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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight62.9 BTS
Lifetime fees paid2.723 BTS


Asset Balance
BTS 62.9
CNY 0.176
DEEX 0.1
67aaa015 sent 0.1 DEEX to
b320fd92 sent 0.00001 STARBUCKSCOM to
d7e57230 wants 47 BTS for 37.7 CNY
virtual paid 37.7 CNY for 47 BTS
f5221eb4 paid 0.669 BTS for 0.827 CNY
0c0e3365 paid 0.73 BTS for 0.902 CNY
9c9ae36a paid 4.01 CNY for 3.31 BTS
181c6d77 wants 1.73 CNY for 1.4 BTS
a0a99131 wants 3.31 BTS for 4.01 CNY
f6375e1d cancel order
2bcf5329 paid 1.555 BTS for 1.91 CNY
b7542d38 wants 1.91 CNY for 1.555 BTS
ccaabf93 wants 3.18 BTS for 3.82 CNY
76da3af0 cancel order
e016ccae paid 1.73 BTS for 2.1 CNY
b4c86422 wants 2.1 CNY for 1.73 BTS
952600b0 wants 3.03 BTS for 3.61 CNY
418c3d67 cancel order
6115b9f2 paid 1.92 BTS for 2.322 CNY
5268b50a wants 2.322 CNY for 1.92 BTS
85166ecc wants 2.854 BTS for 3.38 CNY
1cf82364 cancel order
7bfb8c8d paid 2.135 BTS for 2.556 CNY
96757ff8 wants 2.556 CNY for 2.135 BTS
6464df66 wants 2.665 BTS for 3.127 CNY
aff04c3e cancel order
2c9822b0 paid 3.47 CNY for 2.93 BTS
034303a0 wants 2.23 CNY for 1.843 BTS
4a7029bc wants 2.93 BTS for 3.47 CNY
6bc1008d cancel order
39bed0e3 paid 2.05 BTS for 2.45 CNY
4e7f7cdb wants 2.45 CNY for 2.05 BTS
8656da5e wants 2.75 BTS for 3.23 CNY
538230b6 cancel order
f6a4b86f paid 3.59 CNY for 3.02 BTS
ddcac29d wants 2.117 CNY for 1.747 BTS
3dd51313 wants 3.02 BTS for 3.59 CNY
eae3783f cancel order
036080f9 paid 1.942 BTS for 2.316 CNY
2a589748 wants 2.316 CNY for 1.942 BTS
6372e36c wants 2.87 BTS for 3.36 CNY
9cd7dbce cancel order
2cf063b3 paid 3.73 CNY for 3.156 BTS
60ea8a60 wants 1.96 CNY for 1.627 BTS
c7ef6768 wants 3.156 BTS for 3.73 CNY
e7997aed cancel order
03f844fa paid 1.81 BTS for 2.163 CNY
ff0de627 wants 2.163 CNY for 1.81 BTS
2c703be8 wants 2.996 BTS for 3.51 CNY
4cd016b8 cancel order
cb29e05f paid 2.01 BTS for 2.387 CNY
37ad3275 wants 2.387 CNY for 2.01 BTS
6a9db065 wants 2.813 BTS for 3.27 CNY
45aacf55 cancel order
ace2ed53 paid 3.64 CNY for 3.09 BTS
b9bff7e7 wants 2.046 CNY for 1.702 BTS
d43a7660 wants 3.09 BTS for 3.64 CNY
304b04cb cancel order
4a65a66a paid 1.892 BTS for 2.25 CNY
0097aac2 wants 2.25 CNY for 1.892 BTS
eee99a45 wants 2.926 BTS for 3.41 CNY
61299cc5 cancel order
6074e7bd paid 3.79 CNY for 3.22 BTS
955638f3 wants 1.887 CNY for 1.57 BTS
7f1896ba wants 3.22 BTS for 3.79 CNY
978607d2 cancel order
45dcedd5 paid 4.21 CNY for 3.56 BTS
8c3a2b69 wants 1.466 CNY for 1.215 BTS
1578630d wants 3.56 BTS for 4.21 CNY
8bfb9190 cancel order
b630006c paid 1.35 BTS for 1.61 CNY
c6226584 wants 1.61 CNY for 1.35 BTS
d9655464 wants 3.47 BTS for 4.05 CNY
d6627668 cancel order
b7e878b6 paid 1.5 BTS for 1.773 CNY
a58e5eb3 wants 1.773 CNY for 1.5 BTS
7af3df5f wants 3.35 BTS for 3.88 CNY
05116161 cancel order
f1cefb45 paid 1.67 BTS for 1.95 CNY
b51fc56e wants 1.95 CNY for 1.67 BTS
273d631d wants 3.21 BTS for 3.68 CNY
adc6c196 cancel order
1401ea62 paid 4.09 CNY for 3.55 BTS
ce330d90 wants 1.547 CNY for 1.315 BTS
c67e38c1 wants 3.55 BTS for 4.09 CNY
fb024281 cancel order
7b8b98be paid 1.462 BTS for 1.7 CNY
c68411c4 wants 1.7 CNY for 1.462 BTS
e169c2a4 wants 3.44 BTS for 3.92 CNY
0625bec6 cancel order
25e74778 paid 1.625 BTS for 1.87 CNY
79ff2154 wants 1.87 CNY for 1.625 BTS
9b61cc1c wants 3.31 BTS for 3.73 CNY
6cf88a35 cancel order
3b0dde31 paid 1.806 BTS for 2.074 CNY
996a8c71 wants 2.074 CNY for 1.806 BTS
64644877 wants 3.133 BTS for 3.53 CNY
49faa441 cancel order
a1643c30 wants 1.7 CNY for 1.463 BTS
50738ef5 paid 0.0001 CNY for 0.00008 BTS
3e7bd520 wants 3.44 BTS for 3.92 CNY
63eb2dbc paid 3.92 CNY for 3.44 BTS
b7e84b3c cancel order
966635fc paid 1.626 BTS for 1.86 CNY
8da03d2e wants 1.86 CNY for 1.626 BTS
994e1b57 wants 3.33 BTS for 3.73 CNY
2efda7e5 cancel order
ab9a29e9 paid 1.807 BTS for 2.054 CNY
9082d92e wants 2.054 CNY for 1.807 BTS
48abf271 wants 3.17 BTS for 3.53 CNY
a1c04bf7 cancel order
e9959135 paid 2.01 BTS for 2.28 CNY
c45b4cb0 wants 2.28 CNY for 2.01 BTS
0a7212bb wants 2.96 BTS for 3.3 CNY
e8dd56ca cancel order
d6f49874 paid 2.232 BTS for 2.51 CNY
05ac5584 wants 2.51 CNY for 2.232 BTS
aec2cd0c wants 2.765 BTS for 3.05 CNY
1ce4644d cancel order
8efa7a5c paid 3.39 CNY for 3.047 BTS
3930bb4b wants 2.187 CNY for 1.93 BTS
059b7a47 wants 3.047 BTS for 3.39 CNY
8746e2b7 cancel order
5627129b paid 2.143 BTS for 2.41 CNY
8d514eb2 wants 2.41 CNY for 2.143 BTS
11824017 wants 2.854 BTS for 3.15 CNY
090b61b9 cancel order
196b6511 paid 3.5 CNY for 3.14 BTS
f3e67b4f wants 2.08 CNY for 1.83 BTS
1534f250 wants 3.14 BTS for 3.5 CNY
55ba60dc cancel order
56df16ad paid 2.034 BTS for 2.29 CNY
7148d6a9 wants 2.29 CNY for 2.034 BTS
b51fc88f wants 2.963 BTS for 3.27 CNY
e73083b0 cancel order
4817c682 paid 3.63 CNY for 3.27 BTS
81dafdfe wants 1.937 CNY for 1.708 BTS
c87e64a9 wants 3.27 BTS for 3.63 CNY
fc0d689b cancel order
0d590c83 paid 1.9 BTS for 2.14 CNY
79e78ae3 wants 2.14 CNY for 1.9 BTS
2f745966 wants 3.09 BTS for 3.42 CNY
1f139381 cancel order
87b2060d paid 2.11 BTS for 2.36 CNY
3bed4d53 wants 2.36 CNY for 2.11 BTS
c684b6fa wants 2.904 BTS for 3.18 CNY
c34a1c5f cancel order
4ed6c0e2 paid 3.54 CNY for 3.01 BTS
a4360cce wants 2.167 CNY for 1.81 BTS
5f5f0eba wants 3.01 BTS for 3.54 CNY
d9462b34 cancel order
6438fec5 paid 2.01 BTS for 2.377 CNY
737b0135 wants 2.377 CNY for 2.01 BTS
921e3254 wants 2.847 BTS for 3.3 CNY
033fdffd cancel order
1233f218 paid 2.236 BTS for 2.616 CNY
cd2709ed wants 2.616 CNY for 2.236 BTS
ced66f5a wants 2.647 BTS for 3.037 CNY
a1138701 cancel order
17178e54 paid 2.485 BTS for 2.896 CNY
b2c896bf wants 2.896 CNY for 2.485 BTS
affa5297 wants 2.404 BTS for 2.75 CNY
098b2712 cancel order
2e49046d paid 2.76 BTS for 3.2 CNY
230ea31c wants 3.2 CNY for 2.76 BTS
3c54b14d wants 2.136 BTS for 2.43 CNY
e0273ea5 cancel order
337300dc paid 2.697 CNY for 2.35 BTS
537d657e wants 2.956 CNY for 2.527 BTS
202bf0f9 wants 2.35 BTS for 2.697 CNY
14744409 cancel order
3bd560de wants 2.94 CNY for 2.527 BTS
3bd560de cancel orders (2)
fbf61dfd wants 2.94 CNY for 2.527 BTS
0693ae6a wants 2.34 BTS for 2.697 CNY
813113d3 cancel orders (2)
9e8a62f1 wants 2.94 CNY for 2.527 BTS
7ea825f2 wants 2.34 BTS for 2.697 CNY
b0d079c7 cancel order
4871bbd3 paid 2.997 CNY for 2.585 BTS
55f21449 wants 2.657 CNY for 2.27 BTS
c07dd554 wants 2.585 BTS for 2.997 CNY
d1c9723f cancel orders (2)
d96b9e6a wants 2.67 CNY for 2.27 BTS
a4a178e6 wants 2.57 BTS for 2.997 CNY
abe201b4 cancel order
510ceed7 paid 2.52 BTS for 2.95 CNY
70768b82 wants 2.95 CNY for 2.52 BTS
32260c5d wants 2.33 BTS for 2.7 CNY
2e629d4d cancel order
0eda39bd paid 3 CNY for 2.58 BTS
c21d2d40 wants 2.664 CNY for 2.265 BTS
5efe9c6a wants 2.58 BTS for 3 CNY
9f529a00 cancel order
cec06898 paid 2.517 BTS for 2.93 CNY
45b64abb wants 2.93 CNY for 2.517 BTS
d9a41039 wants 2.35 BTS for 2.71 CNY
e2482fd6 cancel order
b095ecc5 paid 3.01 CNY for 2.605 BTS