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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00061 BTS
Lifetime fees paid27.05 BTS
Whitelisting accounts
Registrar40% -
Referrer40% -


Asset Balance
BTS 0.00061
OPEN.BTC 0.0000419
626cd6ac sent 0.0528 OPEN.BTC to
e7c34034 paid 452 KAPITAL for 0.052 OPEN.BTC
741b786c wants 0.052 OPEN.BTC for 452 KAPITAL
af2b6cd3 cancel order
592c32a7 wants 0.05 OPEN.BTC for 455 KAPITAL
3969a911 cancel order
e72c71a0 wants 0.0506 OPEN.BTC for 455 KAPITAL
792da326 cancel order
abb122d7 wants 0.052 OPEN.BTC for 452 KAPITAL
dc295df4 sent 455 KAPITAL to
c8e8b64f sent 0.007 OPEN.BTC to
5dcc91a7 sent 0.003 OPEN.BTC to
ac531baf sent 0.046 OPEN.BTC to
4597c6b3 wants 0.077 OPEN.BTC for 502 KAPITAL
virtual paid 502 KAPITAL for 0.0771 OPEN.BTC
28c52c5a cancel order
1ecf3d96 wants 0.078 OPEN.BTC for 502 KAPITAL
a2898da4 sent 0.0457 OPEN.BTC to
e3c823d7 paid 197 KAPITAL for 0.045 OPEN.BTC
55582eb3 wants 0.045 OPEN.BTC for 197 KAPITAL
15cf9844 cancel order
cb4c7b72 wants 0.045 OPEN.BTC for 197 KAPITAL
virtual paid 0.0957 KAPITAL for 0.00002187 OPEN.BTC
75dce739 sent 0.091 OPEN.BTC to
90d89a8c wants 0.092 OPEN.BTC for 400 KAPITAL
virtual paid 0.61 KAPITAL for 0.000147 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 400 KAPITAL for 0.0919 OPEN.BTC
7a1be638 sent 113 KAPITAL to
5d8f4224 wants 112.8 KAPITAL for 0.0282 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.0282 OPEN.BTC for 112.8 KAPITAL
17b2d632 cancel order
4906ad38 sent 76 KAPITAL to
4da62ada wants 119.5 KAPITAL for 0.028 OPEN.BTC
21781739 cancel order
18459d77 wants 196.3 KAPITAL for 0.046 OPEN.BTC
virtual paid 0.018 OPEN.BTC for 76.9 KAPITAL
8e051953 wants 0.0464 OPEN.BTC for 222.7 KAPITAL
virtual paid 222.7 KAPITAL for 0.0464 OPEN.BTC
4bc78faa sent 0.1278 OPEN.BTC to
613ad68e wants 0.128 OPEN.BTC for 557 KAPITAL
virtual paid 557 KAPITAL for 0.1281 OPEN.BTC
0c362717 sent 0.02943 OPEN.BTC to
1b173832 wants 0.0282 OPEN.BTC for 101.6 KAPITAL
virtual paid 101.6 KAPITAL for 0.0282 OPEN.BTC
b35eb260 cancel order
07f4c419 wants 0.028 OPEN.BTC for 100.8 KAPITAL
2b1b31df sent 0.043 OPEN.BTC to
dd66b3f0 cancel order
256a734e paid 136.6 KAPITAL for 0.0384 OPEN.BTC
dc90d19f paid 21.47 KAPITAL for 0.00604 OPEN.BTC
e412906d wants 0.0725 OPEN.BTC for 257.7 KAPITAL