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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight6.59 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.425 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 6.59
ESCODEX.LGS 0.00000239
7394f59e sent 0.0202 BRIDGE.CRCO to
22315b30 sent 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC to
a067a27a cancel order
14a95b6d cancel order
7aa3847b wants 20.54 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.02717 ESCODEX.BTC
87faed9c cancel order
0796ea01 wants 13.3 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01756 ESCODEX.BTC
7c493247 cancel order
c981748e wants 0.503 ESCODEX.ETH for 0.01756 ESCODEX.BTC
19fedc30 cancel order
33e27665 cancel order
a092a836 wants 20.56 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.02717 ESCODEX.BTC
224b4a7c wants 54.5 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.00886 ESCODEX.BTC
2a7568b5 wants 53.5 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0087 ESCODEX.BTC
eaad7933 cancel order
bf3cec26 wants 1.316 ESCODEX.ETH for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
123c28ce cancel order
c086e0ac wants 1.317 ESCODEX.ETH for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
5d542721 cancel order
d70e84fd wants 34.4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
be44c084 cancel order
2472c478 wants 34.4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
5f83a775 cancel order
e1865fde cancel order
d1a62b2f cancel order
8bb9ae8b wants 69.6 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.01142 ESCODEX.BTC
a899f8a2 cancel order
b02c6105 wants 9.26 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01147 ESCODEX.BTC
4db4e54b cancel order
be6c98c3 wants 12.45 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0154 ESCODEX.BTC
0d739fb4 cancel order
fcb9a3a8 wants 14.42 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01785 ESCODEX.BTC
11494d6b cancel order
8a292549 wants 14.64 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01785 ESCODEX.BTC
a765c57e cancel order
f57cea53 wants 12.65 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0154 ESCODEX.BTC
83bc3865 cancel order
0ae87152 wants 9.4 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01147 ESCODEX.BTC
11c9e49d wants 12.68 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0154 ESCODEX.BTC
fd24991c cancel order
b2558e1c wants 22.1 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0269 ESCODEX.BTC
c7e3c9ff wants 14.68 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01785 ESCODEX.BTC
c8abc7e3 cancel order
98f3657c wants 276 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
e7ad8d2f cancel order
07445338 wants 36.3 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
3d591c80 cancel order
f303c788 wants 36.3 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
82b083a6 cancel order
4c6e8fc0 wants 63.9 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
6ff9545f cancel order
3c57b9f2 wants 278.6 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
51382d20 cancel order
90eea90f wants 63.9 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
cb83d1b2 cancel order
c5a8b7d7 wants 276.4 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
f230b9fc cancel order
751fd17b wants 63.9 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
e4739c6b cancel order
1d6fdc09 wants 279.5 ESCODEX.LPC for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
883f7bb1 cancel order
06cf57e4 wants 63.9 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
6aff660c cancel order
799748f8 cancel order
50712764 wants 7.79 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01277 ESCODEX.BTC
9ad07cd0 wants 7.79 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01277 ESCODEX.BTC
5c22c636 cancel order
ce9565e1 wants 27.3 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
58463505 cancel order
94c64b11 wants 63.9 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0447 ESCODEX.BTC
718b37e7 wants 0.00582 ESCODEX.BTC for 3.43 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 3.43 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00583 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual cancel order
55f9ecf4 cancel order
b8df851b cancel order
852d97e5 wants 0.01022 ESCODEX.BTC for 6 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 5.2 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00886 ESCODEX.BTC
8db3c477 cancel order
d887f5a5 wants 0.00468 ESCODEX.BTC for 2.63 ESCODEX.LGS
85f7ba47 cancel order
5222c07c wants 0.00863 ESCODEX.BTC for 5.33 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 2.696 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00437 ESCODEX.BTC
1f03d0dc wants 0.01068 ESCODEX.BTC for 6 ESCODEX.LGS
98237500 cancel order
19fb7a34 wants 0.01825 ESCODEX.BTC for 11.33 ESCODEX.LGS
406c4fdb cancel order
12a7fc02 wants 0.02233 ESCODEX.BTC for 13.87 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 2.54 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00409 ESCODEX.BTC
3e74ac27 cancel order
d088c40d wants 0.0266 ESCODEX.BTC for 16.48 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 2.61 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00421 ESCODEX.BTC
4fdf0e12 cancel order
910c741c wants 0.0438 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
virtual paid 2.82 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.00454 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 8.07 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.01293 ESCODEX.BTC
d77f253f cancel order
ba2d1345 wants 0.0446 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
f45685a9 cancel order
0ebe6d41 wants 0.0454 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
38080d4b cancel order
06f3ca44 wants 0.0456 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
d411d419 cancel order
aaa60ba4 wants 0.00503 ESCODEX.BTC for 3 ESCODEX.LGS
16cf978d cancel order
dd1b8703 wants 0.0443 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
68019e85 cancel order
39a496dd wants 0.0444 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
a9443cac cancel order
caac878f wants 0.0446 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
9402cc3d cancel order
2d3788da wants 0.0449 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
93d2f1b2 cancel order
0fbe46ac wants 0.0452 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
9010cc84 cancel order
730f6c14 wants 0.0468 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
d4247c8d cancel order
fc2d40e4 wants 0.0479 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
b5b00bae cancel order
870423ee wants 0.049 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
9988343c cancel order
08665da2 sent 4 BTS to
ba3957b2 wants 0.053 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
afe65f7c cancel order
58bd6046 wants 0.053 ESCODEX.BTC for 27.37 ESCODEX.LGS
4dc5b59a sent 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS to
a5e17895 cancel order
385dde8d wants 0.0466 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
57dff60a cancel order
dc6aeb6e wants 0.0457 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
a2c20d05 cancel order
4e7cbbdb wants 0.0472 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
26dee6f4 cancel order
ee3bade9 wants 0.0453 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
b8ca48c6 cancel order
0a5206b3 wants 0.0453 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
719b610b cancel order
7bd1207e wants 0.0453 ESCODEX.BTC for 25.2 ESCODEX.LGS
7d847e83 cancel order
1bf954ed cancel order
f93218cc wants 0.01528 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.5 ESCODEX.LGS
28f82948 cancel order
7b5d5b0a wants 0.0301 ESCODEX.BTC for 16.7 ESCODEX.LGS
474ce829 paid 0.0286 ESCODEX.BTC for 16.72 ESCODEX.LGS
de4e9534 wants 0.0154 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.5 ESCODEX.LGS
01f33e68 cancel order
b29f38c0 wants 16.72 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0286 ESCODEX.BTC
4d1787f7 cancel order
ccc4d66c wants 0.01556 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.5 ESCODEX.LGS
4052658b paid 0.0146 ESCODEX.BTC for 8.5 ESCODEX.LGS
9727be51 wants 25.16 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0432 ESCODEX.BTC
1a09907d wants 11 BTS for 0.0002033 ESCODEX.BTC
virtual paid 0.0002033 ESCODEX.BTC for 11 BTS
5a255d1b paid 24.04 ESCODEX.LGS for 0.0435 ESCODEX.BTC
ee24ce86 wants 0.0435 ESCODEX.BTC for 24.04 ESCODEX.LGS