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BitShares Block Explorer



BTS6kGxzun9tz5Tc8FS8dpgeMe92SQdoPh88yWBCrtpP45WstEeEd 1 50%
BTS6wfm93o8BoUC8e8hApnxMXDMbRsTjGGYypU6ub2GCqDfGW9syi 1 50%
Threshold 1 50%
Votes as
Voting weight678 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.02455 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 678
BADCOIN 10,000
DEEX 0.1
TESLACOM 0.00001
VISACOM 0.00001
FORDCOM 0.00001
a5fd7f70 paid 0.0000225 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00001 BTS
virtual cancel order
42bb04ba paid 0.002947 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.00131 BTS
eeb1d711 paid 0.0319 BRIDGE.BEET for 0.01416 BTS
5cf2e996 paid 1,190 BRIDGE.BEET for 529 BTS
04bf1214 sent 0.00001 FORDCOM to
4c0f53e2 wants 529 BTS for 1,190 BRIDGE.BEET
16d5b2ec cancel order
4c40bbc2 sent 0.1 DEEX to
b78df417 wants 531 BTS for 1,192 BRIDGE.BEET
5c6602a3 cancel order
54bf4fdb cancel order
54bf4fdb wants 281 BTS for 631 BRIDGE.BEET
c1fbd11f wants 463 BRIDGE.BEET for 45.6 BTS
virtual paid 0.00747 BTS for 0.374 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 14.6 BTS for 487 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 0.0359 BTS for 1.185 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 0.01287 BTS for 0.387 BRIDGE.BEET
virtual paid 0.00036 BTS for 0.00644 BRIDGE.BEET
c1fbd11f wants 331 BTS for 631 BRIDGE.BEET
89f9d7f9 paid 22.6 BTS for 229.5 BRIDGE.BEET
a34297ec paid 8.34 BTS for 84.6 BRIDGE.BEET
431e7126 cancel order
f9cd46f7 cancel order
f9cd46f7 wants 351 BTS for 670 BRIDGE.BEET
32841269 wants 423 BTS for 670 BRIDGE.BEET
e78523a8 cancel order
7b1253b1 wants 420 BTS for 668 BRIDGE.BEET
930e4a13 cancel order
2dd348ce cancel order
2dd348ce wants 351 BTS for 669 BRIDGE.BEET
a4dc46f1 wants 421 BTS for 669 BRIDGE.BEET
8bfb2d83 cancel order
33af334f wants 418 BTS for 663 BRIDGE.BEET
d242e602 cancel order
e8cb6188 wants 528 BTS for 703 BRIDGE.BEET
45e95835 cancel order
8276dec7 wants 528 BTS for 703 BRIDGE.BEET
bdb86354 cancel order
0719d076 wants 527 BTS for 702 BRIDGE.BEET
16c73450 cancel order
a9eaa39d wants 531 BTS for 705 BRIDGE.BEET
53477bcf cancel order
c238150e wants 432 BTS for 679 BRIDGE.BEET
3a2207f4 cancel order
21c6c354 wants 432 BTS for 680 BRIDGE.BEET
6ba8b156 cancel order
02b96f30 wants 432 BTS for 680 BRIDGE.BEET
5a5a00e5 cancel order
c821dd15 wants 435 BTS for 654 BRIDGE.BEET
a1fe4bb3 cancel order
66d82cfc paid 1.563 BTS for 4.76 BRIDGE.BEET
1a861037 paid 216 BTS for 658 BRIDGE.BEET
f55a597b paid 129.6 BTS for 395 BRIDGE.BEET
7ed873d7 paid 52.7 BTS for 160.7 BRIDGE.BEET
2519b3de paid 19.53 BTS for 59.5 BRIDGE.BEET
a462d844 paid 0.0245 BTS for 0.0746 BRIDGE.BEET
ad6cac94 paid 0.0513 BTS for 0.1564 BRIDGE.BEET
cb266cec paid 0.00701 BTS for 0.02138 BRIDGE.BEET
0a0fc706 paid 3.27 BTS for 9.98 BRIDGE.BEET
a651b380 paid 0.585 BTS for 1.78 BRIDGE.BEET
6ecc0dc6 wants 1,290 BRIDGE.BEET for 423 BTS
43f1a042 cancel order
0ac6aaa0 paid 0.0807 BTS for 0.246 BRIDGE.BEET
785aded3 wants 1,290 BRIDGE.BEET for 424 BTS
db6f8d51 cancel order
afe34cba paid 1.64 BTS for 5 BRIDGE.BEET
d6dc13f0 wants 1,299 BRIDGE.BEET for 426 BTS
1e223ac6 update account/votes
32ee7caa update account/votes