIDGE.TSC to
9e7d8046 cancel order
4211d5f3 sent 997 BRIDGE.DVB to
054908c7 cancel order
bd9a43fc cancel order
045cc7c4 wants 0.001542 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,497 BRIDGE.BWS
virtual paid 1,497 BRIDGE.BWS for 0.001542 BRIDGE.BTC
b53051ee cancel order
9b16540f sent 790 BRIDGE.LGA to
9b6aa0e2 cancel order
16350025 sent 86.1 BRIDGE.ZULA to
12b0eca3 cancel order
f25ea12a wants 1,755 BRIDGE.MRQ for 0.01364 BRIDGE.BTC
f71c3c44 cancel order
1fdade15 wants 2,653 BRIDGE.NITRO for 0.01364 BRIDGE.BTC
b8982b9a paid 34.1 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.01365 BRIDGE.BTC
c6ca63d6 sent 0.000368 BRIDGE.BTC to
6fdc47f4 cancel orders (3)
cdbfa3af wants 0.0000383 BRIDGE.BTC for 3,835 BRIDGE.ARTX
virtual paid 3,392 BRIDGE.ARTX for 0.000339 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 443 BRIDGE.ARTX for 0.0000399 BRIDGE.BTC
4cc5fb0a cancel order
e672c038 sent 0.02436 BRIDGE.BTC to
20492e8e paid 13.55 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.00542 BRIDGE.BTC
abc59c9c paid 10 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.004 BRIDGE.BTC
fa5f2be5 cancel order
917cb573 wants 1,247 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.01497 BRIDGE.BTC
803428a3 wants 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,995 BRIDGE.LUQ
3d2f1c97 cancel order
4bafd523 cancel order
7b6b19ee cancel order
cc4307dd cancel order
575c10d2 paid 1.804 BRIDGE.DRV for 0.00000404 BRIDGE.BTC
106f0345 wants 578 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00608 BRIDGE.BTC
d890eb59 wants 0.00000404 BRIDGE.BTC for 1.804 BRIDGE.DRV
6d83b588 cancel order
6198d525 paid 0.174 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.000058 BRIDGE.BTC
941844ab wants 5,698 BRIDGE.NXTON for 0.00889 BRIDGE.BTC
7b4ebe2d cancel order
cc440d98 wants 35,421 BRIDGE.APEIR for 0.00602 BRIDGE.BTC
b39edc7d wants 4,422 BRIDGE.NXTON for 0.00889 BRIDGE.BTC
89c32969 wants 0.02307 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.7 BRIDGE.DEV
241a1297 paid 44.8 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.01494 BRIDGE.BTC
1ca1a140 wants 0.015 BRIDGE.BTC for 45 BRIDGE.DEV
cf7937db cancel order
3bc4c802 wants 0.0342 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.7 BRIDGE.DEV
1bde93c8 cancel order
c82d4b3f wants 0.0342 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.7 BRIDGE.DEV
256f670c cancel order
ac289ccc wants 0.043 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.7 BRIDGE.DEV
f85d0b5c paid 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC for 102.9 BRIDGE.DEV
c4aca0fc wants 102.9 BRIDGE.DEV for 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC
76090b6d cancel order
794e80c1 wants 615 BRIDGE.ULTRA for 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC
8dc035ef cancel order
f1ce348a wants 236.8 BRIDGE.XUEZ for 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC
0519ca8f cancel order
a8257763 wants 1,494 BRIDGE.STR for 0.01482 BRIDGE.BTC
3f8f5146 cancel order
f26284c3 paid 160.5 BRIDGE.ART for 0.00897 BRIDGE.BTC
aef4c801 wants 0.00897 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.5 BRIDGE.ART
92b3efe2 cancel order
7aeeb170 wants 0.00898 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.5 BRIDGE.ART
d93c04f3 cancel order
5ffbf74c wants 0.00898 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.5 BRIDGE.ART
e3a033f8 cancel order
3080e597 wants 0.00907 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.5 BRIDGE.ART
5fe55cc4 cancel order
f19ea2eb wants 0.00907 BRIDGE.BTC for 160.6 BRIDGE.ART
e26880d5 cancel order
0114183e paid 1.13 BRIDGE.ART for 0.0000638 BRIDGE.BTC
6d9fd6ef wants 0.00914 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
b013ae39 cancel order
f8f4a0d8 wants 964 BRIDGE.FLC for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
088c97aa cancel order
d526ee2b wants 11,156 BRIDGE.XSTK for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
8cf5990b wants 0.00985 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
330c32d5 cancel order
3e74f88d wants 0.0134 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
3e6521df cancel order
41adadc1 wants 0.00986 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
07a3f7ab cancel order
abc4308c cancel order
e2905ff4 wants 0.01452 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
fa8ebaa1 cancel order
0e2283fb wants 0.01476 BRIDGE.BTC for 161.8 BRIDGE.ART
2ddb2a85 paid 0.00851 BRIDGE.BTC for 162 BRIDGE.ART
8b778642 wants 162 BRIDGE.ART for 0.00851 BRIDGE.BTC
55fdd600 paid 937 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.00815 BRIDGE.BTC
da3176b4 paid 44.3 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.000385 BRIDGE.BTC
e557c9e3 wants 232 BRIDGE.SATC for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
558e3381 cancel order
85d6bfaa wants 0.00853 BRIDGE.BTC for 982 BRIDGE.XRH
d3f75caf cancel order
63d07427 wants 105.3 BRIDGE.ART for 0.0058 BRIDGE.BTC
46dbc529 paid 399 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00581 BRIDGE.BTC
61e153df wants 0.00581 BRIDGE.BTC for 399 BRIDGE.AEG
3aa00f90 cancel order
0d6fa53e wants 0.00996 BRIDGE.BTC for 399 BRIDGE.AEG
b7c18928 paid 0.00554 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.AEG
d61ef25b wants 400 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.00554 BRIDGE.BTC
678eb6ce wants 0.00973 BRIDGE.BTC for 982 BRIDGE.XRH
a2b83c6b cancel order
16605f14 wants 0.0147 BRIDGE.BTC for 982 BRIDGE.XRH
fdd33cda cancel order
4f43cf4f paid 0.00732 BRIDGE.BTC for 984 BRIDGE.XRH
8a8e9dfc wants 1,729 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.01286 BRIDGE.BTC
7b1962f0 wants 0.0053 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
virtual paid 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC for 0.0053 BRIDGE.BTC
22e7535c cancel order
de9ff7c5 wants 0.00609 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
cac0d02c cancel order
574393a1 cancel order
e83fb9bf wants 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
9da26933 cancel order
70c1d558 wants 0.0061 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
abf36154 cancel order
4172d713 wants 0.00654 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
93b08112 cancel order
a72ed1fb wants 0.00589 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
00434dfd cancel order
8f251a52 wants 108,212 BRIDGE.XSTK for 0.00757 BRIDGE.BTC
35c630a9 cancel order
d240fdfe wants 54,106 BRIDGE.XSTK for 0.00757 BRIDGE.BTC
3d2a7fbe wants 0.00611 BRIDGE.BTC for 311.6 BRIDGE.PZDC
fed2a30b cancel order
13711627 wants 803 BRIDGE.PZDC for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00482 BRIDGE.BTC for 312 BRIDGE.PZDC
259c4331 cancel order
06bfd5f3 wants 826 BRIDGE.PZDC for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
dc294eeb cancel order
568c6472 wants 1,831 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
662f5b61 cancel order
fec8ad79 wants 1,680 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
db374935 cancel order
6bfbea2d wants 1,698 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
1a430c53 cancel order
d7e16f34 wants 1,736 BRIDGE.XRH for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
7c34896f cancel order
1c8ae5dd wants 336 BRIDGE.PZDC for 0.005 BRIDGE.BTC
0acbddab cancel order
2007c247 wants 22,541 BRIDGE.XSTK for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
aa80175f cancel order
3386f1f2 wants 3,378 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
5f9cc955 cancel order
68143ebc wants 3,387 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
77d2ad1b cancel order
f813ede3 wants 1,127,026 BRIDGE.PCN for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
d52d40c8 cancel order
ee40041f wants 4,824 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
ff080ef5 cancel order
4d9b9fa1 wants 3,415 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
723f7353 cancel order
a278adb9 wants 3,425 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
0c8a8077 cancel order
847cadb8 wants 3,522 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
6e04eb08 cancel order
f5b102dc wants 2,234 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
26794bc3 cancel order
da22fb97 wants 2,465 BRIDGE.AEG for 0.0124 BRIDGE.BTC
d2024918 cancel order
ca0de43a paid 29.7 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.0001485 BRIDGE.BTC
01c9b9c7 cancel order
90ccb431 wants 3,700 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.01125 BRIDGE.BTC
c400bc33 cancel order
80a515b5 wants 0.0001485 BRIDGE.BTC for 29.7 BRIDGE.VYI
84581862 wants 3,780 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.01134 BRIDGE.BTC
332f4c78 paid 0.00009 BRIDGE.BTC for 30 BRIDGE.VYI
7096dbd5 cancel order
630ac1ba wants 4,518 BRIDGE.VYI for 0.01134 BRIDGE.BTC
870475fa wants 14,286 BRIDGE.ANS for 0.001 BRIDGE.BTC
45696294 cancel order
8d64798e wants 1,709 BRIDGE.DC for 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC
ba681e97 cancel order
95fa8e7f wants 0.3085 BRIDGE.FOIN for 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC
53c04b55 cancel order
df6d1d1f wants 2,386 BRIDGE.NOS for 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC
2560e787 cancel order
2d1e983c wants 17,884 BRIDGE.DVB for 0.01234 BRIDGE.BTC
23eba8d6 cancel order