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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.471 BTS
Lifetime fees paid15.36 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.471
cf39ec19 sent 1,213 BTCPLUS to
60a319ea cancel order
11da8e42 wants 5,454,244 USD for 1,213 BTCPLUS
bb5ebf50 wants 1,313 BTCPLUS for 197 BTS
virtual paid 197 BTS for 1,313 BTCPLUS
cb1cc5fa sent 45.4 BTS to
606db902 sent 2,456 BTCPLUS to
bee2fcbd cancel order
11ff9b75 sent 1,653 BTCPLUS to
9e704241 wants 151.4 BTS for 0.00511 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.001485 OPEN.BTC for 44.9 BTS
virtual paid 0.001238 OPEN.BTC for 37.1 BTS
virtual paid 0.002384 OPEN.BTC for 70.7 BTS
056c3307 cancel order
f87705d4 sent 9,279,299 COMPUCEEDS to
a4c02af1 cancel order
bcb73f70 wants 7,356,948 USD for 2,456 BTCPLUS
fdb5dbc3 wants 0.271 BTS for 2 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 2 BTCPLUS for 0.271 BTS
1b326630 wants 0.1356 BTS for 1 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 1 BTCPLUS for 0.1356 BTS
ed1e187e wants 2,559 BTCPLUS for 868 BTS
virtual paid 868 BTS for 2,559 BTCPLUS
74fdd3a6 wants 4,949,938 USD for 1,653 BTCPLUS
47efd927 wants 1.147 BTS for 4 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 4 BTCPLUS for 1.147 BTS
e3673d96 wants 250 BTS for 500,000 COMPUCEEDS
4a15957f wants 0.09 BTS for 0.3136 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 0.3136 BTCPLUS for 0.09 BTS
26b62f7e wants 1,696 BTCPLUS for 415 BTS
virtual paid 415 BTS for 1,696 BTCPLUS
75b39057 wants 67.4 BTCPLUS for 7.4 BTS
virtual paid 7.4 BTS for 67.4 BTCPLUS
c88af1f0 update account/votes
6dc1fe75 update account/votes
20475d4e sent 11,965 BTCPLUS to
5cb13dbe wants 10 BTS for 35.1 BTCPLUS
virtual paid 0.0000351 BTCPLUS for 0.00001 BTS
virtual paid 35.1 BTCPLUS for 10 BTS
c1fdb520 sent 2,575 BTS to
fdef8052 paid 1,733 BTS for 5.48 CRYPTOCEEDS
9ceee3b0 paid 4,553 BTS for 14.4 CRYPTOCEEDS
9ef9a835 paid 1,615 BTS for 5.11 CRYPTOCEEDS
7601722f wants 25 CRYPTOCEEDS for 7,901 BTS
60ec23ce update account/votes
0b781cd4 update account/votes
8984b726 sent 30,001 COMPUCEEDS to
7d6ce1cb sent 6,000 BTS to
dd5e1eea update account/votes
ee4e2fa9 update account/votes