立即创建账户 / Create Account
BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight9.45 BTS
Lifetime fees paid104.7 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
Registrar-20% -
Referrer100% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 14.88 0
BTCPLUS 6,200 1,000
DEEX 0.1 0
BTCCORE 24.62 0
VERVE 2,001 0
BPSCX 1,000 0
BLINC.USDC 6,200 0
9c533d85 update proposal 1.10.73240
f77fe3d7 update proposal 1.10.73238
99ac5494 sent 8,000 VERVE to
8d1ff833 sent 0.0115 COMPUMATRIX.USD to
cd1e7e9f sent 0.000023 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
ecf3b884 update proposal 1.10.71708
d99b5e3c sent 0.02654 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
virtual cancel order
30b125ea wants 130,186,503 COMPUMATRIX.USD for 6,200 BTCPLUS
34fba4c4 cancel orders (2)
5e1fa353 wants 46,176,801 COMPUMATRIX.USD for 2,199 BTCPLUS
27f820d7 wants 83,996,000 COMPUMATRIX.USD for 4,000 BTCPLUS
virtual cancel order
5cd49915 sent 5 BTS to
3fec8da2 sent 5 BTS to
4db18ccf sent 5 BTS to
64027236 sent 5 BTS to
2129fc22 sent 5 BTS to
7d25b6f4 sent 5 BTS to
b6898793 sent 5 BTS to
e40cb4b4 sent 5 BTS to
82ea1e16 sent 5 BTS to
3e521707 sent 5 BTS to
d63282cc sent 5 BTS to
c945b20e sent 5 BTS to
9f537a64 sent 5 BTS to
7e5012bb sent 5 BTS to
d426c20e sent 5 BTS to
9759602a sent 5 BTS to
48d02471 sent 5 BTS to
d649e794 sent 5 BTS to
78ab273c sent 5 BTS to
b8741fce sent 5 BTS to
8ddbbabd sent 5 BTS to
5ed553e5 sent 5 BTS to
da979dcf sent 5 BTS to
0c626c74 sent 5 BTS to
f009544b sent 5 BTS to
20bde905 sent 5 BTS to
3550a45e sent 5 BTS to
8eb542db sent 5 BTS to
b5717cb1 sent 5 BTS to
270a3c52 sent 5 BTS to
e3e84917 sent 5 BTS to
aefa1c58 sent 192.5 BTS to
8c72357c sent 5 BTS to
58422552 sent 5 BTS to
9f2104af sent 5 BTS to
5c5f5033 sent 5 BTS to
69adea68 sent 5 BTS to
85fda134 sent 5 BTS to
72a42f05 sent 5 BTS to
8bc1e545 sent 5 BTS to
b1112f40 sent 5 BTS to
776fb978 sent 5 BTS to
539e7ba1 sent 5 BTS to
8ac7580d sent 5 BTS to
7c690bc1 sent 5 BTS to
14397a6a sent 5 BTS to
9c43a838 sent 5 BTS to
7f94954a sent 5 BTS to
84e8e0a7 sent 5 BTS to
8cfb9ba7 sent 5 BTS to
2d0572c7 sent 5 BTS to
397db13e sent 5 BTS to
5434815b sent 5 BTS to
482aa245 sent 5 BTS to
ba636009 sent 5 BTS to
4d49be86 sent 5 BTS to
bb2e11b7 sent 5 BTS to
f8f30553 sent 5 BTS to
401f5f1c sent 5 BTS to
02a93718 sent 5 BTS to
da1faaea sent 5 BTS to
67db4794 sent 5 BTS to
613f912c sent 5 BTS to
0e38f780 sent 5 BTS to
f2ff94bd sent 5 BTS to
4609f8b5 sent 5 BTS to
269efccf sent 5 BTS to
49a4e8ce sent 5 BTS to
c3bf609a sent 5 BTS to
f8e233f5 sent 5 BTS to
ac08fd28 sent 5 BTS to
ff67c134 sent 5 BTS to
7b379cca sent 5 BTS to
64615204 sent 5 BTS to
5c85d0b9 sent 5 BTS to
f5d60eff sent 5 BTS to
2d941706 sent 5 BTS to
80d438ef sent 5 BTS to
475ebe73 sent 5 BTS to
e4175f45 sent 5 BTS to
87d4a9b8 sent 192.5 BTS to
f9b30f58 wants 1 COMPUMATRIX for 87.5 BTS
virtual paid 87.5 BTS for 1 COMPUMATRIX
33166188 wants 1 VERVE for 10 BTS
virtual paid 10 BTS for 1 VERVE
9ee95613 wants 1 BLINC for 95.5 BTS
virtual paid 95.5 BTS for 1 BLINC
562ba252 wants 20,996,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
d29ff4b5 sent 5 BTS to
b9880310 sent 5 BTS to
7e791c4c sent 5 BTS to
461e6352 sent 5 BTS to
dbb0b2e6 sent 5 BTS to
0adba311 sent 5 BTS to
82abfa00 sent 5 BTS to
1fad86f8 sent 5 BTS to
da14256d sent 5 BTS to
cc220e12 sent 5 BTS to
34367bf3 sent 5 BTS to
b6a53bc9 sent 5 BTS to
6efe429a sent 5 BTS to
9eb0d4fc sent 5 BTS to
a8a4fd5a sent 5 BTS to
b4e065f3 sent 5 BTS to
68c80b10 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
60644383 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
02c3f1a9 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
4f8e9007 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
ddd12021 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
c74597b8 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
d57eed59 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
e2404945 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
48cefb02 sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
b82e005c sent 0.000931 COMPUMATRIX.BTC to
7298318c wants 5 BTCCORE for 2.11 BTS
virtual paid 2.11 BTS for 5 BTCCORE
e0debe14 wants 3.02 BTS for 20,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 2,647 BADCOIN for 0.4 BTS
virtual paid 0.0662 BADCOIN for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 0.0662 BADCOIN for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 17,353 BADCOIN for 2.62 BTS
1d8133ad wants 15.24 BTCCORE for 4.8 BTS
virtual paid 0.0709 BTS for 0.228 BTCCORE
virtual paid 0.0808 BTS for 0.2593 BTCCORE
virtual paid 0.33 BTS for 1.058 BTCCORE
virtual paid 4.32 BTS for 13.7 BTCCORE
d5855d0b cancel order
8027a56e paid 1.235 BTS for 3.99 BTCCORE
37000097 wants 16.14 BTCCORE for 5 BTS
virtual paid 0.0875 BTS for 0.2825 BTCCORE
54394029 update account/votes