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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes as
Voting weight0.0157 BTS
Lifetime fees paid16.25 BTS
Registrar-10% -
Referrer90% -


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.098 0
COMPUCEEDS 220,000 220,000
OPEN.BTC 0.0003 0
DEEX 0.1 0
BAIDUCOM 0.00001 0
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
649fec99 sent 1.5 BTS to
b3bb179d sent 2 BTS to
00a14f92 sent 1,560 BTCPLUS to
86128f23 sent 1,500 BTCPLUS to
d52e96a8 sent 2 BTS to
fa1d7258 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
virtual cancel order
a895e2dd sent 800,000 ECASH to
5cb35d8f sent 775 BTCCORE to
aab2f498 sent 75 CRYPTOCEEDS to
c3429c0a sent 5,006,137 COMPUCEEDS to
e088f287 cancel orders (11)
513b75aa wants 37,500 NEMXEM for 1 BTCCORE
d96b235f wants 2,220 NEOCORE for 10 BTCCORE
d3466351 wants 4,975 LTCCORE for 50 BTCCORE
4ce69db7 wants 1,903 ETHERIA for 90 BTCCORE
bbacfd84 wants 1,364 EDASH for 15 BTCCORE
c76bf389 wants 334,000 ECASH for 1 BTCCORE
476ad07f wants 33.3 BTCPCX for 0.001 BTCCORE
706d4b31 wants 1,056 BTCCASH for 105 BTCCORE
28d79ae8 wants 210,000 OCEANIA for 20 BTCCORE
0db87090 wants 330,000 EURCX for 50 BTCCORE
51d5bbc1 paid 40 BTS for 567 BTCCORE
133daafd wants 4,500,000 BTS for 100 BTCCORE
4a50adf5 cancel order
1e07fded wants 567 BTCCORE for 40 BTS
b28fc25d paid 100 BTCCORE for 800,000 ECASH
8c10713d wants 800,000 ECASH for 100 BTCCORE
e616c6ca cancel order
fb93ea16 wants 8,000,000 ECASH for 100 BTCCORE
e237f8e1 wants 4,000,000 BTS for 100 BTCCORE
e1a6471b cancel order
b4d15d88 sent 3 BTS to
b1d466d8 wants 3,300,000 BTS for 100 BTCCORE
c56492fc update account/votes
9d426d83 wants 70 BTCCORE for 48.3 BTS
virtual paid 48.3 BTS for 70.2 BTCCORE
99245ba9 wants 18,891,900 USD for 900 BTCPLUS
c28701c5 wants 23,093,400 USD for 1,100 BTCPLUS
6649e445 wants 22,257,880 USD for 1,060 BTCPLUS
187c4e24 wants 21,000,176 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
83311505 paid 200 BTS for 235.3 BTCCORE
ab237390 wants 235.3 BTCCORE for 200 BTS
0f8d9bbd wants 4,154 BTCPLUS for 270 BTS
virtual paid 270 BTS for 4,160 BTCPLUS
dc53d0ae paid 4 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
09282844 wants 1 BTCCORE for 4 BTS
485d4319 wants 2.2 BTS for 10,000 BADCOIN
virtual paid 10,000 BADCOIN for 2.2 BTS
1d6aebcc paid 5.5 BTS for 1 BTCCORE
44513375 wants 1 BTCCORE for 5.5 BTS
08d7a1b9 cancel order
4ee05b35 wants 20 BTCCORE for 0.024 BTS
775785c7 cancel order
8691855c wants 25,000 BTCCORE for 3.25 BTS
acb6ddaf sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
6719d519 cancel order
287c0256 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
7924d1ee cancel order
f5ee2c0c sent 550 BTCPLUS to
c5b07935 cancel order
c31cddd8 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
1dbc5024 cancel order
9637d61d sent 0.125 BTCCORE to
813aaef3 sent 600 BTCPLUS to
09966c36 cancel order
6d3511f4 sent 400 BTCPLUS to
4c5c102f cancel order
fe99c265 sent 500 BTCPLUS to
d43d76e7 sent 200 BTCPLUS to
71b2d84b sent 12 BTS to
6f6614ae sent 100 BTCPLUS to
c1794a5f sent 100 BTCPLUS to
66d31677 sent 100 BTCPLUS to
0d13309a sent 100 BTCPLUS to
80c46314 sent 100 BTCPLUS to
b1445e32 sent 12 BTS to
d01c97aa sent 200 BTCPLUS to
f3f2dfd7 sent 279.7 BTCPLUS to
44e29bb3 sent 15 BTS to
ce9f059f sent 10 BTS to
9e149722 sent 4,000 BTCPLUS to
8e7a06ae sent 4,000 BTCPLUS to
c1bafcbc sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
d8389318 sent 5 BTS to
508b8777 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
32bd4ea4 sent 10 BTS to
cf4ab7a8 sent 10 BTS to
0205b9cd sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
c22f47e5 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
80b97bb5 sent 10 BTS to
61955d4f sent 10 BTS to
8c834976 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
d60e19b1 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
323a030b wants 8,997,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
474e8b54 wants 7,497,000 USD for 1,000 BTCPLUS
f3182b8f sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
6ffc4c88 sent 10 BTS to
02a5f671 sent 10 BTS to
f1d909c1 sent 10 BTS to
128392ba sent 200 BTCPLUS to
2b6f8818 sent 200 BTCPLUS to
29d60f90 sent 200 BTCPLUS to
02f723c5 sent 1,000 BTCPLUS to
6e84455a sent 50 BTS to
c96b5084 wants 3,297,800 USD for 550 BTCPLUS
e5436d99 wants 2,999,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
e0968a80 sent 1,850 BTCPLUS to
452a16f5 cancel order
55b7a891 sent 250 BTCPLUS to
cfb4dd93 cancel order
8bb945cb sent 20,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
b340f598 wants 1,798,000 USD for 400 BTCPLUS
56dc1b83 wants 2,698,800 USD for 600 BTCPLUS
6f9b60ce paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.0002114 BTCPLUS
187c7917 paid 100.4 BTS for 2,123 BTCPLUS
f57040c3 wants 18,888 BTCPLUS for 893 BTS
virtual paid 793 BTS for 16,765 BTCPLUS
8a0a0d4d cancel order
4370fbff wants 2,676,000 BTS for 120,000 COMPUCEEDS
28f6e495 paid 104 BTS for 2,600 BTCPLUS
ef46f03b wants 25,000 BTCPLUS for 1,000 BTS
ceff6115 cancel order
7a3a8544 cancel order
6184f5f5 cancel order
b504becc wants 5,513,000 USD for 1,850 BTCPLUS
764ac7ac wants 740,000 USD for 250 BTCPLUS
7e11030b wants 1,060,000 BTS for 50,000 COMPUCEEDS
58cd708f sent 5,000,000 COMPUCEEDS to
a0e338fe sent 2,500,000 COMPUCEEDS to
7b84d0c3 wants 990,000 BTS for 50,000 COMPUCEEDS
200f816e wants 1,475,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
1e03f04e paid 0.04 OPEN.BTC for 1,053 BTS
4ca55f94 wants 1,053 BTS for 0.04 OPEN.BTC
df5b9713 paid 0.00000001 OPEN.BTC for 0.00024 BTS
adb56320 paid 0.00001 BTS for 0.00001623 BTCPLUS
e726c0c1 paid 897 BTS for 1,457 BTCPLUS
912f3ae1 wants 1,461 BTCPLUS for 900 BTS
0838373d paid 2.59 BTS for 4.2 BTCPLUS
a5650afb paid 0.000592 OPEN.BTC for 14.44 BTS
587d1c1e wants 976 BTS for 0.04 OPEN.BTC
73d460fa paid 0.00647 OPEN.BTC for 157.8 BTS
60e55c39 paid 0.00281 OPEN.BTC for 68.5 BTS
2f5128be paid 0.002813 OPEN.BTC for 68.6 BTS
49fec160 paid 0.002817 OPEN.BTC for 68.7 BTS
4c4d65aa paid 0.00827 OPEN.BTC for 202 BTS
8e8edc3b paid 0.00375 OPEN.BTC for 91.4 BTS
38a4ea80 paid 0.00829 OPEN.BTC for 202 BTS
332fc034 paid 0.001552 OPEN.BTC for 37.9 BTS
8f506807 paid 0.000326 OPEN.BTC for 7.94 BTS
a120f793 paid 0.000776 OPEN.BTC for 18.94 BTS
55dc5674 paid 0.00154 OPEN.BTC for 37.6 BTS
34b86627 wants 1,495,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
7d63b817 wants 1,495,000 USD for 500 BTCPLUS
93668869 paid 2,445 BTS for 3,158 BTCPLUS
c6c6efd0 wants 3,158 BTCPLUS for 2,445 BTS
c7038d64 wants 1,305 BTS for 0.0282 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0282 OPEN.BTC for 1,309 BTS
703899d0 sent 350 BTCPLUS to
e6064ca2 cancel order
a97d2ce8 wants 521,500 USD for 350 BTCPLUS
a77bf78e wants 400 BTCPLUS for 300 BTS
virtual paid 300 BTS for 400 BTCPLUS