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BitShares Block Explorer



Votes asnobody
Voting weight0.00035 BTS
Lifetime fees paid0.577 BTS


Asset Balance Orders
BTS 0.00131 0
DEEX 0.1 0
CEMENT 0.008 0
BRIDGE.ERZ 137.3 137.3
LIQPAY 0.004 0
virtual cancel order
0d0a4941 sent 0.1 DEEX to
95bcfcd7 cancel order
82341067 sent 0.00833 BRIDGE.BTC to
5dc392c1 paid 0.792 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00000919 BRIDGE.BTC
3ae5403f paid 161 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00187 BRIDGE.BTC
2d0f5cee paid 557 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00647 BRIDGE.BTC
f5886878 paid 0.01034 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00000012 BRIDGE.BTC
45767561 wants 0.00992 BRIDGE.BTC for 855 BRIDGE.NORT
5018e30d sent 0.00392 BRIDGE.BTC to
0c240c47 wants 3 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.000474 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000474 BRIDGE.BTC for 3 BRIDGE.BCO
bf3a85fc cancel order
b817fc15 wants 0.00844 BRIDGE.BTC for 931 BRIDGE.NORT
virtual paid 75.8 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.000687 BRIDGE.BTC
ecc42f7e cancel order
bce8ac28 wants 0.01048 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,151 BRIDGE.NORT
virtual paid 220 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.002 BRIDGE.BTC
697fb6e5 cancel order
35b85089 wants 0.01403 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,151 BRIDGE.NORT
eb69decf cancel order
8e66094b wants 0.01265 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,331 BRIDGE.NORT
virtual paid 180 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00171 BRIDGE.BTC
66918811 cancel order
04bc0cae wants 0.01624 BRIDGE.BTC for 1,331 BRIDGE.NORT
1253736b sent 0.01043 BRIDGE.BTC to
1acabe47 wants 5 BRIDGE.BCO for 0.000894 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000894 BRIDGE.BTC for 5 BRIDGE.BCO
820b71a3 wants 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC for 822 BRIDGE.NORT
virtual paid 822 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.01135 BRIDGE.BTC
9bac173d wants 0.00411 BRIDGE.BTC for 137.3 BRIDGE.ERZ
17e7be1d cancel order
dd10be53 sent 0.00856 BRIDGE.BTC to
e8bd7476 sent 195.4 BRIDGE.ALQO to
7b312303 wants 0.00484 BRIDGE.BTC for 137.4 BRIDGE.ERZ
b75dc352 sent 1,002 BRIDGE.NORT to
002643ee paid 0.001175 BRIDGE.BTC for 62.9 BRIDGE.NORT
848bf2ec paid 0.000719 BRIDGE.BTC for 38.5 BRIDGE.NORT
3a9d6bed paid 0.00419 BRIDGE.BTC for 224 BRIDGE.NORT
17a4d501 paid 0.000467 BRIDGE.BTC for 25 BRIDGE.NORT
0542418c paid 0.0002193 BRIDGE.BTC for 11.73 BRIDGE.NORT
5c4c7f63 paid 0.00108 BRIDGE.BTC for 57.8 BRIDGE.NORT
c018dbe6 wants 420 BRIDGE.NORT for 0.00785 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00000565 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.302 BRIDGE.NORT
9d737c1f wants 0.00787 BRIDGE.BTC for 656 BRIDGE.KLK
virtual paid 656 BRIDGE.KLK for 0.00787 BRIDGE.BTC
30bdac6d sent 1,004 BRIDGE.NORT to
26c5043b sent 0.000928 BRIDGE.ALQO to
261f8907 paid 0.00352 BRIDGE.BTC for 117.8 BRIDGE.ERZ
d8704bef wants 137.7 BRIDGE.ERZ for 0.00412 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.000595 BRIDGE.BTC for 19.9 BRIDGE.ERZ
3bca1ce9 wants 0.00412 BRIDGE.BTC for 400 BRIDGE.KLK
virtual paid 400 BRIDGE.KLK for 0.00412 BRIDGE.BTC
a8dae217 wants 948 BRIDGE.KLK for 0.01326 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.01326 BRIDGE.BTC for 948 BRIDGE.KLK
1b95b821 wants 0.0133 BRIDGE.BTC for 0.637 BRIDGE.LTC
virtual paid 0.637 BRIDGE.LTC for 0.0133 BRIDGE.BTC
183325fe wants 110 BRIDGE.KLK for 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.001594 BRIDGE.BTC for 110 BRIDGE.KLK
c935520f paid 0.003143 BRIDGE.BTC for 30.2 BRIDGE.ALQO
8e82e5da paid 0.01232 BRIDGE.BTC for 118.5 BRIDGE.ALQO
8ffa2b09 paid 0.00339 BRIDGE.BTC for 32.6 BRIDGE.ALQO
8ae3e16b wants 195.8 BRIDGE.ALQO for 0.02037 BRIDGE.BTC
virtual paid 0.00151 BRIDGE.BTC for 14.5 BRIDGE.ALQO